Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Clownfish TV / Thomas & Kambrea Pratt / Kneon & Geeky Sparkles

- The Self-Proclaimed Nemeses of Kevin Smith, Profiting off of Nerd Outrage, Part of the Fandom Menace, Gaslit by a Cartoon

Boobie Bomb

Hellovan Onion
I use it a lot. Essentially what I'd do is post the video link in Streamable and download it on my PC before uploading to OnionFarms. Also, it's best that you download Clownfish TV's videos and for videos criticizing them, start posting the links so they get more views.
Good point, good point. I should download their shitty videos and upload them on this amazing site. Fuck Clownfish TV

Boobie Bomb

Hellovan Onion
bruh I wouldn't be surprised if someone attempted to do a troll campaign against these two spergs. They are easy to mock.
Oh, let me introduce you to the extraordinary 'Clownfish TV.' Clownfish TV are the connoisseurs of idiocy, masters of the art of simultaneously being themselves and complete imbeciles. They've managed to achieve an impressive feat—the harmonious blend of intelligence and stupidity. It's a delicate dance, you see, where their brilliance shines through, only to be instantly eclipsed by a spectacular display of sheer foolishness. They've perfected the art of maintaining a delicate balance between genius and utter buffoonery. It's a true comedic symphony, where you never know if you'll be marveling at their wit or doubled over with laughter at their incredible ability to be idiots. Bravo, 'Clownfish TV,' bravo!


Remarkable Onion
Oh, let me introduce you to the extraordinary 'Clownfish TV.' Clownfish TV are the connoisseurs of idiocy, masters of the art of simultaneously being themselves and complete imbeciles. They've managed to achieve an impressive feat—the harmonious blend of intelligence and stupidity. It's a delicate dance, you see, where their brilliance shines through, only to be instantly eclipsed by a spectacular display of sheer foolishness. They've perfected the art of maintaining a delicate balance between genius and utter buffoonery. It's a true comedic symphony, where you never know if you'll be marveling at their wit or doubled over with laughter at their incredible ability to be idiots. Bravo, 'Clownfish TV,' bravo!
Not really like that but instead roasting them on Twitter with references to their bullshit takes.

Boobie Bomb

Hellovan Onion

I came across a video on Clownfish TV where the hosts expressed their frustration over the use of gender pronouns in the popular game series, Angry Birds. It's surprising to see how worked up they are over such a small matter.


Remarkable Onion
Kneon now officially supports killing us all (including him)

and here's one of the funniest replies to this cringe take