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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Search results

  1. Slidey Boi

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Josh is obese? He wasn't last time I saw. Does anyone have a recent picture of that?
  2. Slidey Boi

    Gaming What make you hate the modern AAA gaming scene?

    One issue i see is flow state. Play classic Sonic and you get in the zone, twitch controls, intense focus. Reaching top speed is a reward for having good reactions, since its risky. It takes practice to blow through a level in a short time. Modern Sonic is like, let's have levels where you lose...
  3. Slidey Boi

    United States News and Drama Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to more than 11 years in prison

    Its more time than I expected, so I'm glad for that, but still not enough. She'll serve like 5 and get out on parole. Anyone who follows American Greed knows that for large scale fraud, they usually get the book thrown at them. Often more than murder. Unless you're a woman, then you get like...
  4. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    I can't help it! They stare at me and call my name. I don't want to hump them until I orgasm but that's the only way they stop talking. @MylarBalloon123 do you have any advice for me?
  5. Slidey Boi

    Christory What If Chris Was Neurotypical

    Interesting thought experiment. In my opinion, he wouldn't be a lolcow. I don't see him writing Sonichu and posting childish drawings online at 25. He would have been able to mature in a more normal way despite his upbringing. He'd still be socially awkward, a nerd, and a bit of a spoiled...
  6. Slidey Boi

    Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

    Classic, pre-tranny, circa 2009 Chris is a great character. He was equal parts endearing and cringe. He was never family friendly, but nonetheless iconic. I for one love seeing references to classic Chris in media.
  7. Slidey Boi

    Dumb shit you see on Wikipedia/Conservapedia/Rational Wiki/Miraheze/Fandom/Infogalactic

    Oh God.. Rational Wiki is beyond pretentious and arrogant. At least Conservapedia is up front about what it is. Rational Wiki purports to be the completely objective truth. Check out their article going through all of the Penn and Teller episodes and labeling each one accurate or inaccurate if...
  8. Slidey Boi

    Random videos

  9. Slidey Boi

    I Don't Like Anime Avatar People

    This is acceptable. I like birbs.
  10. Slidey Boi

    I Don't Like Anime Avatar People

    I love that you dispute your anime avi being considered anime, but not being a bad person. At least you are an honest one.
  11. Slidey Boi

    I Don't Like Anime Avatar People

    I don't like anime avis. They're just bad people. Like that @Neko Rights Activist. Anime avi, and immoral.
  12. Slidey Boi

    Blocking Ads in 2023

    Convenience, procrastinating change... no good reason really. Not for long though.
  13. Slidey Boi

    Blocking Ads in 2023

    My fellow Onion Bros, Google Chrome is disabling Adblock in 2023. Will this affect you guys? How do you plan to continue blocking ads? On the PC I'm considering either going back to Firefox, or trying Brave. Not sure what to do with my phone though. I have an Android, I think I'm screwed.
  14. Slidey Boi

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon's Blocklands Saga (Restored)

    That was a long read, thanks for sharing. Now its time to go jack off to some heterosexual porn with real people of legal age.
  15. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    This is Ashley, and she posts almost exclusively here. She is an actual communist, a great defender of Keffals, and she's very emotionally unstable. I tried to be civilized with her, and not make fun of her like everyone else does, as you can see in that thread. But she was very hateful to me...
  16. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    You're a good boi sir, I don't care what Ashley says about you. @MylarBalloon123 you are free at last, our favorite autistic boi.
  17. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    @【VOID】, can you let @MylarBalloon123 react to posts? I want to see his reactions to things. @Sailfish Perhaps we should add a Dirty Communist reaction so he can rate you admins with it, and we can rate all of @Marx is burning in HELL 's posts with it.
  18. Slidey Boi

    Oversized big Glasses are overrated

    I strongly agree about big glasses. To me it looks like someone trying to hide their face. Confident people rarely wear that. Velma is pretty thicc tho 😍
  19. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    You can't rate posts? That's messed up. I bet its tied to the 'Dumbo badge. The actual communist, Ashley (AKA Marx is ___), also has that badge and never reacts.
  20. Slidey Boi

    Toilet Thoughts

    Over! I sometimes think about that famous scene from dumb and dumber.
  21. Slidey Boi

    Final Fantasy

    I think they meant VI, since it seems interchangeable with III. I used to be a huge fan. Tactics will always be the best. Mainline, I really enjoyed V and VIII as those were my first ones. VIII was my first mainline game and I ate it up. I had Anthology, but rarely played VI since I missed the...
  22. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    I think by 'losing genetic lottery' he means, failing to find a woman and pass on your genes by having a child. Since, sadly, balloons are not capable of sexual reproduction.
  23. Slidey Boi

    Announcement All Stickers

    We can't have Onion Farms 101 without a list of all stickers and what their positive or negative reaction score is. Can someone list that?
  24. Slidey Boi

    What's The Worst Mainstream Websites And Why?

    Yep.. I've only used FB, YT, Reddit, and Discord. Sadly my wife uses TikTok and is hopelessly addicted to it.
  25. Slidey Boi

    What's The Worst Mainstream Websites And Why?

    Reddit: The mod nazis really ruin this place for me. Most of the active subreddits will delete your posts for the slightest, or most subjective reasons. But on the right subreddits it can be a good time. I don't mind the up/down vote system. Its intended purpose was to replace moderation with...
  26. Slidey Boi

    I'd rather buy a Commodore VC20 than a ugly new computer. new stuff suck!

    The Incredible Machine was so much fun back in the day!
  27. Slidey Boi

    I'd rather buy a Commodore VC20 than a ugly new computer. new stuff suck!

    What i don't like about modern software is, it tries too hard to think for you and limit your options. It also tries too hard to be new and innovative with distracting features that should be optional, made mandatory. Case in point, I bought a laptop with Windows 11. Took me an entire day to...
  28. Slidey Boi

    Fetish Thread

    I enjoy showing my wife how much I love her by giving her a tender massage. Then working my way down, I touch her in the places she likes most until she's ready and wants it. Then I get into position, pull out my hard cook, and watch tyrone take her to pound town.
  29. Slidey Boi

    Sonichu Reboot Sonichu Redesign (Sonichen and Rosechen): If you are going to do Sonichu then do it right.

    This site seems sincere and unironic. I don't think indulging Chris's delusional coping mechanisms about OCs being 'real' has any benefits for Chris or anyone else.
  30. Slidey Boi

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    As a separate forum? Our user base is small enough, I don't see a need for fragmenting it. Feel the same way about .com vs .net too.
  31. Slidey Boi

    The "Looner" community AKA Balloon Fetishists

    @MylarBalloon123 Tell us about it, what do you enjoy about balloons? Did it begin when you first played Bloons TD?
  32. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    So you believe that saying certain things online, such as say a racist comment, even if not directly threatening anyone with bodily harm, should result in imprisonment? I hope you can see how such authority over discourse is a threat to all and just asking to be misapplied.
  33. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    Perhaps it is not illegal in his country. Although ethical or not is another matter.
  34. Slidey Boi

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    Do you support such authoritarian censorship laws? One can be opposed to certain speech without calling for the government to get involved.
  35. Slidey Boi

    The "Looner" community AKA Balloon Fetishists

    What will happen to these poor souls when we inevitably run out of helium? Surely such needles indulgence is hastening their own downfall.
  36. Slidey Boi

    Kengles Ranked

    Interesting list, I didn't know some of these. Why is he a Muslim but also not?
  37. Slidey Boi

    NNN Daily Check In

    I've been 4 days now, going strong! Actual sex doesn't count though :p
  38. Slidey Boi

    NNN Daily Check In

    This thread is a place to post status updates throughout November for those of us attempting to better ourselves. I encourage sharing your feelings, what's going well, or poor. If you fail, let's talk about it. Promising to share a failure could help you to resist failing. Let's go boys!
  39. Slidey Boi

    Halloween Hate Thread

    Just like with Easter and Christmas, we can thank the Catholic church's practice of trying to replace a pre-existing pagan holiday with a Christian one in an effort to wipe the pagan one out, only to find heretical pagan traditions being integrated into the Christian version of the holiday. It...
  40. Slidey Boi

    The Female Dating Strategy aka Femcel dating advise

    This is new levels of cringe. I opened the site and read a little, but had to close it before my brows furrow any further. Its yet another example of like-minded people going into this bubble echo chamber and just spiraling down a rabbit hole, reinforcing and making their views more elaborate...
  41. Slidey Boi

    Religion & Psychology & Personal Confess Your Sins

    Newton confessed his sins, it makes you a genius. Sins: I killed a CIA nigger on 9/9/1999 on purpose with my car. I think that's it, other than that I've been a good boi. I feel much better. And smarter. Ilikepengins
  42. Slidey Boi

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Financial BS

    I don't know about that. I hope you're right. There's two things going on right now as I see it: 1) There is a genocide going on, a purging of all content that is critical of the LGBT movement. Not all at once, and not with consistency or uniformity, but an overall trend towards that end. 2)...
  43. Slidey Boi

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Financial BS

    I'm a little disappointed actually. I thought this was a completely respectful message. Although I know how Josh is, and his response is perfeclty in line with his track record, I hoped that perhaps the present crisis would make him a bit more open-minded and willing to consider an extension of...
  44. Slidey Boi

    Hobbies What're You Reading, Nerd?

    I'm working on reading Dune, and also listening to the audiobook of Asimov's Foundation. Enjoying both, but I keep finding myself stopping to research further, or re-view previous sections, or just think about what's being said. Very dense thought provoking books.
  45. Slidey Boi

    Suggestion Movie Nights

    I made a channel just now, https://cytu.be/r/Slidey The inability to put age restricted videos on here makes playing anime nudity tricky, but not impossible.
  46. Slidey Boi

    The Simpsons, Futurama and that other thing

    No show can have enough good ideas to keep persisting for 20+ years. Simpsons has been dead to me for a long time. This is pretty accurate. American Dad seemed tired and overdone before it even started. How many parodies of the American conservative do we need in animation? South Park makes...
  47. Slidey Boi

    Public Figure - Niche WI v. Darrell Brooks

    Did we ever find out why this happened though? Was he just really high and didn't realize he was running people over?
  48. Slidey Boi

    Kiwifarms Linked Liz Fong-Jones / Elliot William Fong,

    Apparently this person is the one spearheading the recent efforts to get KF dropped by their service providers. (btw, can anyone blow this image up? I can barely read it. https://t.me/kiwifarms/71) This is a very much a pro-censorship advocate who has worked for Google in the past. This...
  49. Slidey Boi

    Suggestion Movie Nights

    YAY! I like watching bullshit online, might as well do so with other people to simulate the feeling of not being alone.
  50. Slidey Boi

    Spongebob Squarepants

    I love watching this show with my wife after the kids get to bed. Even her boyfriend likes it and he hates cartoons.
  51. Slidey Boi

    Ghost Footage 2022 - Not Debunked Yet

    Absolutely stunning... I'm a believer. This reminds me of Ghost Footage 2003: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/98219
  52. Slidey Boi

    Gaming Scorn

    Glad to see this reviewed, I've been meaning to give it a try. I'm totally fine with it only being like 4 hours long. Lots of games only have that much quality content and 15 hours of filler. Plus I don't have the time I used to, so if I can get a real experience in a few hours instead of weeks...
  53. Slidey Boi

    Yiff Thread

    But.. Neko, I thought you were better than dirty furries.
  54. Slidey Boi

    Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

    I was about to say the same thing. I've been checking in here regularly, but haven't been as active. Its definitely encouraging to see the admins here actually taking action against Naught. It wasn't my place to suggest he be stripped of his mod role, but I was tempted to say in my exchange with...
  55. Slidey Boi

    The Farms have returned. Void seething. Dude legit thought he mattered.

    Yes, I suppose that would... I don't know much about snailslime except that she went absolutely nuclear when Roe v Wade was repealed and went combative against the 99% of the farms who either approved the repeal or didn't give a shit. Her and Android Raptor of course. The later going much...
  56. Slidey Boi

    Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

    Yay, KF is back online! As of this minute at least, no guarantees for how long this might last.
  57. Slidey Boi

    Hobbies What are you Currently Playing?

    I've heard good things about it, but haven't tried it yet. I've been really into Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. I'm a huge FFT fanatic, actually made my own rebabalance mod for it. Fell Seal is the true successor, and far far exceeded my expectations. I was initially put off by the art style, and...
  58. Slidey Boi

    Kiwifarms Linked Christorian X / Kengle X / Pit Viper Salesman / AF Stream Watch / in_vexillum

    He looks like a fatty fat boy. Is that pic really him?
  59. Slidey Boi

    Creepy video of a murderer waiting for his prey to arrive.

    In 2016, active church member Missy Bevers posted on Facebook that she'd be arriving early in the AM at church to prepare for a class she was teaching at 5 AM. An unidentified person, bizarrely wearing Police SWAT gear, appeared in the church at about 3:45 AM and paced around the halls waiting...
  60. Slidey Boi

    Simple tools for editing?

    Not sure if its the easiest, but I use Open Shot and find it easy enough. Its widely used, has tons of documentation, and its free: Open Shot Video Editor
  61. Slidey Boi

    Freeware Games

    Apocalypizzapie This is the most fun I've had in a long time, in terms of a quick arcade-style twitch control game you can play over and over striving for perfection.
  62. Slidey Boi

    Hobbies Shitty shit games you like

    Kenshi I go through a cycle of installing that game once per year, playing the hell out of it for about two weeks, then get mad at how broken it is and uninstall. Then repeat.
  63. Slidey Boi

    What are you currently reading? (Manga Edition)

    I revisit these from time to time, always pick up something new: Liar Game: Fascinating read, if you like the idea of a group of strangers trying to manipulate, swindle, and backstab each other in really clever ways. Blame!: Of course. Famously PewDiePie's favorite manga. Marginal: This is...