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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwi Farms Moderators

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Josh got rid of striked usernames of banned users years ago. Probably, because he doesn't want people seeing how many users he's personally spergbanned. The only true method of determining who is banned nowadays is to see if the someone's username appears on the search bar.
If this is true then Punished Neco isn't banned right now. Their account shows up in the search bar. I hope they aren't banned anyway because they carry the KF Keffals thread.
There's no strike through on his username.
Banned users no longer get a strike-through. Null was worried that outsiders would trawl the site looking for strucken aliases in order to reverse-engineer how many Kiwis he has banned, and since he's too embarassed to admit that he has banned countless of Kiwis, he got rid of the strike-through to prevent outsiders from determining how many. The only way you can determine if someone is banned is to search for their alias in the search bar. If their alias no longer shows up, they're banned. I was told by a Kiwi that this is how the determined I was banned, because my account looked like it was still active. It was only when they saw that my alias no longer showed up in search that they realized I was really banned.
Were you saying something that feminists disliked?
Yes, it was a comment about biological women who self-identify as autogynephiles. I have literally screengrabbed comments from women all over social media claiming they are self-identified autogynephiles, but the #ThisNeverHappens TERFs on KF got so mad that I brought this up that they raided my post. I wasn't trying to justify autogynephilia (i.e. I wasn't trying to say anything to the effect of, "Oh look, women do this too" or anything), I do consider it to be a fetish/paraphilia, just one that some women claim to have too. I didn't even get a chance to post the screengrabs I had collected, I just left that thread and never posted there again. I downvoting continued for days and into weeks after I had already stopped posting. My impression was that someone really didn't want be posting to that thread, and had mobilized their army of sockpuppets on KF to drive me away.

And again, KF mods did absolutely nothing to investigate this incident to see if there were sockpuppets involved, or if someone was secretly organizing downvoting raids.
Yes, it was a comment about biological women who self-identify as autogynephiles. I have literally screengrabbed comments from women all over social media claiming they are self-identified autogynephiles, but the #ThisNeverHappens TERFs on KF got so mad that I brought this up that they raided my post. I wasn't trying to justify autogynephilia (i.e. I wasn't trying to say anything to the effect of, "Oh look, women do this too" or anything), I do consider it to be a fetish/paraphilia, just one that some women claim to have too. I didn't even get a chance to post the screengrabs I had collected, I just left that thread and never posted there again. I downvoting continued for days and into weeks after I had already stopped posting. My impression was that someone really didn't want be posting to that thread, and had mobilized their army of sockpuppets on KF to drive me away.

And again, KF mods did absolutely nothing to investigate this incident to see if there were sockpuppets involved, or if someone was secretly organizing downvoting raids.
The difference between a man doing it and a woman doing it. Is that the women who I’ve noticed do it and they acted like they’re a young man a teenager. Have you ever seen an anime and there’s a young boy character high school level that’s exactly who these women want to be like.
They get off on it
logged in just for U :feels:
Oh look, Null is sending Punished Neko our way:
took a glance at his wall , seems hes bent the knee and groveled to his master . 🧎‍♂️

took a glance at his wall , seems hes bent the knee and groveled to his master .
It's disgusting to watch Punished Neco grovel like that. The fact is that Null can't seriously ban Punished Neco, because they are one of the best researchers on KF. Punished Neco was very active in the Keffals thread during #DropKiwiFarms and was the one who had figured out the location of Keffals' new apartment using the selfies that Keffals had posted of himself in his new bathroom and then using architectural forensics to determine the interior of the house, matching it to know apartment around London, Ontario that were available at that time. I wondered if Punished Neco was secretly a (former) Bellingcat journalist, since they are the ones who popularized the use of architectural forensics outside of criminology, making those criminological technologies available to journalists.
He did? Good, I was personally harassed by Zed. He'd follow me around the forum downvoting all my posts, in threads he had never personally participated in (just like Pineapple Fox later tried to do). Fuck Zed.
Thats horrible. Neg rating people is bad. Good thing nobody ever mass neg rated somebody's posts on this site.

@void deleted all those neg rates I gave Elaine's account btw because neg rating sprees will not be tolerated
Josh got rid of striked usernames of banned users years ago. Probably, because he doesn't want people seeing how many users he's personally spergbanned. The only true method of determining who is banned nowadays is to see if the someone's username appears on the search bar.
So at one point a group of discord trannies tried to make it look like I ban everyone and went through the gunt board and made a list of banned users. They got bored after they found 160 banned users. What faggots, when they posted this on the gunt board I banned another dozen random people. If your not there to post about personally hating Ethan Ralph and wanting to see him dead than fuck off to onion farms
The Colonel
Boyfriend Coefficent
The Gunts Ex-partner
Ethan Ralphs Micro peen
Gustav Schuchardt
Sam Losco
Sasquatch 82
Bob Barker
Haru_Jacks off to ralph
Gilbert Gape
Cow Poly
Elric of Melnibone
Minivan enthusiast
Gina Gillotti
Basil II
the demon baby
Arm Pit Cream
Burger fox
Roman Gunt Guard
Dong Wood Chucks!
meme grey
Fully Eshay Skitsbruh
Marvel Cinematic Universe
updated my journal
Civilizing Forces
Screech man bad
Andrew Blaze
The Sauce Boss
Never Knows Best
William tell underpass
Lore master
Gold Train
The jokester
jeffrey lebowski
Mezza Voce
@Gastric Ghoul
@Darkcel Jambo
@Henk Hill
@Steam Crow
@Passionate Saltmine
@Fondful Memories
@China and Crystal
@Ludonarrative Dissonance
@Miss Flamewar
@clown girl
@Plant BasedVegan
@Skitty Tittles
@Bedhead Bernie
@Triggered Fivehead
@John Lennon
@can't start won't start
@Bitch I Might Be
@I Hate Myself
logged in just for U :feels:

took a glance at his wall , seems hes bent the knee and groveled to his master . 🧎‍♂️

View attachment 35822
Did you really think you could trick me into banning somebody. Kill yourself you coomer. Every fucking time I see a new account register I now have to suspect its you. Do you have any fucking idea how many hours a day I have to spend looking for and banning your socks?
Did you really think you could trick me into banning somebody. Kill yourself you coomer. Every fucking time I see a new account register I now have to suspect its you. Do you have any fucking idea how many hours a day I have to spend looking for and banning your socks?
OK this post sort of sounds like null . guys I seriously love you all . Yes I know you are all strangers on the Internet and you dox the shit out of me the first chance you get. However, guys if you wanna be a fake Joshua moon. I
Put more character in. I know you guys can do this. Perhaps I can create a thread that says what would Joshua moon null .
It would thread where we all say stuff in words, we think Josh would say . that way all of us can be a sock account.
OK also help me on my writing my novel I’m kind of stuck writing words Josh would say about certain cows. and more importantly, how he would react to certain characters I have developed.
He did? Good, I was personally harassed by Zed. He'd follow me around the forum downvoting all my posts, in threads he had never personally participated in (just like Pineapple Fox later tried to do). Fuck Zed.
Did you come to the farms from somewhere where updoots affect the visibility of your post or something?
Zed got banned because he accused the mod Gustav Schuchhardt of being a registered British pedophile as a joke, and Null wasn't in the mood for that because at the time, half of the forum was getting ready to dox the other half due to the right-wing hugbox pm chain leaks.
There was probably a multitude of reasons that lead up to Zed's ban, but the final straw for Josh was Zed making fun of his convicted and registered sex offender friend Cody Wilson's metrosexual jacket in the chat.

Josh defending his convicted pedophile friend Cody Wilson (and his metrosexual jacket) while calling Matt Gaetz a pedophile when there has been no ruling on the his matter by a judge.

As of September 2022 Mr. Gaetz still denies any wrongdoing and prosecutors have recommended no charges.
Matt Gaetz has been cleared of all charges. Josh should apologize to him for calling erroneously painting Gaetz as a pedophile while defending his convicted sex offender pedophile friend Cody Wilson
Tard Whisperer needs to be pressed on his alleged sweeping for suspected, with evidence, pedophile Victor Sharp.

Don't let him get away with it like Chingtastic Chong did. The Kiwis were rightly angry at his coordination with Kengle X and Trannymura, even going as far as to use a Kengle X as his in-between guy to arrange a peace deal between Josh and Gator.
<2022-11-29T05:41:55.000Z> Pit_Viper_Salesman: Altistic has approached Josh and is offering to setup a time for the three of you to get together, bury the hatchett and exchange info on swatting
<2022-11-29T05:42:13.000Z> Pit_Viper_Salesman: bury the hatchett meaning you and josh
<2022-11-29T05:42:21.000Z> GatorTime@poa.st: Yeah, that's fine. I've wanted to bury the hatchet for a long time
<2022-11-29T05:42:35.000Z> GatorTime@poa.st: and if we can nail down the swatters, that's even better
<2022-11-29T05:43:06.000Z> Pit_Viper_Salesman: excellent, i'll let him know, the way alt wrote it, he it sounds like he's put a bug in josh's ear and told him its worth him cooling his jets and being open
<2022-11-29T05:43:17.000Z> Pit_Viper_Salesman: so i'll hit you up in the next 24/48
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