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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?

Ashley is Back

Her dox is still public info available with a single google search and I'm pretty sure there are some archives and it definitely won't stop her from coming back so in b4 she does. So much for the best thing this site had going to differentiate itself from a kf clone, a resident lolcow regularly active in her own thread. When she inevitably comes back you should make the thread public again.
It's a sad day... I managed to see off that weird EnBe bloke, but Ken folded quicker than a house of cards in a breeze. Funny, considering he had a good case of going to the TN Plod and informing them of the nutty shit she posted. Still... Ash will be dead within a month, what with her not being able to sexual harass a Jewess. She'll have some vivid dream that will be so intense that her Blutwurst of an old ticker will fatally attack her, if she doesn't have the outlet for her sick fantasies.
kengle getting scared
Yeah he's the creepy autistic guy at the office and they asked him about this confusing unprofessional mess of trans hate and slurs which he didn't have a good answer for. He threatened me with a lawyer in a DM yesterday which is pretty funny since if anyone has reason to sue for defamation it's me. Anyway I'm holding my part of the bargain if he doesn't allow the shutin BPD Jew demon or her racist e-boyfriend to harass me about my personal life I won't make another sock or escalate this irl. Everyone here should kill themselves, though.
to harass me about my personal life I won't make another sock or escalate this irl.
So... you didn't even make it a day...
Everyone here should kill themselves, though.
before you broke your word.
All of you should let your guard down around this weird slime bag.
Like your pedo in law. And you. Didn't I say, she wouldn't be able to keep away? Utterly nutterly.
So... you didn't even make it a day...

before you broke your word.

Like your pedo in law. And you. Didn't I say, she wouldn't be able to keep away? Utterly nutterly.
You in particular are one of the creepiest pieces of shit I've ever encountered and I am 1000% certain in my heart and soul that when you die nobody will find you for weeks and when they do they're also going to find a massive cache of cp.
they do they're also going to find a massive cache of cp.
Hey, tell it to the actual nonce you know, not the guy you are projecting onto. You dumb fucking psycho bitch, you couldn't make it a day. You have no life outside of berating people for the crime of you doxing yourself. You used to be one of us, albeit an unfunny one, but then you got too cocky and you got dox'd. Something that you would have done to someone else.

You made a deal to have the thread deleted, but you come back to start another one. You have continued the cycle, ya goof. What have you gained? You've just proved me right.
Yeah he's the creepy autistic guy at the office and they asked him about this confusing unprofessional mess of trans hate and slurs which he didn't have a good answer for. He threatened me with a lawyer in a DM yesterday which is pretty funny since if anyone has reason to sue for defamation it's me. Anyway I'm holding my part of the bargain if he doesn't allow the shutin BPD Jew demon or her racist e-boyfriend to harass me about my personal life I won't make another sock or escalate this irl. Everyone here should kill themselves, though.
ashley you are so genuinely retarded it's crazy how you manage to make so many socks. you got what you wanted and you're still coming back? somebody should 5150 you lol
Hey, tell it to the actual nonce you know, not the guy you are projecting onto. You dumb fucking psycho bitch, you couldn't make it a day. You have no life outside of berating people for the crime of you doxing yourself. You used to be one of us, albeit an unfunny one, but then you got too cocky and you got dox'd. Something that you would have done to someone else.

You made a deal to have the thread deleted, but you come back to start another one. You have continued the cycle, ya goof. What have you gained? You've just proved me right.
I don't "know a nonce" you fat twisted lying faggot that's some cousin of his I have never had contact with. If you're so worried about pedos how about you go rail against all the ones in your royal family?
ashley you are so genuinely retarded it's crazy how you manage to make so many socks. you got what you wanted and you're still coming back? somebody should 5150 you lol
I'm just sorry I never learned your name so I can read the future news story about you having a baby with some white supremacist you met on the internet and drowning it.
I don't "know a nonce" you fat twisted lying faggot that's some cousin of his I have never had contact with
Hmmmmmm... didn't you say that it was ok that he was a nonce cuz he didn't do time
If you're so worried about pedos how about you go rail against all the ones in your royal family?
Yeah, as you lied, you nonce apologist, worry about yourself, you like confrontation, and are really stupid, you are odds on fav for a sticky ending.
Ken don't fuck with me ever again or else
It ain't Ken toots, it's your own personality that's causing the problem
Oh, has she flounced? Has Ash decided she is too morally upstanding to bestow her (lardy arse) presence upon us mere commoners?
Good thing you don't have a job to lose you hooknosed little freak
Ofc fucking not. She's straight back at the anti-Red Sea Pedestrians comments! Ash, what have done? What would the ADL think, eh?