I save the pulltabs from cans of cat food.
I started doing it seven years ago because I thought, "Maybe I can make something out of these." Eventually, I had a gallon yogurt tub full, but I still hadn't figured out what to do with them.
By then, however, I couldn't stop saving them. It was not only an automatic behavior; I actually felt mild anxiety if I didn't save them. And I still thought that there might be a good, as yet undiscovered, use for them. Plus, it was really a harmless quirk, right?
Pre-Covid, I volunteered at an animal shelter, caring for the cats one morning a week. That included feeding them. I started coming home from the shelter with a pocket full of pulltabs--maybe 30 or 40, adding to the ones I was accumulating due to my own cats, plus fosters. At my peak, I was accumulating 200 or so every week.
I started storing the pulltabs in gallon milk jugs I scavenged from the neighbors' recycling bin (because I don't drink milk) and washed out. They buy their milk at Costco, so the jugs are squarish and stackable, with a nice wide mouth; thery're perfect, and I won't use any other kind. I keep a jug on the kitchen counter, add poptops whenever I fed the cats (or when I used to get home from the shelter), and when it's full I cap it and put it in the basement.
I now have 14 milk jugs of cat food pulltabs in my basement, and another one nearly full on the kitchen counter.
I did figure out what to do with them, however; I can link them together, almost like chainmail, and think it would make an interesting--and weatherproof--privacy screen to cover the ugly 6' chainlink fence between my house and the neighbors'. I put together a section about three feet square; it went together quickly and easily, and used a lot of pulltabs. Given the size of the project, I suspect I will use all 14 gallons of pulltabs before it's done.
Now I'm hung up on whether I want to paint the pulltabs different colors, and create a design with them, and if so, what colors and what design? So I've been bogged down in that for months now. And even once I do commit to a design and finish the project, I'm still accumulating pull tabs because I can't stop--and what then? Seriously--what then?