I think the biggest reason to "root" for russia is a hope that if the western world gets a little pushback they'll drop the woke bullshit the same way a network tv show might walk back a decision if the ratings start dropping. And if you actually believed the "capitalism is everything, so a group only 2% of the population will never be pandered to ever" bullshit you're lied to about in school then it would make sense. in theory you can't keep giving gibs to the niggers if the money starts getting tight. Unfortunately thats not how it works, despite what those anons on 4chan say the lack of good recruits in the armed forces doesn't mean they're dropping woke stuff to boost white men's numbers.
it doesn't matter if russia is also bad and is fighting to stop nazis or whatever the fuck, because just by refusing to let the US win they're helping (in theory). its like how i'm sure no one in North Vietnam was fighting to stop women's rights or the rights of niggers or faggots, yet by not letting the US win they destroyed a fuck load of political power on the left, the need to focus on the war meant cutting back on a lot of the plans for the great society, and also led to the electoral loss in the 1968 election and the promise to end the war gave the GOP in '72 the best percentage difference in a two party presidential race. it would be sort of nutty to go to war with a country on the basis of causing it to change its issues domestically, its always an unintended consequence.
But overall thats why null and his type are "rooting" for russia, by not yielding they're fucking up their enemies plans, in theory at least. as we know the kikes would let the US die than admit defeat, so it won't matter. but at the very least by standing up to the US it forces for the first time in a while a multipolar world and allows a lot of countries around the world a better shot at self reliance and not being a cuck to the US, which probably will just mean worst free speech overall and null getting fucked, but all it takes is one country to pull a "radio free europe" and let null and whomever else host whatever anti-western (AKA woke) beliefs website they want and boom! a lot of his problems would seemingly be solved overnight.
Not to really get into it but in terms of gayops like that its almost always been a western on everyone else type action, but i'm sure at some point countries will see how small that sphere of influence is and will let that shit happen. at minimum the fact that we're seeing more alternatives to western monopolies like SWIFT shows that by not yielding russia has helped dissidents of the west like null, even if like the north Vietnamese they couldn't give a fuck about niggers.
Also the real reason i'm posting is to whine about him banning another of my alts Nykysnottrans, that account basically contributed 90% of the backstory of contrapoints, the entire thread is mainly people reacting to my deep dives and leaking of past videos on contra and despite that Null just banned the account out of nowhere. people suspect its part of the whole email debacle but still, for all intends and purposes Josh destroyed literally the only reason Contra isn't as mysterious as Metokur was for so long, and for someone that whines about missing when the site was about the lolcows taking out one of the best posters because you and literally just you find them annoying is fucked. Again its happened to me about 4 times now and its rather annoying. Especially when so many other users both negatively contribute or are more annoying or hated overall or actively fuck the sites reputation and are still allowed to thrive on the site.
This actually reminds me a lot of ED, a big reason that went to shit is how many people fucked off with Sherrod and the ones that didn't but tried to maintain and improve the site post-2011 were banned and mocked because the owner and mods of the site were just being assholes. They proudly destroyed a lot of other well maintained wikis like greentext and copy pasta wikias because they thought it would be funny or other more personal reasons. Null is similarly actively destroying the site with his personal problems, for a site in theory dedicated to cataloging lolcows he openly takes out people who actually catalog or do deep dives on the lolcows because of petty person grievances. As much as null whines' he prefers A&H type users or other shit stirrers over anyone actually trying to contribute.
Thats a big reason why so few people have faced consequences for touching the poo, especially recently. the DSP gayopers are still around, as are most of the chudbud assholes, he's all but declared war on ethan ralph because he's envious Ralph got such a subservient wife, and overall the site has been getting worse because Null can't/won't delegate and is too focused on the back end when he's an amateur with only entry level computer skills and a lot of people are taking advantage of null not watching any of the threads outside of A&H or chat. FFS it took him being literally @'d for him to go after those patrick A-logs. and if we're being honest they're not that much worse than a lot of the other lolcow watchers in terms of poo touching.