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Ashley floats Back

I don't see that in him. He's always quick to condemn them and loves non-white cultures' tries to make African subforums take off.
if ken actually found racism offensive he wouldn't be spending time and money to make a platform for racists. The fact he finds me more offensive and keeps banning me because he hates that I'm trolling all the group home bigots he's amassed shows he doesn't have any negative reaction to racism at all. He recites that he isn't racist because autists view fitting into society as a game and if he says a slur personally some points get knocked off his scorecard. He already said he doesn't feel offended by one of his mods being a child abuser but I'm sure you remember that too you bpd whackjob.

He views africans and their exploits as amusing monkeyshines, if anything his attitude with them is racistly using them for entertainment.
if ken actually found racism offensive he wouldn't be spending time and money to make a platform for racists. The fact he finds me more offensive and keeps banning me because he hates that I'm trolling all the group home bigots he's amassed
Hey Ashley if you're trolling us why is it you're pissed he reopened your thread?
>Why exactly would anyone want to "blend in" with the crew of racist cranks, bpd husks, convicted child abusers, mutant british shutins and revenge porn creating homeless freaks you've assembled here?

>He already said he doesn't feel offended by one of his mods being a child abuser but I'm sure you remember that too you bpd whackjob.

>As an experiment I signed up here and made non-aggro posts for like 3 weeks and all of you loved them.
Ashley Hutsell Jankowski doesn't give a shit about child abuse. If she did why would she do this?
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The fact he finds me more offensive and keeps banning me because he hates that I'm trolling all the group home bigots he's amassed
even been around because I've had an emergency the last week and you've been posting passive aggressive notes about how poor little autistic you can't remove the links Dan the homeless rapist keeps posting here. Fuck you Ken you deserve every shitty thing that ever happens to you.
I love how she states she's 'trolling' us but like two days ago she's crying about @Time 4 Guillotines links to ED. Keep seething about funny pictures of your face Ashley.
if ken actually found racism offensive he wouldn't be spending time and money to make a platform for racists. The fact he finds me more offensive and keeps banning me because he hates that I'm trolling all the group home bigots he's amassed shows he doesn't have any negative reaction to racism at all. He recites that he isn't racist because autists view fitting into society as a game and if he says a slur personally some points get knocked off his scorecard. He already said he doesn't feel offended by one of his mods being a child abuser but I'm sure you remember that too you bpd whackjob.

He views africans and their exploits as amusing monkeyshines, if anything his attitude with them is racistly using them for entertainment.

I don't ask and don't care what your skin color is when you register: My developer(s) that I trust implicitly are South Asian (Pakistan),
The people I work with to help with content are Nigerian.

Ashley I don't ban you because of any white supremacy: I ban you because you are an abusive asshole who has harassed my place of employment with nonsense emails, you've left crank calls in my voicemail, and you regularly come back to harass this forum even after you've promised to leave us alone when I took your forum out of circulation.

This is despite the fact that we've repeatedly advised you on how to fit in with this community. That offer of a local broom was to help you fit in because I was concerned about the constant conflicts you have with other members. I like to think I run a chill forum in a tough neighborhood. You want to pull this bs in the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums? They're not nice like me.
I don't ask and don't care what your skin color is when you register: My developer(s) that I trust implicitly are South Asian (Pakistan),
The people I work with to help with content are Nigerian.

Ashley I don't ban you because of any white supremacy: I ban you because you are an abusive asshole who has harassed my place of employment with nonsense emails, you've left crank calls in my voicemail, and you regularly come back to harass this forum even after you've promised to leave us alone when I took your forum out of circulation.

This is despite the fact that we've repeatedly advised you on how to fit in with this community. That offer of a local broom was to help you fit in because I was concerned about the constant conflicts you have with other members. I like to think I run a chill forum in a tough neighborhood. You want to pull this bs in the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums? They're not nice like me.
I really don't give a fuck what KF says about you, you may be old and shit but you legit are miles fucking better than Jocelyn and I'm thankful for that ...that
It's probably just because you try to bug him and his employer IRL. He even said as much.
No its because she's trolling way too hard; if you just ignore the fact she cries about her facedox, information, and thread every other post--then she's having the time of her life.
This is despite the fact that we've repeatedly advised you on how to fit in with this community. That offer of a local broom was to help you fit in because I was concerned about the constant conflicts you have with other members. I like to think I run a chill forum in a tough neighborhood. You want to pull this bs in the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums? They're not nice like me.
If you were "nice" or running a "chill community" you would have gained normal posters when you advertised on reddit. You didn't and you wasted your money on that, because everyone can see from a mile away that you're a creepy vindictive sperg who can only attract people who are so amazingly toxic and repulsive they aren't welcome anywhere else. A bunch of psychologically ugly people like the guy whose avatar is my photo and he contributes zilch here beyond posting about me every day. Or the 30+ year old drunk who posts disgusting shock images nobody sane wants to look at. What you think of as "chill" is really just you tolerating people who are wildly sick in the head and not tolerated by anyone else, because you are also sick in the head. At some point you realized your inclusive welcome message was too absurd to keep up, even you don't believe it.

You aren't fooling anyone that you're a kind, anti-racist gentleman. You've been orbiting an explicitly racist website that was responsible for suicides trying to poach its posters for a decade now, because you like nasty, racist stalkers and enjoy their ideas. If you were "kind" or "chill" you'd be off having a normal grandpa life and wouldn't want to associate yourself with a website that the wiki article clearly states has been tied to the deaths of 6 different people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms You wouldn't handwave that your moderator was a convicted child abuser and treat it like it's a silly non-issue mistake he made.

The fact is you aren't a likeable, normal guy who other adults trust or want to be around so you're addicted to the disgruntled freaks here pretending they like you. That falls apart the second you do anything that pisses them off and they call you a fat retard. You know that if I show Nick or anyone at the Muslim center any of the bullshit you've been up to they're going to believe me because they don't see you as normal, or "chill" or trustworthy. It's something you're actually deathly worried about which is why you've had multiple meltdowns at me in DM. You're the architect of your own suffering.
If you were "nice" or running a "chill community" you would have gained normal posters when you advertised on reddit. You didn't and you wasted your money on that, because everyone can see from a mile away that you're a creepy vindictive sperg who can only attract people who are so amazingly toxic and repulsive they aren't welcome anywhere else. A bunch of psychologically ugly people like the guy whose avatar is my photo and he contributes zilch here beyond posting about me every day. Or the 30+ year old drunk who posts disgusting shock images nobody sane wants to look at. What you think of as "chill" is really just you tolerating people who are wildly sick in the head and not tolerated by anyone else, because you are also sick in the head. At some point you realized your inclusive welcome message was too absurd to keep up, even you don't believe it.

You aren't fooling anyone that you're a kind, anti-racist gentleman. You've been orbiting an explicitly racist website that was responsible for suicides trying to poach its posters for a decade now, because you like nasty, racist stalkers and enjoy their ideas. If you were "kind" or "chill" you'd be off having a normal grandpa life and wouldn't want to associate yourself with a website that the wiki article clearly states has been tied to the deaths of 6 different people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms You wouldn't handwave that your moderator was a convicted child abuser and treat it like it's a silly non-issue mistake he made.

The fact is you aren't a likeable, normal guy who other adults trust or want to be around so you're addicted to the disgruntled freaks here pretending they like you. That falls apart the second you do anything that pisses them off and they call you a fat retard. You know that if I show Nick or anyone at the Muslim center any of the bullshit you've been up to they're going to believe me because they don't see you as normal, or "chill" or trustworthy. It's something you're actually deathly worried about which is why you've had multiple meltdowns at me in DM. You're the architect of your own suffering.
We're not going anywhere. Suck it up.
If you were "nice" or running a "chill community" you would have gained normal posters when you advertised on reddit.
Retarded. "Normal posters" from plebbit? Absolutely retarded.
can only attract people who are so amazingly toxic and repulsive they aren't welcome anywhere else.
Like you.
A bunch of psychologically ugly people like the guy whose avatar is my photo and he contributes zilch here beyond posting about me every day.
@TheChattanoogaAshleyJank you are doing the Lord's work. Don't stop.
Or the 30+ year old drunk who posts disgusting shock images nobody sane wants to look at.
What if it was nogs violently shagging a teenage meth addict?
You've been orbiting an explicitly racist website that was responsible for suicides trying to poach its posters for a decade now
It's partly to troll the broom. Nice one, Ken.
because you like nasty, racist stalkers and enjoy their ideas.
You included.
If you were "kind" or "chill" you'd be off having a normal grandpa life
How's the kids? Oh yeah, that's right. The carton is empty.
disgruntled freaks here pretending they like you.
We don't pretend to like him.
You know that if I show Nick or anyone at the Muslim center any of the bullshit you've been up to they're going to believe me
Really? I think they think you are mentally unstable tard, who is obsessed with Ken, due to Daddy issues. Because you have Daddy issues, since your Father abandoned you.
You're the architect of your own suffering.
Same as you.
bunch of psychologically ugly people like the guy whose avatar is my photo and he contributes zilch here beyond posting about me every day.
I do post about you everyday and I do have a photo of you. Why should that bother you Ashley? Seriously, why does this bother you Ashley? You're an owner of a t-shirt selling company (your own words) and have a 'loving' husband. A stranger on the interwebs having your picture as their avatar shouldn't make you react at all. The fact you keep bringing this up makes me chuckle.
wouldn't want to associate yourself with a website that the wiki article clearly states has been tied to the deaths of 6 different people.

Ashley didn't you make a thread on this website? Why did you want to associate yourself with Onionfarms?
We're not going anywhere. Suck it up.
Oh ken, you really think you look like such a big mean bossman standing up to me and all my reasonable requests for you and your psychologically deranged rogues gallery but all I have to do is look at your fat toddler ass going down that slide or listen to your reedy autistic voice and know you're a weak weird stooge nobody likes who has nobody on his side. You're going to be forced to put on your big adult pants and learn a lesson your stupid spoiling parents didn't teach you about courting human trash and sexually harassing women you annoying butt wiping peon.