• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Whenever Josh gets kicked off something he always cries that "i have no idea why" or "they didn't specify what rule i broke." The truth is Josh knows very well, he simply disagrees. There's always some rule or terms of use about hateful conduct, offensive content, or some catch-all rule that says the company can choose to terminate/ban services for whoever they want whenever they want. There is no right to the platform.That is free speech after all, at least it is according to Josh when he bans people he doesn't like at will.
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Now i reviewed section 3.1. These are the most likely conditions that were broken. You can disagree with the reasons, but let's not pretend it's some giant mystery Josh is incapable of figuring out on his own. He is simply lying to his audience. The company probably read the offensive lie-filled articles about Kiwifarms or was made aware of it by Liz Fong Jones. Who is the average Greek to believe? Some sperg who owns a website or the dozens of news articles saying he runs a terrible website?
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Neither side are the good guys here. I say jewsh gets a taste of his own bullshit at every opportunity.
For those of you who are (still:rolleyes:) asking about Infinity Next, Null's IN Github page is still online here:

All those of you who are apparently PHP developers and insist that Null can't code, by all means debug this shit for us. Go all in and tell us how shitty the code is.

You can see on the right that there are 17 listed contributors for IN, so he apparently wasn't working on this entirely on his own.

However, if you look at the network graph it seems it was mostly Null with some input from Odilitime, so I don't know what the fuck the rest of those 15 people were doing other than submitting requests:

This is interesting though, it's from about week ago:

https://github.com/ctrlcctrlv is Fredrick Brennan's Github account... so why is he still interacting with the IN project if he has long since rejected it and wants to take down Null? Is he trying to bait Null into responding to him on Github? 🤨 🤔
I might be wrong, but I believe infinitynext is used by 9chan. Odili currently runs it alongside endchan ever since Josh handed it over to him.
Null has claimed again and again that he never uses Discord. Yet stuff like this always slips out. His failed bribe of the Turkish hacker was over Discord too.
He obviously doesn't want Elaine or anyone else messaging him over discord. Read between the lines.
And we are getting a surge in guests over here which tells me that a lot of these kiwis are genuinely worried about Kiwifarm's prognosis which if you want my opinion isn't looking too good.
I still think there will be a day when KF is back on the clearnet, even if it continues to have more downtime than uptime. The downtimes will probably keep getting longer as Josh continues to run out of options. However, it isn't going to happen overnight. It will be a slow death because Josh isn't going to let it go any other way.

At this point, we'll just have to wait and see if he nuts up and releases the torrent like he "promised" he would years ago when it's finally all over. My finger's hovering over the X on that one, though.
Whenever Josh gets kicked off something he always cries that "i have no idea why" or "they didn't specify what rule i broke." The truth is Josh knows very well, he simply disagrees. There's always some rule or terms of use about hateful conduct, offensive content, or some catch-all rule that says the company can choose to terminate/ban services for whoever they want whenever they want. There is no right to the platform.That is free speech after all, at least it is according to Josh when he bans people he doesn't like at will.
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Question 1 (this is important, frens):
How do pedophile websites stay up on the Dark Net if onion sites need an identity verified certificate?

Question 2:
How do drug market websites stay up on the Dark Net if onion sites need an identity verified certificate?

Those were rhetorical questions. You don't actually need SSL certificates to run onion sites over TOR because TOR provides all the encryption as part of the onion link. SSL certificates are a recent, optional feature. Most illegal sites, indeed most Dark Net sites, do not use the feature: https://blog.torproject.org/tls-certificate-for-onion-site/ The only thing they do not have by refraining from using them is legal verification of the identity of the site operator, which is the opposite of what illegal site operators want!

The only risk that SSL certificates mitigate in exchange for giving up anonymity is that they provide marginal protection against man-in-the-middle attacks. A type of attack used against some drug markets and other illegal enterprises was to set up similarly named onions which acted as silent proxies to the target website to steal credentials. The certificate would not even be much mitigation because someone visiting a fake MITM website would not see an actual error - just the green padlock or whatever would be absent.

Conclusion: Josh is pants-on-head retarded.
You don't actually need SSL certificates to run onion sites over TOR because TOR provides all the encryption as part of the onion link. SSL certificates are a recent, optional feature. Most illegal sites, indeed most Dark Net sites, do not use the feature: https://blog.torproject.org/tls-certificate-for-onion-site/ The only thing they do not have by refraining from using them is legal verification of the identity of the site operator, which is the opposite of what illegal site operators want!
Josh's excuse is that XenForo is forcing everything to https instead of http and he can't figure out how to override it. I suppose he'll have to figure that out now if the site is only going to be available on Tor and he doesn't want to have to be bothered to answer questions from barely functional speds who just can't figure out how to accept a self-signed certificate, and they want Dear Feeder to call them stupid faggots while explaining it to them for the 150th time.
Question 1 (this is important, frens): How do pedophile websites stay up on the Dark Net if onion sites need an identity verified certificate?

Question 2: How do drug market websites stay up on the Dark Net if onion sites need an identity verified certificate?
Your comparison doesn't really hold ground when it comes to KF, because those criminal darknet sites only have a darknet presence, whereas KF is primarily on the clearnet, with the .onion being a backup option.

Another important difference is that criminal sites likely aren't highly interactive in the way that KF is with a million users per month logging in to interact with other users sharing large amounts of content. On the dark, users presumably have some way to contact the site owner off-site (via Telegram or Signal). I have never been on the criminal darknet, but I'd imagine they do not require visitors to log in and interact with other users or the site's owner directly, for the sake of everyone's safety.

You need to compare KF to another website that is both on the clearnet and the darknet, and has a multi-user interactive component. Afterall, the whole point of a cert is to let a user know they're actually where they're supposed to be.
Even the swinging interracial cuckold Nick Rekieta agrees that Josh constantly alienates potential allies by talking shit about them so much on his podcast.
Josh has officially responded to Rekieta's clip above and it honestly hard to tell if Josh is being stupid on purpose or he's a genuine retard. He thinks this is all about the Locals chat.
rekieta josh.png

Rekieta was very clear in the clip. He doesn't like Josh running and promoting "untrue" theories about himself and about others and for that reason he finds it increasingly difficult to defend the site. For example, Josh and his users have been promoting the idea that Rekieta's best friend Drexel is a pedophile and/or groomer.

Why would he want to defend a website like tries to paint his best friend as pedophile? I'm sure any defense of Kiwifarms from Rekieta at this point is just pure lip service. He also dislikes how fake this "don't touch the poo" rule is. If case anyone doesn't know, there is a user in Rekieta's thread who archives all his locals chat. He gives Rekieta money just to have access to it. Is it touching the poo? It's borderline. I would honestly side towards "no," but even if Josh is right that this is simple archiving there are other clear examples of poo touching that goes unpunished.

Here are 3 quick examples:

- Trannymura.
He has admitted quite embarrassingly that his life goal is to get lolcow Ethan Ralph in jail. He claims it will be his "ultimate, unimpeachable victory." Furthermore, even Josh has conceded that Trannymura is very likely in direct contact with Matthew Vickers, something Trannymura tries to deny time and time again.

- Kengle X.
I rest my case. The name alone speaks volumes. To quote Josh exactly, "one of the most involved people in the gay Ralph-trolling shit possible."

-That Mexican who drove by Ralph's place.
Days after Ralph's address was posted to Kiwifarms he was swatted. Then a Kiwifarms user visited his residence to confirm that he lives there. He's also told people to contact Ralph's neighbors. Kengle X was there too. Gee... I wonder what he wanted to do with knowledge of Ralph's and his truck's legal status in Mexico. Surely it's not to contact the police should either be not so legal, right? Of course not. That would be against the rules!

There are countless examples of this poo-touching behavior that goes unpunished and that Josh has made very clear he doesn't mind it if it's against his enemies.
"I don't care if my users run gayops and there is proof if it. Ralph is trying to get me killed 😭!"
Poor Josh 🎻
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Josh has officially responded to Rekieta's clip above and it honestly hard to tell if Josh is being stupid on purpose or he's a genuine retard.
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Josh knows exactly what Rekieta is talking about and he is deflecting. "A specific post hasn't been pointed out to me" motherfucker you run the most notorious website of Current Year, it is your job to know what the fuck people are using your site for.
Josh knows exactly what Rekieta is talking about and he is deflecting. "A specific post hasn't been pointed out to me" motherfucker you run the most notorious website of Current Year, it is your job to know what the fuck people are using your site for.

But is it really all that notorious? Outside of a bunch of Twitter spergs, I don't think most people even know Kiwi Farms exists. I've mentioned it a few times IRL even, and people just looked at me blankly. I think people tend to overrate the significance of the Farms if you ask me.
He's not talking about fonts though. When Brennan says "this program", he is referring to IN, not to any of his own font projects.

Furthermore, the "the MFEK AGPL Flood Exception" he is referring to, I looked it up and he's apparently referring to this which he appears to have written on his own, which does not appear to pertain exclusively to font developers but to any program released under and covered by the AGPL, which would include IN since that was also released under AGPL:

Again, why is Brennan - who has supposedly long abandoned IN and only wants to take down Null - why is he all of a sudden seeking an exception to the AGPL for IN, insisting that IN adopt that exception? And why is he making it openly known to Null, as if to grab his attention?
He wants to buy 420chomo from that useless drug addled larping kike kirtaner.
So Turkey Tom badly damaged control for Null and its pretty bad
One Miilllllion! visitors... in a few years that figure will go up to 6...
People are falling for it. Have you looked at comments
Something something joshys thread not being public blah blah blah
Bella was Kwiffar. Like Flam etc.
This dood is trippin since he can't get on his main source of research for his videos easily
And nothing of value was lost.

tl/dw: Fong est rapiste. It's all Fong (the broom has no other enemies, at all, that's right out). joshy dindu nuffin.