• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights What are some truly bad things Kiwi Farms has done?

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I filter anything DSP related because he's such a dog shit lolcow with way too big of a cult but this is absolutely kingly cowtipping if true.
Point my penis at any lolcow's in-laws, brothers, I am ready.
I honestly don't understand the hatred of DSP. He's just some weirdo that plays video games on the internet for money. My theory is that they're just so angry that he's making a living playing Dark Souls badly they want to tear him down a peg.
Only a couple lolcows are actually hate worthy and even then it only warrants a passive hatred where you just watch document and hope things go bad for them as opposed to making your entire life about obsessing over some pathetic lolcow. In situations where you get to interact with them it should be kept to online not irl unless they take donations and gifts or something like a few of them do.
Only a couple lolcows are actually hate worthy and even then it only warrants a passive hatred where you just watch document and hope things go bad for them as opposed to making your entire life about obsessing over some pathetic lolcow.
One of my least favorite things about that community is how many people need to justify their trolling by making it some moral crusade. Fucking with people who have zero impact on your IRL is literally sociopath shit, which is fine and quite based in itself, just own it.
The usual suspects there can't own it though, they need to feel like they're heroes for plucking the wings from retarded flies.
One of my least favorite things about that community is how many people need to justify their trolling by making it some moral crusade. Fucking with people who have zero impact on your IRL is literally sociopath shit, which is fine and quite based in itself, just own it.
The usual suspects there can't own it though, they need to feel like they're heroes for plucking the wings from retarded flies.
Exactly. Even the ones I hate I don't go out of my way to mess with. And I know trolling people isn't morally justified but sure is fun. I don't even hate a lot of the people I troll either, like Ashley. She is mostly fun to laugh at for me but I like to go hard on her because I rarely get to troll the same people frequently anymore. It's usually different random people in comment sections.
It goes beyond sociopathy into outright sadism, i.e. not just a lack of empathy but deriving pleasure from others suffering. One of the female Chris Chan trolls admitted to torturing small animals. Wouldn't be surprised if others there have that in their background as well.
Reason: Saw new thread
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I honestly don't understand the hatred of DSP. He's just some weirdo that plays video games on the internet for money. My theory is that they're just so angry that he's making a living playing Dark Souls badly they want to tear him down a peg.
Pretty much from what I've seen. He's not nearly as obnoxious as your average livestreamer but just as flawed so it's not like the hatred toward him is completely unjustified. He isn't using nearly as many bots or fake followers to exploit autists as the average semi-popular vtuber.
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Pretty much from what I've seen. He's not nearly as obnoxious as your average livestreamer but just as flawed so it's not like the hatred toward him is completely unjustified. He isn't using nearly as many bots or fake followers to exploit autists as the average semi-popular vtuber.
What's wild is that there are compilations where Peach Saliva is repeatedly struggling with a puzzle from RE7 that DSP knocked out in 20 seconds. I don't even want to mention her name due to the hugbox atmosphere she's created amongst her fans.
Doxxing is probably the worst thing and like OP said allowing SSN’s is beyond retarded. That’s not something that’s easy to just change and identity theft is fucked up shit that I’d say many of the people with threads there don’t actually deserve.

There’s no need for it and even Josh when he was interviewed about it didn’t have a good answer for why it was allowed. I think his response had something to do with fReE sPeEcH (big fuckin surprise). I mean how hard is it to make a VERY SMALL TOS rule about not posting doxx? All the good and fun stuff about the site would still be there. I dunno, I don’t get it.
By not recognizing my nekosona
I have a feeling I REALLY don’t wanna know what that is..
Kiwi Farms hosts the revenge porn of a number of women. Off the top of my head I can think of Faith Vickers and Shoe0nHead although I am certain there is a lot more.
Don’t forget Ethan Ralph’s ex(es). Ralph despises Kiwi Farms and acts like he’s above it, all while doxxing and revenge-porn-posting pretty much every woman he’s felt has wronged him on /cow/ which is way scummier and hard to use than KF. 8chan is a nasty, scuffed imageboard for nasty, scuffed people like ER.
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I have a feeling I REALLY don’t wanna know what that is..
His PFP is his furry loli original character that is supposed to be a fictional self insert into fandoms, probably for erotic role playing. Like when adult fanfiction writers self insert themselves into a story they write about a fandom they are in to enact their often perverted fantasies as an underaged character they tried to make fit in the fictional universe it's set in. As an example some adult made a multi fandom crossover where he has sex with characters from the loud house that is longer than the bible with a self insert child oc.
Don’t forget Ethan Ralph’s ex(es). Ralph despises Kiwi Farms and acts like he’s above it, all while doxxing and revenge-porn-posting pretty much every woman he’s felt has wronged him on /cow/ which is way scummier and hard to use than KF.
…and also public masturbation like his gaming counterpart.
Continuing to host the photos/videos uncovered during the Zoosadism affair

It's undeniable that exposing the Zoosadists did the world a favor but what's the purpose in continuing to make this stuff available to the public?
Has Josh not considered that it's wrong to host videos of animals being sodomized to death?
"But it's legal". Yes but it really shouldn't be.
The evidence has already been passed off to the feds so maybe delete this horrific shit that's probably grounds to have your site removed from certain international hosts
to me it is the same thing as exposing a pedophile and uploading his hard drive to your site like wtf are you doing

Especially since zoosadists actively use that kiwi “archive” to distribute content to other sadists.

I honestly don't understand the hatred of DSP. He's just some weirdo that plays video games on the internet for money. My theory is that they're just so angry that he's making a living playing Dark Souls badly they want to tear him down a peg.
Honestly most of the lolcow topics are like that. For as much as they say they "don't get angry about lolcows" you can tell there's seething resentment. While sometimes a person seriously deserves it, most people are just socially awkward or happened to make a weird statement that farmers like to take out of context to pretend its worse than it is.

Good example is the AVGN thread. The guy makes ONE statement about needing to wrap something up because he had to deal with his kids... now he gets portrayed as someone with poor time management skills. Actually reading that thread gives the unfortunate impression that they literally think its wrong James Rolfe has a life outside of being the AVGN at all.

I have a feeling I REALLY don’t wanna know what that is..
"neko" is Japanese for "cat." So literally a nekosona is "this is me but as a cat, or else having cat-like features."

In his case I think its a character from some anime but I have no idea who it is because I stopped watching anime a long time ago.
I guess since I posted this thread in the other one I'll post that thread here as well.
A counterpart to the thread here:

•Exposing lolcows to potential financial fraud by hosting dox containing their social security numbers

Null knows about this and doesn't care:
He also said he doesn't care if you post credit card numbers.

I will note that there are infact laws against doing this.