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Kiwifarms Gossip What are some truly bad things Kiwi Farms has done?

General gossip about kiwifarms


Hellovan Onion
Null probably sending more retards over here thinking we are just going to jump on some unsubstantiated bullshit when there is plenty of terrible things we can see Null has done in his own words. :story:

Thanks guys but we're going to stick with the revenge porn, threats and vindictive nastiness that we don't even need to peruse overseas death records for.


Josh Moon is Lucas Werner with a shinier soapbox.
Hellovan Onion
This whole "last bastion of true and honest women and free speech" is so fucking tiring at this point. My god quit jerking yourself of in public like this.

They do it because they feel too self-conscious about how they spend their time (they tell on themselves on the regular with self-deprecating jokes) and they need some deep, big moral reason to justify continuing to post there. Lolcow Farmers do it too.
Oddly enough, I never quite see Lipstick Alley, Guru Gossip or snark subreddit posters do this, at least not as regularly. I wonder why that is.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion

Null probably sending more retards over here thinking we are just going to jump on some unsubstantiated bullshit when there is plenty of terrible things we can see Null has done in his own words. :story:

Thanks guys but we're going to stick with the revenge porn, threats and vindictive nastiness that we don't even need to peruse overseas death records for.
It's either Kwiffars planting dumb shit that they can laugh about in their Onion Farms threads or retarded trannies literally being unable to think about anything but themselves.
Maybe the social security numbers and the zoosadist fap folder that Josh is distributing are better items to a-log but hurr durr, emulator troon who has with 99% certainty faked his death is what we should throw our weight behind.
Whatever the motivation, it's cringe and retarded


Baby Onion
There's currently a dox of a child, and his family, on kiwifarms whose alleged crime is... Running a cringe twitter meme account where he draws things in ms-paint.
I don't want to contribute further harm so I'm not posting it but he has been swatted so clearly his information does pose a danger.
This is one of the things listed here that actually is pretty bad.

to me it is the same thing as exposing a pedophile and uploading his hard drive to your site like wtf are you doing nigger
Not even close.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
IIRC, one of those degens had sex with DSP's wife Kat's sister in exchange a Little Ceasar's Hot-n-Ready. There were pics.
I filter anything DSP related because he's such a dog shit lolcow with way too big of a cult but this is absolutely kingly cowtipping if true.
Point my penis at any lolcow's in-laws, brothers, I am ready.
whatever you say animal rapist
Eris is a good boy and only deposits his goo on his Warhammer figgies

Edit: A comma can make all the difference kek