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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
It's the kerfuffles effect all over again
I remember you that shitshow

So here's more context

So is Josh lying?
Or is his tranny janny?
Josh isn't counting it cause it didn't show anything but a title screen I believe...
Oh I think there was more to it than that
The way he locked that thread trying to dig for stuff has definitely got me wondering if he's not a little connected to something with it.
Well there was 10 pages deleted according to it is janny and he went into full panic mode
sounds like something happened
I mean the kiwi farms to incel shooter pipeline is a real thing

its the only reason that chick Android Raptor got banned she was a double agent working in my behead to uncover the secrets off Null secret stah of angry femcels and young catbois he is harsnessing into his swamp compound

null is literraly the David Koresh of the internet autists

but fear not because i still have plans to end his reign of terror
its the only reason that chick Android Raptor got banned she was a double agent working in my behead to uncover the secrets off Null secret stah of angry femcels and young catbois he is harsnessing into his swamp compound
I'm sure that's it and not the fact that she was posting child porn
null is literraly the David Koresh of the internet autists
David koresh hadkids I can't say the same about Josh
but fear not because i still have plans to end his reign of terror
Oh it's good you're on the case I wouldn't want another school shooter to be groomed by Josh
null is literraly the David Koresh of the internet autists
Vernon wasn't a cuck getting bullied by "RadFems" (Welfare Moms with shitty internet degrees making them think they are smarter than they are). However, ern was a deeply closeted homosexual. Yeah. The comparison stands.
but fear not because i still have plans to end his reign of terror
GIve him sage advice on how to be a better person, knowing that his ODD means he'll do the opposite?
Am I the only one who thinks writing a manifesto is dumb? It's more funny to keep people guessing and if you're about to die the last thing you should want to do is write some tldr report. That's too much work for someone who isn't going to see the results. Shooting them and being done with it sounds better. Especially if someone else can write if for you afterwards, is that cheating?
Am I the only one who thinks writing a manifesto is dumb? It's more funny to keep people guessing and if you're about to die the last thing you should want to do is write some tldr report. That's too much work for someone who isn't going to see the results. Shooting them and being done with it sounds better.
Might not be the real manifesto as people appointed out there's certain discrepancies with it