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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights spergy users on kiwifarms you've come across/interacted with

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
list me (and us) spergy kiwifarmers who will fucking lash at you if you slightly disturb them
Just in general, it has gotten to the point where I can predict exactly which tard is the one who got offended at a disagreeing opinion, and threw the one garbage-can sticker in the otherwise-positive responses. And they usually do it not because the post was badly expressed, but because clearly, it hit a personal nerve.

For example, try to criticize interracial when Mothra88 (who is a "hapa") is around, or to say anything disapproving of lefto politics in general around HomegrownHomophobia. Try politely questioning the vaccine, the medical system more generally, or the subject of wahmen in STEM, when Otterly is around.

Instant meltdown guaranteed. Even if they don't respond by flaming the OP, the neg sticker arrives like clockwork.

They are such emotional children.
The worst thing about the farms now is that it is completely flanderized. You used to be able to go into different threads and get different opinions and perspectives. Now anything even mildly entertaining gets featured or Null talks about it on his show and a legion of his simps invade the thread just to repeat his braindead opinion.

I have seen threads that are fairly nuanced and funny just turn to dust because Null just puts up a badly researched take that one of his dickriders handed to him thirty minutes before the show and then that bad take becomes the whole thread after that.

Look at the Nick Rekieta thread. Before Null stuck his stupid head in the mix it was full of memes and funny posts now it's just people crying that Rekieta dared to say a bad word about Dear Leader.

Null is unfunny and boring and the more he has taken a direct role and interacted with cows the more unfunny and boring the site has become.
A little skepticism is fine and healthy in general, as long as you don't go overboard with it. This can apply to a bunch of things not just vaccines. It would be wrong to say there is 0 chance one could cause a bad reaction but it would also be wrong to assume they will always cause one especially since it was relatively new. I sometimes see some people claim one or the other unreasonably which ironically makes them assume i am either a government shill or an anti vaxxer.
heads up, my favorite schizo lolcow (skitzocow) known as Glowie screaming at the top of his lungs at someone he thinks he's me :story:.
keep in mind, it's not the first time he did this shit. he done this twice now.

hhey glowie? if you are reading this then I'm just want to say, stay mad. it's so delicious for me to live rent-free in your head :trollface:.
heads up, my favorite schizo lolcow (skitzocow) known as Glowie screaming at the top of his lungs at someone he thinks he's me :story:.
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keep in mind, it's not the first time he did this shit. he done this twice now.

hhey glowie? if you are reading this then I'm just want to say, stay mad. it's so delicious for me to live rent-free in your head :trollface:.
Again? Lmao the dude thinks everyone is you, even me. He is traumatized having to deal with someone with an above room temperature iq trolling him. Maybe i could stalk his account with a sock to look for rule breaking posts to give him another pink triangle he denied having despite having people in his profile make fun of him for having one.
Maybe i could stalk his account with a sock to look for rule breaking posts to give him another pink triangle he denied having despite having people in his profile make fun of him for having one.
lmao go ahead pal! at this point, he truly deserves the pink triangle. fucking schizo sperg retard needs a pink triangle to show everyone how dumb he is :haha:
The worst thing about the farms now is that it is completely flanderized. You used to be able to go into different threads and get different opinions and perspectives. Now anything even mildly entertaining gets featured or Null talks about it on his show and a legion of his simps invade the thread just to repeat his braindead opinion.

I have seen threads that are fairly nuanced and funny just turn to dust because Null just puts up a badly researched take that one of his dickriders handed to him thirty minutes before the show and then that bad take becomes the whole thread after that.

Look at the Nick Rekieta thread. Before Null stuck his stupid head in the mix it was full of memes and funny posts now it's just people crying that Rekieta dared to say a bad word about Dear Leader.

Null is unfunny and boring and the more he has taken a direct role and interacted with cows the more unfunny and boring the site has become.
Is it really any surprise? He banned every user that wasn't a gimmick account, reddit NPC, or politisperg bot years ago.
Still don't know how the hell they farm so much reaction score quickly.
Its not uncommon to see accounts with less than 1000 posts and around 10K-80K reaction score.
There are a lot of losers on the farms who are retarded social climbers because they have no other skills social or otherwise. You can even tell based on some people and how they post that they do not agree with Null but when he or one of the jannies is in the thread they just kiss his butt.

It's really depressing that this is the supposed last place for "the old internet" cause they are almost all giant cowards. These losers especially Null wouldn't have lasted an hour in "the old internet".
Still don't know how the hell they farm so much reaction score quickly.
Its not uncommon to see accounts with less than 1000 posts and around 10K-80K reaction score.
Botting. Script kiddies with discord cliques using it for gay ops. One example is uttp who also hate them and stir up trouble with socks. You can see their botted accounts on youtube usually under people like penguinz0 and someordinarygamers etc. Saying stuff like my farts smell better than your farts or that they have better content while having either none or retarded shit. Some are botted and some are actually real who can be baited into replies and give themselves away. Also explains ddossing and the site being slow or giving bad pages and temporary dowtime for others when it isn't for everyone and can offer fast replacement socks that could be years old.
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Botting. Script kiddies with discord cliques using it for gay ops. One example is uttp who also hate them and stir up trouble with socks. You can see their botted accounts on youtube usually under people like penguinz0 and someordinarygamers etc. Saying stuff like my farts smell better than your farts or that they have better content while having either none or retarded shit. Some are botted and some are actually real who can be baited into replies and give themselves away. Also explains ddossing and the site being slow or giving bad pages and temporary dowtime for others when it isn't for everyone and can offer fast replacement socks that could be years old.
I've always wondered this because you will see threads that aren't getting many reacts either positive or negative. Then a certain user comes in and gets a buttload then leaves and the thread goes back to being very low react.

You would think some of those users would stay behind and read the thread if they found it interesting enough to react to but no it comes in and out like a summer rain storm.
You know honestly despite any annoyance KF users might bring me I never quite can find any one of them to be the absolute most spergy of fags: Just more-so a function of how the site is and ran, is my issue. I honestly just want KF to stop spiraling into internet-vigilantism.
You know it's just not as fun when the thread derails into a personal vendetta. Where those observing involve themselves and cause problems.
Especially in sensitive cases, where I keep praying that people would just go to the police first. The most recent example I can think of is Cyraxx.

Still it's like how I view twitter, I don't think there's the absolute worst twitter-user exactly just twitter in general. Sure I might find twitter to be filled with clout-chasers and retards but individually I don't actually get bothered by any particular individual.
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I've always wondered this because you will see threads that aren't getting many reacts either positive or negative. Then a certain user comes in and gets a buttload then leaves and the thread goes back to being very low react.

You would think some of those users would stay behind and read the thread if they found it interesting enough to react to but no it comes in and out like a summer rain storm.
They aren't even hiding it and the jannies either don't care, somehow benefit, or are too stupid to see it go on under their nose. The groups I'm familiar with that did it were particularly known for hijacks and were familiar with the farms. If they are mad at null i could see them try and gain mod to pull some sort of ban spree raid or something harmful they wouldn't notice right away until there are no backups. They are petty and patient.