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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwi Farms Moderators

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The neurotypical call this behavior "stalking". I do believe stalking is a form of weening and should be against KF's rules.
it is probably illegal depending what state they are in i think its like it just has to have the person fear they may be retributed against or whatever where i live
Pretty sure cyber stalking falls under that general stalking umbrella it used to be easier to follow and track strangers on Facebook , I stopped using it years ago so when I tried seeing what some of the public facing cows are doing now I noticed they only show you if someone within your friends list is going to the event now , which I totally get so I'm not surpprised that feature went away.
Pretty sure cyber stalking falls under that general stalking umbrella it used to be easier to follow and track strangers on Facebook , I stopped using it years ago so when I tried seeing what some of the public facing cows are doing now I noticed they only show you if someone within your friends list is going to the event now , which I totally get so I'm not surpprised that feature went away.
There is this one Vietnamese-American dude who hates communists and made a wiki listing every person's name who said they were going to a socialist event. I wish I could remember his name or the name of his wiki.
reminder that "the periodic gamer" got his ass slapped by someone from thegooddoctor's thread because he's on an ego trip. let master doxer got humbled
It seems Emspex asked for her account to be deleted sometime after quitting as her account shows as UA 674 now. Her quitting coincided with the first big hack in September 2019, but Captain Manning says her quitting has more to do with a "disagreement with Josh" than her being doxed in that great email list.
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Josh deleting her account isn't strange at all. Josh was accepting deletion requests from everyone at the time, something against his usual policy. The strange thing here is that it appears she didn't ask for her account to be deleted until March/May 2020, more than half a year after the hack. Users were still tagging her account of May 2020 and one of her simps Captain Manning confirms the "official" date of the deletion around May/March 2020 as well.
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Josh may be hiding the fact that he, or a rogue mod, went out of their way to delete Emspex's account. In the recent MATI Josh mentioned two mods who used to call in to MATI and mentioned Yawning Sneasel and Emspex. Josh says Emspex "dissappeared after the 2019 hack" (for a time she tried to pretend her dox was fake) but as you can see in my post above her account was deleted more than half a year after the hack where Josh only held a brief window for account deletions.
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All of the jannies on Kiwifarms are no life power triping dick riders who side with the one to tattle first regardless of who is in the right and just want the acknowledgment. They are no better than reddit mods who pay reddit to do their voluntary job like spongebob did when mr krabs first hired him. And they thank him for the privilege repeating "im ready" over and over like an autistic turbo sperg.
Save Twinkie!/Twinkie - Yet another crush of Null's (seeing a pattern here?), seemed relatively normal until one day she threw a fit because people were making fun of her friend with cancer. On a site made for mocking people. She then got it in her head that there was some kind of discord gay op dedicated to trolling her and went crying to Null. Enraged that anyone would mess with his gorl, Null went on a banning spree. Eventually even he realized she's hysterical (and won't fuck him) so he demodded her. She left the site soon after
She's back.

Her first post back:

This is when she started to actively post again:

Roleplaying flirting with other men?
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At first I was going to mention the thousands of incel accounts coping about their maxomimal linear tears or whatever but then I saw the highlighted bit

Are western males just gay at this point? Is there actually an epidemic of homosexuality? They would rather roleplay as their anime waifus and call each other "Burger-Sama" while cybersexing instead of fucking MILFs?