We all know what an incel is. Some entitled guy who refuses to do anything to not smell like shit and still expects a 10/10 Stacey. Well this site has the female version of it.
They also do a podcast on how to stop being a femcel
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/podcasts/how-to-stop-being-a-femcel-fds-podcast-ep-73
Lets start with a good one
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/popular-posts-daily-update/i-don-t-know-how-to-get-a-date

well clearly this advice to solve it is the best. Practice staring at men thats how you get a date

They get very mad if you say your hanging out with your GF
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/general-dating-discussion/when-any-guy-describes-the-beginning-phase-of-dating-each-other-as-hanging-out

And yes they are just using incel talking points with their own lingo.
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/popular-posts-daily-update/men-hate-all-the-things-they-claim-to-want
I mean we all seen those cringe clips of PUAs saying you gotta neg the woman. Well they have their own version of it

They hate other women too who they refer to as pick mes
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/general-dating-discussion/found-out-my-college-friend-is-a-pick-me-she-then-kicked-me-out-of-her-hotel-room

Why did this evil pickme kick this probably very well adjusted nonna out of her hotel room?

I think I am starting to get a picture. Talked down to her friend, sperged at her for saying she changed, got mad when her friend said you have to compromise in a relationship.
I can't imagine kicking this lovely woman out of a hotel room
Edit note if you want to view any of these threads remove the space before ".com" as without the space it freaked out

FDS | The Female Dating Strategy
The Female Dating Strategy is a spinoff forum from Reddit's r/femaledatingstrategy. Exclusively for women who want to take control of their lives. We use realism, research & collective experience to create strategies to optimize your life. #Reddit

https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/podcasts/how-to-stop-being-a-femcel-fds-podcast-ep-73
Lets start with a good one
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/popular-posts-daily-update/i-don-t-know-how-to-get-a-date

well clearly this advice to solve it is the best. Practice staring at men thats how you get a date

They get very mad if you say your hanging out with your GF
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/general-dating-discussion/when-any-guy-describes-the-beginning-phase-of-dating-each-other-as-hanging-out

And yes they are just using incel talking points with their own lingo.
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/popular-posts-daily-update/men-hate-all-the-things-they-claim-to-want
I mean we all seen those cringe clips of PUAs saying you gotta neg the woman. Well they have their own version of it

They hate other women too who they refer to as pick mes
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/general-dating-discussion/found-out-my-college-friend-is-a-pick-me-she-then-kicked-me-out-of-her-hotel-room

Why did this evil pickme kick this probably very well adjusted nonna out of her hotel room?

I think I am starting to get a picture. Talked down to her friend, sperged at her for saying she changed, got mad when her friend said you have to compromise in a relationship.
I can't imagine kicking this lovely woman out of a hotel room
Edit note if you want to view any of these threads remove the space before ".com" as without the space it freaked out