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Ashley floats Back

I do post about you everyday and I do have a photo of you. Why should that bother you Ashley? Seriously, why does this bother you Ashley? You're an owner of a t-shirt selling company (your own words) and have a 'loving' husband. A stranger on the interwebs having your picture as their avatar shouldn't make you react at all. The fact you keep bringing this up makes me chuckle.

Ashley didn't you make a thread on this website? Why did you want to associate yourself with Onionfarms?
Get your caregiver to adjust your helmet
Why do you care about me 'not contributing' anything to this website, Ashely? You hate Ken, you hate the users, you hate the very concept of this place because its tied to Kiwifarms. And yet me not contributing (under what definition) pisses you off? Why do you even care?
if ken actually found racism offensive he wouldn't be spending time and money to make a platform for racists. The fact he finds me more offensive and keeps banning me because he hates that I'm trolling all the group home bigots he's amassed shows he doesn't have any negative reaction to racism at all. He recites that he isn't racist because autists view fitting into society as a game and if he says a slur personally some points get knocked off his scorecard. He already said he doesn't feel offended by one of his mods being a child abuser but I'm sure you remember that too you bpd whackjob.

He views africans and their exploits as amusing monkeyshines, if anything his attitude with them is racistly using them for entertainment.
Why are you racist against us autistics :autistic:
Hi I'm Ashley Hutsell Jankowski instead of answering a simple question (Why am I pissed off somebody has my face on a niche website) I can't make a coherent reply.
This bitch is angry I have her face as my PFP. Again, why does this piss you off, Ashley? Why should it bother you so much you have to bring this up @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt every time you join?
Oh ken, you really think you look like such a big mean bossman standing up to me and all my reasonable requests for you and your psychologically deranged rogues gallery but all I have to do is look at your fat toddler ass going down that slide or listen to your reedy autistic voice and know you're a weak weird stooge nobody likes who has nobody on his side. You're going to be forced to put on your big adult pants and learn a lesson your stupid spoiling parents didn't teach you about courting human trash and sexually harassing women you annoying butt wiping peon.
Hey Ashley Hutsell Jankowski how does this post help you get your information off Ken's website?
Oh ken, you really think you look like such a big mean bossman standing up to me and all my reasonable requests for you and your psychologically deranged rogues gallery but all I have to do is look at your fat toddler ass going down that slide or listen to your reedy autistic voice and know you're a weak weird stooge nobody likes who has nobody on his side. You're going to be forced to put on your big adult pants and learn a lesson your stupid spoiling parents didn't teach you about courting human trash and sexually harassing women you annoying butt wiping peon.

What exactly are you going to do, make more alt accounts where you out yourself as a sperg within 3 days of creation? Lmao
Oh ken, you really think you look like such a big mean bossman standing up to me and all my reasonable requests for you and your psychologically deranged rogues gallery but all I have to do is look at your fat toddler ass going down that slide or listen to your reedy autistic voice and know you're a weak weird stooge nobody likes who has nobody on his side. You're going to be forced to put on your big adult pants and learn a lesson your stupid spoiling parents didn't teach you about courting human trash and sexually harassing women you annoying butt wiping peon.
I made good on your reasonable request to hide the forums and hoping you would move on. In fact I did this numerous times, and all it results is you coming back and stirring up trouble. A big mean bossman? Not my style Ash.

That picture going down the slide? That was a picnic with some friends at Castle Island State Park in Boston. That was years ago. Do you honestly think I would be in a profession of helping disabled people if I was raised as a spoiled rotten brat?

Is this the sexual harassment you're complaining about Ash?
Ashleys claims.jpg
I made good on your reasonable request to hide the forums and hoping you would move on. In fact I did this numerous times, and all it results is you coming back and stirring up trouble. A big mean bossman? Not my style Ash.

That picture going down the slide? That was a picnic with some friends at Castle Island State Park in Boston. That was years ago. Do you honestly think I would be in a profession of helping disabled people if I was raised as a spoiled rotten brat?

Is this the sexual harassment you're complaining about Ash?
View attachment 73008
Yeah thats something else the adults will discuss. You can't even handle negative online interactions in text without resorting to doxing and generally behaving like a sinister power tripping loser so I highly doubt you've put yourself in a position of authority over a bunch of non-verbal people because you're god's kindest angel. You also made a sexually suggestive photoshop of me so with this context it's even more worrisome.

You run a public forum, you choose to publicly broadcast racist dogshit your flying monkeys here believe so anyone has a right to call them morons. You chose to allow a guy who's stalked me for years freely post here. It's not like I'm walking into your home and throwing plates at the floor, this isn't your property. It's more akin to you being in the public square and gleefully sharing that you love racists and what good fwens they are to you, inviting criticism.

It also took ten minutes to get your forum to load so good job kenny
And your behavior isn't limited to me either, some pathetic lunatic tried making his own forum where people who don't like you can post and you made a bunch of weird passive aggressive comments about it that were noticed. Under the pithy and self-aggrandizing stuff there's something really sinister going on in your retarded mind where you want to trap people and punish them if they try to get away from you. Even if it's through a medium this meaningless and separated from real life. This lenny and the rabbits stuff is real skeevy considering you shower disabled people for money.
If you were "nice" or running a "chill community" you would have gained normal posters when you advertised on reddit. You didn't and you wasted your money on that, because everyone can see from a mile away that you're a creepy vindictive sperg who can only attract people who are so amazingly toxic and repulsive they aren't welcome anywhere else. A bunch of psychologically ugly people like the guy whose avatar is my photo and he contributes zilch here beyond posting about me every day. Or the 30+ year old drunk who posts disgusting shock images nobody sane wants to look at. What you think of as "chill" is really just you tolerating people who are wildly sick in the head and not tolerated by anyone else, because you are also sick in the head. At some point you realized your inclusive welcome message was too absurd to keep up, even you don't believe it.

You aren't fooling anyone that you're a kind, anti-racist gentleman. You've been orbiting an explicitly racist website that was responsible for suicides trying to poach its posters for a decade now, because you like nasty, racist stalkers and enjoy their ideas. If you were "kind" or "chill" you'd be off having a normal grandpa life and wouldn't want to associate yourself with a website that the wiki article clearly states has been tied to the deaths of 6 different people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms You wouldn't handwave that your moderator was a convicted child abuser and treat it like it's a silly non-issue mistake he made.

The fact is you aren't a likeable, normal guy who other adults trust or want to be around so you're addicted to the disgruntled freaks here pretending they like you. That falls apart the second you do anything that pisses them off and they call you a fat retard. You know that if I show Nick or anyone at the Muslim center any of the bullshit you've been up to they're going to believe me because they don't see you as normal, or "chill" or trustworthy. It's something you're actually deathly worried about which is why you've had multiple meltdowns at me in DM. You're the architect of your own suffering.
Yeah thats something else the adults will discuss. You can't even handle negative online interactions in text without resorting to doxing and generally behaving like a sinister power tripping loser so I highly doubt you've put yourself in a position of authority over a bunch of non-verbal people because you're god's kindest angel. You also made a sexually suggestive photoshop of me so with this context it's even more worrisome.

You run a public forum, you choose to publicly broadcast racist dogshit your flying monkeys here believe so anyone has a right to call them morons. You chose to allow a guy who's stalked me for years freely post here. It's not like I'm walking into your home and throwing plates at the floor, this isn't your property. It's more akin to you being in the public square and gleefully sharing that you love racists and what good fwens they are to you, inviting criticism.

It also took ten minutes to get your forum to load so good job kenny
No. This is not a public square. I created this place, I upgrade and maintain it. I pay the bills. I set the parameters on what is acceptable. It very much is my property.
Yeah thats something else the adults will discuss. You can't even handle negative online interactions in text without resorting to doxing and generally behaving like a sinister power tripping loser so I highly doubt you've put yourself in a position of authority over a bunch of non-verbal people because you're god's kindest angel. You also made a sexually suggestive photoshop of me so with this context it's even more worrisome.

You run a public forum, you choose to publicly broadcast racist dogshit your flying monkeys here believe so anyone has a right to call them morons. You chose to allow a guy who's stalked me for years freely post here. It's not like I'm walking into your home and throwing plates at the floor, this isn't your property. It's more akin to you being in the public square and gleefully sharing that you love racists and what good fwens they are to you, inviting criticism.

It also took ten minutes to get your forum to load so good job kenny
didn't read
And your behavior isn't limited to me either, some pathetic lunatic tried making his own forum where people who don't like you can post and you made a bunch of weird passive aggressive comments about it that were noticed. Under the pithy and self-aggrandizing stuff there's something really sinister going on in your retarded mind where you want to trap people and punish them if they try to get away from you. Even if it's through a medium this meaningless and separated from real life. This lenny and the rabbits stuff is real skeevy considering you shower disabled people for money.
You wash dog dick with your mouth for money.