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Last Update January 21, 2025

Lounge 96

Keep you off the glass.
Hell yeah brother, been sober from the sauce for a while. Figured a constructive past time would be a good idea
Working on that noose?
No, I'm doing a scarf for my first project since I figured it'd be the easiest. Made the mistake of choosing a black chenille for my first yarn, quite difficult to see what I'm doing
Incredibly. The fact Kiwifails thought he was remotely exonerated is shocking.

This is the second website you've posted porn from that also peddles in CSAM but it's fine because some autistic shit about ethics in record keeping or whatever.
Sort of funny you and your friend Shadfan both jerk off to galleries that contain children but you're only really looking at the goth/cat girls.
I'm actually looking forward to Garga's OP, I expect it will be revealing
I'm sure you'll find a great many things revealing but none so revealing as the feeling of soap on your skin. Tell me, has it gotten to the point where it burns?
Tell me, has it gotten to the point where it burns?
What could be so bad that you feel you need to hide it from from the other 4 users?
My a-logs weens on this site had to put their heads together to come up with the plan to bait me into sperging out in the KF/JCM threads so that Ken would ban me for a week again. Having one of them leak their plotting has helped me evade their efforts so far
It'd be a lot easier if you all migrated to Lounge 96. Our KF General thread would benefit greatly
Yeah Crimson, it'd be easier if you just gave up already
You're not likely to get Dan off of Onion Farms.
Here to stay since Ken wanted to make a public scene about banning me after I'd already left for 2 weeks
He's got Ken under his thumb.
Kenneth Engelhardt is a father figure, a mentor, an inspiration and dare I say a friend
My a-logs weens
Just the Salt of the Earth, doin' the Lord's work. Amen.
It'd be a lot easier
For you. Not for me. And that's what counts.
I'd already left for 2 weeks
X. And you sock so much.
Kenneth Engelhardt is a father figure
If you truly believe this, then tell the forum, how Ken should be allowed to punch your Mother for doing such a shit job.
Ken has an actual proper grown up job, as well as running this day care center for you. ANd he doesn't shit up people's inboxes with desperate attempts for gaining attention. Ken needs to mentor better
an inspiration
What has he inspired you to do? Flounce?
and dare I say a friend
You really really unironically want this, tho. Ken tried to kill a girl niglet with his fat arse. He is a MONSTER. Then again, you simp for an apologist for nonces who extort children, and I lied about Ken trying to kill some negressette. Swing an roundabouts, innit?