• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
At this point but it's probably too late. But ultimately it depends on what he wants the site to be. That's why I emphasize the paypig nature of his audience and how important it is that Null has an audience he can abuse with absolute impunity.

Null has stated that he wants the site to be more "fun" but the only way to do that is to get rid of the politispergs and sektur autismos. They're the ones who make the site unbearable and Null has good cause to rail against them the way he does. (One of the reasons why right wing political opinions are blown off so frequently is that right wing politispergs are unlikable. Getting rid of them is not a hard sell.) If Null actually wanted KF to be what he claims he wants it to be then he would simply move against the people who make the site unbearable and to hell with his reputation. Who exactly is going to stand by him at this point anyway? He's already alienated tons of people through his faggotry and his "allies" are frankly the bottom of the barrel when it comes to right wing politispergery. This is partly what makes it such an easy sell to kick right wingers off platforms and why no one really protests: they are annoying and whiny.

I would add though that he shouldn't just settle for getting rid of politispergs; he should also just get rid of bad actors in general. A-logs are just as annoying and dumb. The site would shrink considerably once he jannied them out but that's not a bad thing and he would be able to cultivate a better userbase. IDK, I've been a janny too and there was never an issue from getting rid of people who were making the community experience worse. It was always a net benefit.

If he had done this years ago then he would have been able to salvage the site and it would truly just be an e-celeb gossip site with some edgy elements. Instead though he decided to go all in on having the worst userbase and the result is the current situation.

So what if the traffic is lower? That's not important so long as you have the right community.

I think the point I'm trying to make is, he can't salvage the current crop of users. They're too dumb and annoying. If he was actually serious about making the site better then he would get rid of them all. Since he's not willing to do that, the site will continue to get worse.

Of course the real problem is that Null is really really dumb.
The amount of pretentious galaxy brained N|gger of any political bent or other suitably banal and smug users over there really runs the gamete. I do so enjoy hearing the former edgey boys who lay original claim to the sites culture were instrumental in driving a retard to go insane and do awful things get their hackles in a bunch. Frankly any user who views posting as something more than a fun way to pass the time should be told to rope.
I love watching people deny that there are far-right Natsees on KF. Even KF mods themselves conceded in the Telegram chat during #DropKiwiFarms that there are outright Natsees on the forum, just at a very small number relatively to the rest of the users, so they're easy to just block and ignore:

. A lot of Kiwis are unapologetic racists, xenophobes, antisemites, misogynists, misandrists, homophobes, eugenicists, nihilists, misanthropes and other views generally associated with extremism.
agreed, but honestly i have a feeling just in general internet culture from 2014 would be considered far right. For fucks sake was anyone pro-trans online back then?

and while people have been trying to take down the farms sine the beginning, there's a reason the trans group was able to spread their hashtag further than anyone else, and people shouldn't forget how its mainly the beauty parlor terfs causing the most negative coverage recently.
OMG, you just reminded me of something I found through this forum, LMAOOO:

View attachment 30964

For the record, I think this post is either typical image board fanfic, or the result of a game of Chinese whispers - Null said on an episode of MATI that as a kid he had once stolen a pack of gum which is mom made him return to the store, and I guess that pack of gum became a pack of tampons on the image boards. Still, it's hilarious, and I kinda like the idea of Null secretly working on a novel about a cult leader that's based on his experiences on KiwiFarms, with characters in the book modeled after Kiwis. If there's a character based on AltisticRight, that character should get a whole chapter in the book after everything that's come out recently.
its too good to be true, the video game tipped me off, josh didn't have an original xbox and the game itself is considered one of the worst of all time, plus the only way he could have played the game would be to both have an original xbox and lug it everywhere and make his own adapters for each new country.
agreed, but honestly i have a feeling just in general internet culture from 2014 would be considered far right. For fucks sake was anyone pro-trans online back then?

and while people have been trying to take down the farms sine the beginning, there's a reason the trans group was able to spread their hashtag further than anyone else, and people shouldn't forget how its mainly the beauty parlor terfs causing the most negative coverage recently.

its too good to be true, the video game tipped me off, josh didn't have an original xbox and the game itself is considered one of the worst of all time, plus the only way he could have played the game would be to both have an original xbox and lug it everywhere and make his own adapters for each new country.
He has been listed on the IMDb entry for that game for at least a year. As a writer. It's a long running joke.

Still going through the old posts in this thread, and I actually got to the page where y'all at the time were shitposting about Null's Sinophilia, LMAO:

For being a "freedom lover" (as he stated on his CV lol) he sure shills for China a lot.

Probably the only thing worse than being a janny for free is shilling for the fucking CCP for free lmao

Fuck Xi, free Tibet, free the Uyghurs, free Taiwan

Josh should moved to China. Why hasn't he yet?

He already has, if you believe his Stack Overflow account where he lists Dalian as his location.

It'll amuse me to this day that he's such a cuck for China.

He does know that if the US(or europe I guess, this still puzzles me) were to have china-style internet laws that the feds would shut him down due to his site being disruptive to the state, right? They dont have Section 230 in China, you're responsible for what you host

The best part about his China shilling is that if he actually lived there he would most likely spend his days toiling in a sweatshop creating cheap plastic jewelry instead of sitting on his ass all day running KF and doing MATI streams.

Actually to anyone who actually watches MATI, I know he had a stream on China at one point.

That MATI show was the 2019 Livestream interview with his Flow Chemical buddy Vincent, who was referred to as "Vee" in the chat:

To humour you, here's Null on a more recent MATI episode trying to get his hardcore Sinophobic audience to appreciate Chinese Opera:


"Chen Shimei is a Chinese opera character and a byword in China for a heartless and unfaithful man. He was married to Qin Xianglian, also translated as Fragrant Lotus. Chen Shimei betrayed Qin Xianglian by marrying another woman, and tried to kill her to cover up his past."

This Kiwi here gets it:


If Null moves to China starts a new Youtube Rumble expat vlog channel called "An American Racist in China", I'd watch.

Josh thinks an old gay man would murder to get with a younger straight Christian guy?

Null as a homophobe expects gay men to be either useless (because they're not masculine), gross (because they are sex maniacs/degenerates) or outright dangerous to straight people (because be gay do crimes). He thus expects a movie about a fat dying gay man to be, not about the gay man's own death, but about confirming whatever stereotypes Null has of gay men being a threat to normalcy. Null expects the gay character to murder "a good young Christian man" (has Null seen Bones and All?), but when that stereotype isn't confirmed and that murder doesn't happen, Null is disappointed because the film challenges his stereotypical way of thinking.

BTW, this death wish directly contradicts what Null claims towards the end of his review, claiming that he expected this to be a movie where the gay lead decides change his life around and to better himself, which also doesn't happen (Null has clearly never seen an Aronofsky movie before, AFAIK his movies never have such neat endings or resolutions). Null apparently doesn't even see how this expectation of self-improvement directly contradicts the negative stereotype of a gay man who murders good Christians, which Null also expected to be confirmed in this film. Null's homophobia is like a Catch 22: he expects gay characters in film to "self-improve", at the same time as he expects them to be the worst, most dangerous of criminals.

What I found most amusing about Null's review was him admitting that he cannot relate to the film's theme of honesty. When you spend most your days trad-LARPing on the internet, running your mouth about the Bible when IRL you can't even maintain a Lent fast (cos these trad-LARP hypocrites can never live up to their professed religious standards, it's all talk), then I suppose the concept of "honesty" is quite alien to you indeed.

For those of your who haven't seen The Whale and don't mind spoilers, this is the scene he was referring to:

I also LMAO at Null saying he didn't like the character of the daughter because she is "cruel": "I'm a smart person. I never forget anything. You'd be disgusting even if you weren't this fat. You'd still be that piece of shit dad who walked out on me when I was 8, all because he wanted to fuck one of his students.".

For those of your who haven't seen The Whale and don't mind spoilers, this is the scene he was referring to:

How does Null not like this scene? This is literally the hatred that Null and his forum expect the kids of LGBT parents to grow up having towards their parents.


