remember this schizocow?
i proudly present to you... my collection of Glowie's a-logging:

p.s I already shared the third image on @Crimson Fucker's profile wall, you can check it out here
this is him sniffing out me like a retarded dog. doing janitor's work a.k.a backseat moderating, one of the forbidden act in kiwi land.
here's my personal favorite. him a-logging like a butthurt redditor because a gimmick account known as secret watcher bombed him with le heckin' downboats:

and finally, to finish it off, here's his history of hunting me down:

yes, he's that deranged.
guess what guys? if you think his unhinged rant right here is funny then you just scratched the tip of the iceberg.heads up, my favorite schizo lolcow (skitzocow) known as Glowie screaming at the top of his lungs at someone he thinks he's me.
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keep in mind, it's not the first time he did this shit. he done this twice now.
hhey glowie? if you are reading this then I'm just want to say, stay mad. it's so delicious for me to live rent-free in your head.
i proudly present to you... my collection of Glowie's a-logging:

p.s I already shared the third image on @Crimson Fucker's profile wall, you can check it out here
this is him sniffing out me like a retarded dog. doing janitor's work a.k.a backseat moderating, one of the forbidden act in kiwi land.
here's my personal favorite. him a-logging like a butthurt redditor because a gimmick account known as secret watcher bombed him with le heckin' downboats:

and finally, to finish it off, here's his history of hunting me down:

yes, he's that deranged.