• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Computer & Internet Related The Suppository of all Copypasta

Computer & Internet Related Discussion
I lurked Kiwi Farms for a few years before I joined. A lot of the posts were funny and smart -- it reminded me of old SA, in a good way. I finally joined up last year, but it was just in time to watch as these forums degenerated into a shithole full of Trumptard seditionists who take over every thread, shit up every discussion, and who contribute nothing here other than endless posts fellating a sped used-car-salesman conman as their king while describing their wet little panties at the thought of assassinating politicians and smearing shit around the Capitol. There are threads that are just page after page of idiots boogposting while being shielded by jannies who punish and silence anyone who disagrees with their retarded political beliefs -- something which also reminds me very strongly of old SA, but in the worst possible way. There's a big difference between coddling troons and coddling potential terrorists.

1/6 drew a line in the sand between people who want to preserve the rule of democracy in this country and people who want to destroy it. I know which side of the line I'm on. Now that I know which side of the line Kiwi Farms is on, I've spent a few days carefully scraping the site up through this morning, especially the private forums, A&N, and Happenings. Did you know there are lots of forums members expressing lots of support in these places for overthrowing the duly-elected US government, often violently? Some pretty detailed plans and wishes, too! I've sorted through them all and passed the best ones on to the FBI. I plan to continue doing this once this account is banned. I've got a second account and a VPN and I don't much care for domestic terrorists.

There are a lot of good people here who I will miss, but a number of the sped motherfuckers posting here need to be arrested and this site should be shut down. Laughing at lolcows is one thing. Offering aid and comfort to treason is something quite different.

@Null, you made your choices. You brought this on yourself by letting your staff shit on the people you claim to want as users while protecting and encouraging seditionist assholes. I hope you get all the heat you deserve for it.
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
I remember this thread. The punchline is brilliant.
Anyways, My mom met this dude on some bondage forum years ago (I have no idea why she told me this, she should have just said they met on Match.com). She moved in with him after their first date, which was really sketchy to me. And she started wearing this weird collar thing. I went over to their house for like, Easter dinner or something, and went to the bathroom. Unfortunately I opened the wrong door and walked into their sex dungeon. There was all kinds of insane shit... a gyno table, a sex swing, walls covered in whips and paddles and stuff. It seriously freaked me out. My mom, who seems to think I want to hear about her sex life, casually mentions one day they do the Gor thing as a 24/7 life style and the guy is her master. She and the guy lived together for like three years doing this shit before he died of cancer. I was helping her sort through his stuff, and ended up finding photo albums full of pictures of my mom tied up and being whipped and shit. I also found a huge box with hypodermic needles. I don't know what the hell they did with those, and I don't want to know It was seriously disturbing. She also sold all the whips and bondage shit on Craigslist. She made me go with her to the WalMart parking lot because she didn't want to get kidnapped by some pervert buying used butt plugs and handcuffs. It was seriously the most bizarre thing she's ever done.
so uhhhh.... i lost my anal virginity

okay so i went over to the gay guy's house. now to preface, we weren't ever friends but we've known each other since kindergarten (my town does K-8 so we basically either met in kindergarten or freshman year of high school). (this is relevant in a bit). so he had sex before but i haven't so we took turns so i could get a feel for what i like more (idk why the fuck i'm writing this). then he started trying to make out with me and i pushed him off and he said he's had a crush on me since 7th grade. i left right after that and now i'm home drinking beer unsure how the fuck to feel about shit. i thought i was a top but bottoming actually felt really good. pretty sure i'm vers
I don't give a fuck who you are our where you live, you can count on me to be there to bring your life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain It'll make Jesus being nailed to the cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I'll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn the gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out. Your blood pressure will triple and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for a heart operation and the last thing you'll see when they're putting you under in the operating room is me hovering over you dressed as a doctor. When you wake up after the operation you'll be scared for your fucking life wondering what I did to you while you where being operated on and wondering if there is a ticking time bomb in you chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery and when you walk out of the front door of the hospital to go home I'll run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you. I just wanted you to know how easily I could have destroyed your pathetic fucking excuse for a life, but how I would rather go to great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living breathing fucking hell. It's too fucking late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either. I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you you again my fucking self.
Don't get me wrong, I love Mommy, and we're lucky we have food on the table (Mommy kicked Daddy out years ago after she found him fooling around with other men, and I don't have a job currently, and Mommy is too large to work out of the house) but it's just that continuous rubbery squeaky sound I can't bear. I really love her cooking, and I love her, and it's not the flavor of the beans either that bother me. It's just the feeling of that slight rubbery drag over my front teeth with that slight squeak that you can sometimes emulate by rubbing styrofoam blocks together, but the sound is entirely contained in the bone structure of your skull and you can actually feel it. We had Mommy's Special Green Bean Casserole last week and I kind of rebelled (well, I'm 33, so it's more just I kind of implicitly said no to her cooking, I'm not an angsty and confused teenager anymore) when she came over to the top of the stairwell to the basement and yelled down into the darkness to get my cute lil' bumps up to the dinner table and I just kind of sat there and stared at the screen (I was browsing GBS at the time) and just sat in the silence and waited for her to go away maybe thinking she thought I was out grabbing more Mtn Dew (we both drink it by the truckload lol).

I don't always like getting ready for dinner either because Mommy likes to dress me up a little and put makeup on me (she started doing this after Daddy left for some reason, but I'm used to it by now). Also because it's hard for her to get out and about, I have to go to the store and buy clothes for her and try them on, I send pictures back to her (occasionally Livestream it) because she always says that she needs to "See them duds in action" before she wears them. But she doesn't really get dressed most days. Also she says that she was going to start making her Green Bean Casserole more often because she says I wasn't appreciative enough last time we had it. I can put up with the makeup and the dressing up (Mommy's been doing this since I was about 9 or 10 so I'm used to it) but the sound of the beans making my entire skull resonate at high frequency in such a way that I can't escape it is just too much to bear. I can deal with having to bathe Mommy daily and tuck her into bed and pan fry her Twinkies in butter for dessert (it's her favorite :3 ) but it's just those damn beans squeaking against every single tooth from my molars to my incisors and the feeling of that leathery rubbery skin dragging against every surface of the insides and outsides of my teeth and the high pitched vibration resonating from the bottom of my jaw into my nasal cavity up into my ears and my upper cranium and it happens over and over with every single bite and you just have to sit there with this heckish squeaking that is just this sensation of chewing styrofoam and cotton balls and grinding them in your teeth and your ears are just ringing with this and smiling because you love Mommy so much and you have to stare at her with teary eyes and she says that she's lucky that her little girl never betrayed her like Daddy did and you just kind of nod because you don't know what she's talking about and you love Mommy anyway and it's just squeak squeak squeak. You know what I mean?
Listen to me you rotten fucking prick.

You leave me the fuck alone, and you leave me the fuck alone right the fuck now. Do you fucking understand me, you subhuman mongrel?

What the hell is the matter with you anyway? All you do is sit on your ass in Phoenix living off of daddy's money and contribute nothing to society. You are truly the lowest form of life I've ever encountered. You're not even a human being.

If you think you're so tough, come to Dallas. It would be my pleasure to curb stomp your ass. Maybe that would teach you to close that goddamn mouth of yours.
Fuck off you dickhead I ask a legit question and you got to act the big man for some Reddit karma what a neek you are tryna impress some Reddit yutes
Your music taste is shit that’s one of the deadest top 5 artists I’ve seen bruv it just screams ‘I’m from Oxford and rap along to drill dropping the n word bares even doe I’m white’ so go suck out. Any gyallie you get over to your marjs is gonna leave when you try stick on your wet playlists you clown. Take a good look at that peng gyallie in the pic cah you’re never piping anything like dat you horrible little virgin twat
Never disrespect me like that again fam I won’t warn you again


Who’s this?

Who’s this?

I’m asking the questions, I called you.

No, I called you, and you sound like the ugliest son of a bitch I ever heard.

You sound like the physical manifestation of some loser’s inner demons!

Well, you sound like some total chode’s inability to confront the reality of his past actions.

If I ever get your stinky mug in my line of sight I swear to Chekhoff I’ll cock your clock off.

Well I’m gonna be the bigger man, and hang up first- ugh dammit!

Listen, we don’t cotton to freaks round these parts, scram wierdo!

Oh yeah, I don’t polycotton to coping tropes, even my own. So why don’t you split?

Looks like I already did. You’re the sad figment of my twisted psyche’s tragic dividend. You’re the un-me. I’m the real me! You wanna be? Me?

Kiddo, I was the real me when you were still in my short pants.

Hate to break it to ya, but I wore them first. Me bequeathed thee, the psychopathological hand-you-downs.

So you’re the one who stained them?

Whoever found it, browned it.

You’d like me to be you, wouldn’t me? But it’s too late, you snoze, you lose.

You sleeped, you weeped.

You napple, You get slapple!

You slumber, a cucumber.

You catch up on some Zed’s, you get out of my heads!


Listen, this psyche is not big enough for two metaphysical seekers.

You couldn’t seek your way out of a cardboard bag!

Yeah, I know, cause it would be an egg!

OOH! This guy might be better than me-

You’re right! I am better than me!

Look buddy, know when you defeated. Accept your defecation.

No thanks, I’m full, cause I eat pussies like you for breakfast!

Look at you, you look so superficial, you probably judge things by their physical appearance.

Oh yeah? Your mom’s so shallow, she probably thinks this quip is about her.

You’re about as deep as a bowl of soup, and your tongue is about as sharp as a soup spoon!

Hey! Say what you want about me, but lay off the soup.

If you love soup so much, why don’t you marry soup?

Because I’m already married, to justice.

Yeah, only a blind girl would marry you.

I know everything you’re gonna-

Say, and I know everything you’re gonna-


Oh yeah? Well when God was passing out insight, you thought he said that when God was passing out holy prophets, you thought he said oily faucets, cause your soul has diarrhoea, of the mouth, faucet!

Are you so dumb, you’d even answer rhetorical questions?

I don’t know? Do you?

We can play this game all night.

First of all, it’s daytime! And this is no game.


Oh! So you admit that you’re checking me out, and you want to mate!

You got a license to sell hot-dogs, Chico man?

No, they wouldn’t give it to me, because, when I was filling out the application, my penis was sticking out!

Oh yeah! You only got one peni? Let me see it…

See with your eyes, not with your mouth!

I’ll call your bluff, I’ll see your penis with your mouth, and I raise you, with my hand.

Ante up!

OoOh! Dammit!

What’s wrong?

I crapped out, but I’m tough, I can suck it up. Huoourgh!

Ok! Count of three, we show what’s under the loincloth! Weiner, take all!

1, 2, 3!


Who’s this?

Who’s this?

I’m asking the questions, I called you.

No, I called you, and you sound like the ugliest son of a bitch I ever heard.

You sound like the physical manifestation of some loser’s inner demons!

Well, you sound like some total chode’s inability to confront the reality of his past actions.

If I ever get your stinky mug in my line of sight I swear to Chekhoff I’ll cock your clock off.

Well I’m gonna be the bigger man, and hang up first- ugh dammit!

Listen, we don’t cotton to freaks round these parts, scram wierdo!

Oh yeah, I don’t polycotton to coping tropes, even my own. So why don’t you split?

Looks like I already did. You’re the sad figment of my twisted psyche’s tragic dividend. You’re the un-me. I’m the real me! You wanna be? Me?

Kiddo, I was the real me when you were still in my short pants.

Hate to break it to ya, but I wore them first. Me bequeathed thee, the psychopathological hand-you-downs.

So you’re the one who stained them?

Whoever found it, browned it.

You’d like me to be you, wouldn’t me? But it’s too late, you snoze, you lose.

You sleeped, you weeped.

You napple, You get slapple!

You slumber, a cucumber.

You catch up on some Zed’s, you get out of my heads!


Listen, this psyche is not big enough for two metaphysical seekers.

You couldn’t seek your way out of a cardboard bag!

Yeah, I know, cause it would be an egg!

OOH! This guy might be better than me-

You’re right! I am better than me!

Look buddy, know when you defeated. Accept your defecation.

No thanks, I’m full, cause I eat pussies like you for breakfast!

Look at you, you look so superficial, you probably judge things by their physical appearance.

Oh yeah? Your mom’s so shallow, she probably thinks this quip is about her.

You’re about as deep as a bowl of soup, and your tongue is about as sharp as a soup spoon!

Hey! Say what you want about me, but lay off the soup.

If you love soup so much, why don’t you marry soup?

Because I’m already married, to justice.

Yeah, only a blind girl would marry you.

I know everything you’re gonna-

Say, and I know everything you’re gonna-


Oh yeah? Well when God was passing out insight, you thought he said that when God was passing out holy prophets, you thought he said oily faucets, cause your soul has diarrhoea, of the mouth, faucet!

Are you so dumb, you’d even answer rhetorical questions?

I don’t know? Do you?

We can play this game all night.

First of all, it’s daytime! And this is no game.


Oh! So you admit that you’re checking me out, and you want to mate!

You got a license to sell hot-dogs, Chico man?

No, they wouldn’t give it to me, because, when I was filling out the application, my penis was sticking out!

Oh yeah! You only got one peni? Let me see it…

See with your eyes, not with your mouth!

I’ll call your bluff, I’ll see your penis with your mouth, and I raise you, with my hand.

Ante up!

OoOh! Dammit!

What’s wrong?

I crapped out, but I’m tough, I can suck it up. Huoourgh!

Ok! Count of three, we show what’s under the loincloth! Weiner, take all!

1, 2, 3!
This isnt a copypasta its just the script of episode 10 of XRA
This isnt a copypasta
It is now, because I copypasted it into this thread :^)

Copypasta tax:
>biblically accurate angels
>mature anime
>lost media
>unconventional christmas movies
>uncanny valley
>liminal spaces
>strangely familiar places
>junji ito
>neon evangilion
>serial experiment lain
>so bad its good
>the pope exists in the car universe
>prequel memes
>trust the science
>just let people enjoy things
>creed aventus
>who would win walter white or tony soprano
>pirating indie games is immoral
>its fun with friends
>its a good X game but it falls flat as a Y game
>japanese movie posters
>this scene of Vito from The Sopranos kind of looks like Star Wars!
>/tv/ is a bad board
>racism outside /b/ not allowed
>christianity/mormonism/scientology is just like a cult
>lofi hip hop
>plastic love
>john lennon was a wife beater
>who hurt you
>I don't really care about politics, it makes me unhappy
>misinformation spreads quicker than real information
>frankenstein is the scientist not the monster
>reporting soijak spammers isnt reddit
>Ed Edd n Eddy took place in purgatory
>food analogies are bad
>it’s a wyvern not a dragon
>snowpiercer is willy wonka!
>minimalist movie posters
>slowburn psychological A24 horror
Hello anon, Joe Biden here. I understand that these times can be hard and difficult. But with the new COVID vaccine we can begin to get life back to normal. Even I will assist in giving the vaccine. Now take off your shoes. Your arm? No the vaccine is more effective if it's injected between your toes. Now stop stalling and let me see your feet. Come on man, just work with me here. Tell you what, I'll even give you a free foot massage with the vaccine, it'll be your Presidential Special. So lets get started, take off those shoes and put your socks in that bag next to you, we'll give you a fresh new pair. Come on man.
I really need to rant about my mom.
She’s literally the worst person I’ve ever met. You know those horrible redpill stereotypes about women? That make them sound like useless, nagging crazy leeches who contribute nothing and treat men like shit? She hits almost every single one. The only awful things she HASN’T done are cheat on him and divorce him and take all his money, so she has that going for her. Other than that she’s a fucking nutcase and the worst person I’ve ever known.
She just called me, and like usual she bitches about my dad. She’s “sick”. She has five chronic illnesses which she mentions all the time. I don’t know how you have that many or what, some of them are a thyroid condition (which is real), celiac’s (maybe real. she didn’t get an actual test just the “stop eating gluten and see if you feel bad” test) hashimoto’s (which is the above two combined I guess) and two others ?? I don’t fucking know she’s been pulling this sicknesses stuff my entire life to get out of doing basically anything. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s not. There are conflicting reports from family members about her behavior when she’s not around us. She’s a big fan of homeopathy and quack doctors.
Anyway, she calls to bitch about how my dad doesn’t do anything around the house, as usual. I think it’s fucking bullshit. He works full time, he works a night shift, which he says he likes but I don’t think he should be doing at his age (almost 70). Then he comes home and does whatever chores she demands. Many of our calls involve her bitching about how he doesn’t do them perfectly. Like he dusts the house and vacuums, every week, but sometimes doesn’t dust the top of the closet or vacuums completely, that kind of thing.
From my perspective, he does BASICALLY ALL of the chores. When I go home for winter break she will do like 1 thing and complain about hard it is the entire time. Not one thing per day, ONE THING the entire time. Maybe two? And it’s always something like cooking dinner which she acts like a martyr over. Other times the chore is sitting at her computer doing something. Yeah real fucking hard. Meanwhile dad is out buying groceries, coming home, cooking, taking her dog out for walks, vacuuming, dusting, mowing the lawn, and whatever else. I don’t have a chronic illness but I know people who do and I think they do more than 1 or 2 things a week. They also don’t bitch about it constantly. She hasn’t worked in 25 years, so she doesn’t consider working something that contributes to the family, and many times has implied working 40+ hours a week night shift is a snooze fest.
The house’s cleanliness is more than fine. I grew up with her whining about how everything in the house was messy and how awful it was, but all of my friends coming over agreed it was impeccably clean, and it was easily the cleanest of all the houses I ever visited. I thought about submitting her to one of those daytime talk shows featuring the bitchy moms that make everybody over clean every thing, but she’s not quite as obsessive as them so I don’t think it would work. But according to her, the house is awful, it’s dirty, the word “cesspool” is often used, and it’s all dad’s fault. She doesn’t visit many people so likely has no idea what houses look like outside of staged ones on tv.
I think she’s nagging my dad to death. Really. He works, does chores, and sleeps. Any hobby he has, she bitches about incessantly. He already gave up a couple of hobbies due to her nagging. They take time away from cleaning and the family (her) apparently. Now she’s bitching about the last two things he does, sleep and use the computer. I barely talk to him and I understand why he does this, because at least when he’s sleeping she’s not constantly nagging him. When he’s awake, she yells at him, demeans him, and generally acts like a piece of shit. I can only visit for 4-5 days at a time because I want to slap the shit out of her. She’s the most horrible person I’ve ever met. Never mind this guy all but wipes her ass, and somehow sticks with her. Like honestly. if he filed for divorce I would support him, I would try to hire him a really great divorce attorney. She’s that bad. I think he’s resigned himself, and thinks women are just like this and he takes his marital vows very seriously.
She complains all the time about stuff he buys for himself, and occasionally throws it out when he’s at work. He has basically two areas in the house right now, his computer room and the garage. So of course she’s constantly throwing fits about how hoarded they are, which they are not. She’s mentioned submitting him to hoarders which is the biggest pile of garbage I’ve ever heard. He has a closet, a filing cabinet, and a desk with some stuff on it, plus the garage. It is NOT hoarded. I am somewhat of a minimalist so I feel confident saying that. It’s crowded but it’s nowhere near a hoard, not even 1/10 of Barb’s. But to her, it’s all crap and has got to go and she nags him about him constantly. Like idk, if you don’t like that room don’t fucking go in it? You don’t even have to walk past it, she’s just a fucking bitch about it for no reason. She’s almost shot him, according to her. She is ridiculously paranoid about house intruders so my dad bought her a gun. She informed him he needed to always come through the garage, instead of the front door (?) and she props a vase up against it constantly. One day he came through the front door and according to her she almost shot him for it. Because home intruders always use keys in the front door, she’s fucking retarded like that. She likely nagged him for days over it even though SHE ALMOST KILLED HIM.
She’s a perpetual victim. No one talks to her because she’s awful, so she doesn’t have any friend except her doctor’s receptionist. She has three kids, including me and I’m the only one that talks to her, which I often question if I should be doing. She doesn’t talk to her other two kids probably because they called her out on her stupid fucking bullshit. Growing up with her she barely talked to them at all and my brother blames her for a lot of his problems. Don’t get me wrong, my dad has his faults as well. They pale in comparison to all of this.
Anyway, today she called me, bitching about my dad as usual. I got sick of it and tried to suggest he’s depressed (she thinks he has celiac’s, which he hasn’t been tested for, and is incredibly rare, but she read a couple of books about it so she knows everything now) and finally I got sick of her bitching about how he doesn’t clean enough. I pointed out you don’t need to dust every two days. Something I said, I don’t remember but it really pissed her off. It wasn’t even inflammatory, I’ve learned NOT to say anything like that. Anyway I hear her kicking stuff around like a child (she uses these childish tactics often) and hanging up on me. Hope she doesn’t call me for a month.
I'm still a newfag but I'm old enough, and have enough forum moderation experience of my own, to know how fucking retarded this entire subject is.

Love what you love. Hate what you hate. But leave other people the fuck alone. Don't go out to hurt others for disagreeing with you, or even discuss the intention of doing so, just because you're too much of a sperg to grab the neaest phone book and book a therapy session. Especially over POLITICS of all things, probably the single worst subject a person could choose when trying to argue the legitimacy of something.

I love dark humor. I love words like nigger and faggot and tranny and honky. I fully support freedom of speech and oppose almost all kinds of censorship. But for fuck's sake, if you're such an emotional child that the things you say actually require the fucking feds to get involved, and cause problems for a bunch of other people (namely the person who generously provided you with your literal forum in the first place) then you really are a special kind of douche and seriously need objective help in evaluating your emotional and intellectual aptitude.
You fucking idiots REALLY don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch
They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
We will not stop until you are absolutely horrified,repulsed,offended,and further more in tears laughing. Our goal is your torment through comedy,violence,and major offense. We proudly admit we mean 93% of the things we say and 99% of the things we do. To start,if you have a problem with this channel,or any videos posted on it; Don't be a whore,send an email or message to my bitch and that bitch of which is my bitch will persuade you day in and day out until you accept your new profound immigration into agreeing with us and not having a problem with us. Yes,we brainwash. Total control is necesessary so that we may reign total rule on the world and you. It is pure ludacris and precrastination to not like us and not give in,because you will eventually,one way or the other. Don't be ignorant,don't be a whore,like us,and we'll like you and not have a problem or reason to fire 1,000 missiles in your general living area. :D We thank you for reading our reason for total control.
I have so many good pastas that I want to post on OF, but the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet :(