You might want to continue reading, my amigo. Your projection is quite something.Stopped reading there, there's already enough butthurt from professional artists out there. Nobody who is sane or has a bit of self-preservation envies you. You're getting replaced, get a real fucking job or starve to death, preferably the latter.
Machines have more of a soul than you. This is like commision beggars "freefags" but in steroids, and thank God for that! Payola and "credit instead of wages" already set the things in motions and this is the best manifestation of it.
I make art, scultures, music, woodcarvings and all of sort of paintings, I don't make a penny of it, nor do I expect to.
"I-it's inferior"
According to who? You and your bunch? A group of soulless oligarchic professional fart-smellers. Yeah, let me change my entire worldview because of it.
"B-but art *Wiston Churchill quote*"
Anyone and everyone can make art, everything and anything can be art you don't get to define and delimitate art because you have a fancy diploma for wasting thousands of hours listening to nepotistic pseuds or from your personal connections.
Seriously, make a world a better place: just collapse and die from starvation. You won't be missed.
"(My opinion on AI is that it's a tool and that it will affect many careers, it will optimize tedious tasks and that will affect jobs based around the repetitive tasks. AI might not replace a lawyer but an AI can replace the worker that sorts files and organizes cases based on subject. This is both a negative and a positive.)"
And note:
- ... he actually argued with me it isn't fair that I can do art and he couldn't, ...
Also I'm an EMT, art is a hobby for me.