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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

The Female Dating Strategy aka Femcel dating advise

Prophetic Clown

Want to see a rope trick?
We all know what an incel is. Some entitled guy who refuses to do anything to not smell like shit and still expects a 10/10 Stacey. Well this site has the female version of it.
They also do a podcast on how to stop being a femcel
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/podcasts/how-to-stop-being-a-femcel-fds-podcast-ep-73
Lets start with a good one
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/popular-posts-daily-update/i-don-t-know-how-to-get-a-date
well clearly this advice to solve it is the best. Practice staring at men thats how you get a date
They get very mad if you say your hanging out with your GF
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/general-dating-discussion/when-any-guy-describes-the-beginning-phase-of-dating-each-other-as-hanging-out
And yes they are just using incel talking points with their own lingo.

https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/popular-posts-daily-update/men-hate-all-the-things-they-claim-to-want
I mean we all seen those cringe clips of PUAs saying you gotta neg the woman. Well they have their own version of it
They hate other women too who they refer to as pick mes
https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy .com/forum/general-dating-discussion/found-out-my-college-friend-is-a-pick-me-she-then-kicked-me-out-of-her-hotel-room
Why did this evil pickme kick this probably very well adjusted nonna out of her hotel room?


I think I am starting to get a picture. Talked down to her friend, sperged at her for saying she changed, got mad when her friend said you have to compromise in a relationship.
I can't imagine kicking this lovely woman out of a hotel room

Edit note if you want to view any of these threads remove the space before ".com" as without the space it freaked out
This is new levels of cringe. I opened the site and read a little, but had to close it before my brows furrow any further. Its yet another example of like-minded people going into this bubble echo chamber and just spiraling down a rabbit hole, reinforcing and making their views more elaborate... further separating them from the average person.

They interpret all that happens around them within the framework of their beliefs and use that as if it is evidence for said framework being accurate.
This is new levels of cringe. I opened the site and read a little, but had to close it before my brows furrow any further. Its yet another example of like-minded people going into this bubble echo chamber and just spiraling down a rabbit hole, reinforcing and making their views more elaborate... further separating them from the average person.

They interpret all that happens around them within the framework of their beliefs and use that as if it is evidence for said framework being accurate.
Just enjoy the lulz before the jannies ruin it.
Its an amazing site I been fucking around on it on and off for the past month or so.

Don't worry this isn't kiwi or LCF theres no rules against having fun and trolling or cow tipping.
Disclaimer @Three if there is a rule against that 1. kill yourself and 2. i would never troll anyone we are good bois in this thread
That website used to be a subreddit. Like I understand some of their concerns (like porn addiction and disturbing age gaps), but there's stuff that seems too trad-like and too many yes queens there. Also, it's extremely homophobic, and they don't like 50/50, even though some countries in dating culture, that's usually considered normal.