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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
This guy acting like Josh just released the new ye mixtape , shower him in upcummies

Detailed analysis of what the content actually is...

No love 💔 😔

Those must be as shitty as Kino Casino's reviews of Survivor.

Null said on MATI today that he's considering making his old Gumroad exclusives public for everyone, so you'll be able to have a look for yourselves if he does.
TBH, he does sound even more agitated than usual though. To me it sounds like he's catastrophizing/conspiracy-theorizing and lashing out because of something other than Chris being bailed out. I wonder what's bothering him. I do wonder if he knew about Chris Chan being bailed out ahead of everyone else. Maybe he's upset about being stuck in Europe [citation needed] and unable to travel to the US to "save the day" like he originally intended to? My impression was that he really doesn't want to get involved with Chris Chan anymore, but I could be wrong.
Chris has been a sore subject for null for a long time now, i'm sure its not in the docs yet but a lot of 2010s fuckery happened and was possibly allowed because null gave the ok.

He also has repeatedly said he's done with Chris only to post about how he's been in contact with chris the entire time. he said he was done with chris years before the incest shit went down for instance, but low and fucking behold he was literally exchanging emails where there is blatant evidence chris is fucking his mom and null goes "whoops crazy how i didn't catch that"

i'm sure josh will have some new leaks to talk about from chris in the near future
Josh has this retarded idea that Trump is a bad guy because he didn't give a blanket pardon to every single person nvolved in January 6 after disavowing the violent rioters. There are many reasons to dislike Trump and not pardoning J6 rioters is definitely one of the most retarded ones to pick. The logistics of a blanket pardon simply isn't there. Josh stupidly believes Trump could've freed everyone with the wave of a pen.
Trump’s consideration of preemptive pardons quickly hit a wall. It was unclear how he could pardon an entire class of people that hadn’t been charged. “You didn’t know who the FBI was going to arrest down the road,” the first adviser said.

At the same time, the White House counsel’s office was forcefully telling Trump what he could not do as president, this person said.

“There was a dangling threat that if he pushed too hard, [White House counsel Pat] Cipollone would leave,” the adviser said. Cipollone declined to comment.

Trump has teased pardoning J6 rioters on his 2024 campaign so if Josh truly cares about the J6 protestor being freed supporting Trump should be his priority, but Josh is too stupid to see this and he has to double down on his idiotic take because he thinks ti's cool and principled rather than logistically impossible.
Josh has this retarded idea that Trump is a bad guy because he didn't give a blanket pardon to every single person nvolved in January 6 after disavowing the violent rioters. There are many reasons to dislike Trump and not pardoning J6 rioters is definitely one of the most retarded ones to pick. The logistics of a blanket pardon simply isn't there. Josh stupidly believes Trump could've freed everyone with the wave of a pen.

Trump has teased pardoning J6 rioters on his 2024 campaign so if Josh truly cares about the J6 protestor being freed supporting Trump should be his priority, but Josh is too stupid to see this and he has to double down on his idiotic take because he thinks ti's cool and principled rather than logistically impossible.
null tantrum.png

How did you acquire the "piss minge" badge? Have you traveled to fornicate with the brain damaged British thot?

IDK. We are all gay on this website so it's probably something to do with that. I only started paying attention to OF in the past two or three months.

Josh has this retarded idea that Trump is a bad guy because he didn't give a blanket pardon to every single person nvolved in January 6 after disavowing the violent rioters. There are many reasons to dislike Trump and not pardoning J6 rioters is definitely one of the most retarded ones to pick. The logistics of a blanket pardon simply isn't there. Josh stupidly believes Trump could've freed everyone with the wave of a pen.

Trump has teased pardoning J6 rioters on his 2024 campaign so if Josh truly cares about the J6 protestor being freed supporting Trump should be his priority, but Josh is too stupid to see this and he has to double down on his idiotic take because he thinks ti's cool and principled rather than logistically impossible.

Trump couldn't do much for the J6 people in the immediate aftermath, it's true but otoh he's done very little for them after leaving office. He only cut a check to their defense after catboi Fuentas yelled at him to do it.

I can understand why people are angry at Trump over J6 considering he invited everyone up there and then hasn't talked about them or raised a fuss about them being beaten by DC cops or having their medication stolen and destroyed in front of them because the fat pigs up on the Hill are pitching one long endless tantrum. It really looks like Trump deliberately lead them into a trap and has stayed barricaded in his Florida property malding about him losing/the cheating instead of doing the right thing and dedicating himself to their defense. Trump couldn't pardon them immediately afterwards its true, but there is a wide range of options between doing the impossible (pardoning them for a crime they weren't arrested for yet) and what Trump's been doing (seething/coping/dilating in his basement in Florida.)

Null is wrong here but its only because he can't wrap his brain around what actually happened, that his replacement Daddy figure is a retard that got dozens of people locked up for waving flags in Congress. And then the replacement daddy his basement for two years crying about how unfair it all was while those people are being abused while faggots in the Republican party sat with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing about it. Who wouldn't be angry?

I can't judge Null too harshly on this one because its an enraging situation and Trump could and should have done more instead of waiting for three years to start talking about the people that he lead into danger.
null's trans day of vengeance.png
IDK. We are all gay on this website so it's probably something to do with that. I only started paying attention to OF in the past two or three months.

Trump couldn't do much for the J6 people in the immediate aftermath, it's true but otoh he's done very little for them after leaving office. He only cut a check to their defense after catboi Fuentas yelled at him to do it.

I can understand why people are angry at Trump over J6 considering he invited everyone up there and then hasn't talked about them or raised a fuss about them being beaten by DC cops or having their medication stolen and destroyed in front of them because the fat pigs up on the Hill are pitching one long endless tantrum. It really looks like Trump deliberately lead them into a trap and has stayed barricaded in his Florida property malding about him losing/the cheating instead of doing the right thing and dedicating himself to their defense. Trump couldn't pardon them immediately afterwards its true, but there is a wide range of options between doing the impossible (pardoning them for a crime they weren't arrested for yet) and what Trump's been doing (seething/coping/dilating in his basement in Florida.)

Null is wrong here but its only because he can't wrap his brain around what actually happened, that his replacement Daddy figure is a retard that got dozens of people locked up for waving flags in Congress. And then the replacement daddy his basement for two years crying about how unfair it all was while those people are being abused while faggots in the Republican party sat with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing about it. Who wouldn't be angry?

I can't judge Null too harshly on this one because its an enraging situation and Trump could and should have done more instead of waiting for three years to start talking about the people that he lead into danger.
Null hates Trump because Trump didn't regulate the banks and tried to mess with Section 230.
null on regulating the banks 1.png
null on regulating the banks 2.png
He also has repeatedly said he's done with Chris only to post about how he's been in contact with chris the entire time. he said he was done with chris years before the incest shit went down for instance, but low and fucking behold he was literally exchanging emails where there is blatant evidence chris is fucking his mom and null goes "whoops crazy how i didn't catch that"
Those weren't e-mails, they were Signal messages. Null was in touch with Chris over Signal, and blocked him after he realized that Chris had stolen money from Barb's bank account when he ran out of money while he was sleeping in his car.

It's easy to interpret the Signal messages they exchanged with the benefit of hindsight, and to be like: "How did you not pick up on what Chris was doing?!". But knowing how superficial Null is when it comes to reading e-mails, my personal guess is that Null probably didn't even read them all the way through when he got them. He probably just glanced at them, thought to himself: "Whatever, just a horny sperg who wants to brag about sex they're not even having.", and ignored them. I know that Null is a very superficial reader of whatever you send him from personal experience, so I suspect this was the main reason he never picked up on what was happening. Null just didn't give enough of shit about Chris to read his Signal messages with any level of care or interest.
Still reading the old posts, and I came across this post that I just had to respond to. Don't know if this person is still active on OF, but I would really like to see the receipts for some of the more outrageous claims they made in this post (such as claiming that Null has supposedly, quote, "visited the chinese government")

I dont intend on looking further into this but i did feel compelled to warn you and others of what supposedly happened the last time someone did dig into joshes ties and financial section of his lifestyles.

Actually, the #DropKiwiFarms troons were openly discussing Flow Chemical during their campaign and were openly passing around files about the company on Twitter. For example:

FlowChemicalUsingAnAsianPacificAllocatedIPSpace.jpg DropKFDDoSingFlowChemicalPtyLtd.jpg Struggs_Drama_doesnt_exist_but_their_tweets_still_do02.jpg

The above tweet with the screenshot from the document on Flow Chemical that #DropKiwiFarms were spreading around at the time is still available here:

As you can plainly see, the #DropKiwiFarms theory at the time was not that Flow Chemical is some shady tax evasion scheme as y'all are claiming, but that it was simply a way for Null to obtain AS397702 from AAPNIC (Australia, Asia Pacific Network Information Center).

You seem to allude to something "bad" happening to anyone who looks into Flow Chemical - again, with no receipts of this alleged "bad" thing, whatever it is- so please explain, how was it that all these troons were openly discussing Flow Chemical on Twitter during #DropKiwiFarms, openly spreading around information about Flow Chemical for everyone and their mother to look into... and literally nothing at all happened to them? How does this fit into your little conspiracy theory of "don't ever mention or look into Flow Chemical"?

At the same time during multiple MATI streams however, josh would repeatedly rant regarding government filed lawsuits against him or his llc while also dealing with Russel Greer and Melissa’s lawsuits. These slip ups would repeatedly show a contradiction to his “canary”.

What the hell is a "government filed lawsuit"? If you mean that Null himself was indicted by the US government or any other government, receipt please. Also, which episodes of MATI are you referring to? Null never claimed that any government tried to go after him personally.

Josh visits the chinese government for “vacation” suddenly

When did Null "visit the Chinese government"? Null claims to have visited China since his 2019 interview with Vincent (where they talked about visiting the country) but Null never posted any receipts for this alleged trip to China. For all we know he's never actually been there. Do you have any receipts? And do you have any receipts specifically of Null visiting "the Chinese government"? Or are you playing a game of Chinese Whispers here?

and leaks showing josh in contact with people such as Coachredpill and others appear offering things such as “visa passports” and “travel immunity”. Josh bans any and all talks of this and waves it off as fake or gay.

Again, receipts please. Where did Null claim that CRP and "others" (name them please) were offering him a "visa passport" (whatever the hell that means) and "travel immunity" (whatever the hell that means). If you think CRP was the one who brought Null to Ukraine, where are your receipts for this claim? I have heard and linked to the MATI episode where Null talked about CRP wanting to set up some kind of a Fight Club house in Ukraine (this was before the war) where young men could stay for a month and have their own Fight Club LARP, but Null openly scoffed at the idea during that MATI episode.

The end of 2021 josh is at war with keffals and somehow trannys get the backing of multiple goverments and ISPs to pressure kiwifarms into not existing, meanwhile sites ran by blackhat hackers such as exist without problems.

The reason why #DropKiwiFarms didn't go after Doxbin like they did with KF is because the troons were using that website to doxx Kiwis, something they were openly bragging about during their campaign:

FridoKalaDoxxedKFers.jpg DoxxingKFersOnDoxbin.jpg DoxxingKFersOnDoxbi01.jpg

You seem to think that this campaign popped out of the blue and was an overnight success, but you should know that #DropKiwiFarms had been in the making since 2017, that's how long Liz Fong Jones had been pestering Cloudflare to drop KF. Liz Fong Jones merely used Keffals to galvanize his own campaign against the site. Furthermore, #DropKiwiFarms made it abundantly clear that they were planning to go after other sites and personalities besides KF (the mentioned 4chan and Tucker Carlson as other potential targets), they just never did because Keffals tapped out.