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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Doesn't change the fact that kiwi farms isn't illegal and he shouldn't be forced to take it off the internet.
This isn't the point. It's about joshy and what he has done to put himself in this situation. Xenforo was before Fuff. It's about the fact no one wants to deal with him (and reasonably so, the guy is dodgy). If someone took over KF tomorrow, it would be back up.
Josh's game of being this last bastion of Freedom of Speech meant nothing because...
... he is a thin skinned noncetard who banned anyone who "spoke weird words".

tl/dr joshy isn't a victim of "the man", the troons, or the people who warned him this would happen ages ago. He is a victim of his own personality disorder.
I'm sorry that SJWism has melted your brain, you should just go outside instead of focusing on the cherry picked dishitcord figures, then maybe you will start understand that not all LGBTQ++ is bad unlike whatever /pol/ has told you
BTW that's why your side is losing, you know you really fucked up when your side has worse reputation than a fucking failed fart pornstar.
When exactly was null on our side, again? He's LGBTQ++.... he's shotasexual
Do people get how Bill of rights and shit works?

Let's play US lesson for laws:

Corporations were ruled ages ago as individuals in terms of the rights they maintain. This is a big reason why you don't see the government not being able to roll in and open someone's books to make sure they aren't embezzling without having to go through the same process they so getting warrants and such on individuals.

The implication there is the way the first amendment has historically been interpreted is that the government, and only the government, can't do shit to impede your freedom of speech. Corporations need no more justifications than anyone else here would need to block you from using their services.

Josh's game of being this last bastion of Freedom of Speech meant nothing because it wasn't ever the government after him. He needed to play a game of nice because he was dealing with businesses not government agencies. His rights don't mean much more than they do to another individual to Cloudflare.
I didn't say anything about that, tbh. You're not wrong. But corporations are caving under a radical political movement and its demonstrably bad for business. Woke, Inc is effectively poison for capitalism and liberty. Josh is an EASY target, for exactly the reasons you said. That's why he's at the front. The precedent isn't good.

Look at how wildly journalism and corporate media skew issues about which you are an IRL expert. Their pieces on my area of expertise are laughable propaganda. Without exception.

If you're not worried the slope is slippery, so be it. But I gather (maybe brazenly, idc) that you've never been a breastfeeding new mom deprived of places to talk about the real concerns of post partum depression and motherhood by a bunch of rabid troons who demand inclusion and centering in all female spaces. Have you ever had your irl job threatened for refusing to adopt the term "chest feeding"?

Cause until then...idk. It's easy to say josh should have been kinder. But when I look back on that shit, I wish instead of just finding a new job, I'd have kicked some balls on the way out. You get on the wrong side of this, you realize really quickly that there's no "right" way to placate the fucks.
I didn't say anything about that, tbh. You're not wrong. But corporations are caving under a radical political movement and its demonstrably bad for business. Woke, Inc is effectively poison for capitalism and liberty. Josh is an EASY target, for exactly the reasons you said. That's why he's at the front. The precedent isn't good.

Look at how wildly journalism and corporate media skew issues about which you are an IRL expert. Their pieces on my area of expertise are laughable propaganda. Without exception.

If you're not worried the slope is slippery, so be it. But I gather (maybe brazenly, idc) that you've never been a breastfeeding new mom deprived of places to talk about the real concerns of post partum depression and motherhood by a bunch of rabid troons who demand inclusion and centering in all female spaces.
Trannies are just perverts we kinda already knew that from the get-go
I didn't say anything about that, tbh. You're not wrong. But corporations are caving under a radical political movement and its demonstrably bad for business. Woke, Inc is effectively poison for capitalism and liberty. Josh is an EASY target, for exactly the reasons you said. That's why he's at the front. The precedent isn't good.

Look at how wildly journalism and corporate media skew issues about which you are an IRL expert. Their pieces on my area of expertise are laughable propaganda. Without exception.

If you're not worried the slope is slippery, so be it. But I gather (maybe brazenly, idc) that you've never been a breastfeeding new mom deprived of places to talk about the real concerns of post partum depression and motherhood by a bunch of rabid troons who demand inclusion and centering in all female spaces.
Nah the slope is slippery as fuck. I am not a tranny fan.

What I am is realistic about the game and the angle Josh played at was a bad one. Getting pushed off mainstream allowed troons to really paint themselves in a good light to people who don't know about the more fucked up ones, or how once the UK included MtFs in women's crime stats how women committing sex crimes spiked for the first time since they started keeping them.

If it was about keeping his platform and shit his method of interacting off of it was stupid and there's really no way around that. This is the game we've got to play and crashing through the wall like the kool-aid man was never the way to play it.
Trannies are just perverts we kinda already knew that from the get-go
Preach at corporate. This is the fucking choir.

It means getting behind the easy targets, imo. No matter how much you dislike them personally.
Preach at corporate. This is the fucking choir.

It means getting behind the easy targets, imo. No matter how much you dislike them personally.
Most Trannies would take down KiwiFarms because half the threads are public so it's too late to get the police or FBI to clap cheeks. Joshy could have done the right thing by forwarding the stuff to the FBI before making the Keffals thread public but sadly he is retarded like his Circumcise penis. That is why his site is gone and his fanboys still believe it will come back which it won't cause Null is a suicidal idiot who would rather kill himself before he gets arrested for being a dumbass in life!
It means getting behind the easy targets, imo. No matter how much you dislike them personally
Wrong. Getting behind "easy targets"like joshy gets you labeled a nonce, a creep, a back door manboy. The reason joshy got the boot has nothing to do with free speech. joshy cannot use that argument because he is against free speech (unless it's shota). He got the boot for being bent. Corps will say they "listened to the troons", but that's just good PA.

joshy is the same as the loony troons, sick fuck, NPD.

The troons will be dead in a generation, suicide or cancer, some people will have made a bundle, they will bail out before the court cases start coming in. joshy is still a dumb cunt who was told this would happen and carried on regardless.
Would Null really have a worse reputation than Keffals if you exposed both to the average person though?

On the one hand, you have an autistic website owner who read shota porn as a teenager and runs an edgy forum.

On the other hand, you have a troon who ran a child grooming discord and illegally distributes homemade HRT to children without their parents' consent. This person has also doxxed and swatted people in the past in spite of speaking out against these things when they happen to him personally.

Sure, CloudFlare and other tech companies side with the troon when he attacks Josh, and other tech companies abandon Josh when faced with the risk of protest & legal action from the troon army. That doesn't mean that Keffals has a better reputation than Null, though. That just means that Lucas Roberts has a massive political machine behind him and Josh doesn't.

We all know that KiwiFarms hosting edgy content isn't the reason it's being attacked now. If that were the case, KF would've been taken down over the Christchurch stuff or the suicides that KF allegedly caused. The reason KiwiFarms is being taken down is because its users have diligently documented the heinous and sometimes even illegal actions of lolcow troons, Keffals in particular, and these troons want that information scrubbed from the internet. Why else would these people be going after archive websites, too? They're apolitical, plus you can't even fedpost on those sorts of websites, so it's not a reputation or public safety thing.
Clara spent an entire stream debunking these allegations one by one and there's never been a single grooming victim who's come forward. The "groomer discord server" was an 18+ chatroom and people had to present photo ID to participate. She said she barely interacted there and if stupid risque anime shit being posted in some internet hangout you're tangentially connected to is a crime, every tumblr girl under 30 is going to jail. There was one twitter account claiming to be a child groomed by her, but it turned out to be an extremely adult person who has a history of lying for attention and fun. Likewise the person who had a collar made as a joke was like 27. She also said that the one thing she actually regrets in this was posting a single meme image with an off-color joke to a twitter follower she didn't know and didn't know was under 18.

She goes into this all right here, one would think that if you're obsessing over a person as a literal demonic entity you'd at least put in the time to study them so you can, I dunno, combat them more effectively? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1591028776?filter=archives&sort=time

She hasn't spent any time "trying to scrub" any of this. She literally did an entire stream about it lmao.

She didn't sell HRT drugs, she directed people to a directory of doctors and how to buy them from other countries. Nobody undergoes gender affirming surgery under age 18. The drugs simply inhibit development of secondary sexual characteristics, and if it's illegal where you are or if your parents are psycho evangelicals then without resources like this you are fucked. You will develop physical characteristics you don't want and will later have to be surgically corrected, if they can be at all.

All twitch streamers deserve to be put in re-education camps but I've gone through her old videos and they really are just boring as fuck. She talks about politics and legislation as it pertains to trans people mostly (like horrific shit like how some states are making it mandatory for some random adult to inspect your kid's genitals if they want to play a sport) interspersed with some humor and small talk about culture. If some other more popular streamer mentions her, she expresses gratitude and that's about it. She did a bunch of recent ones with an Irish transwoman about KF and they are all normal and boring. Her niche seems to be that she's a strong, friendly figure there to keep her mostly trans audience company and help them feel like they aren't struggling alone.
Clara spent an entire stream debunking these allegations one by one and there's never been a single grooming victim who's come forward. The "groomer discord server" was an 18+ chatroom and people had to present photo ID to participate. She said she barely interacted there and if stupid risque anime shit being posted in some internet hangout you're tangentially connected to is a crime, every tumblr girl under 30 is going to jail. There was one twitter account claiming to be a child groomed by her, but it turned out to be an extremely adult person who has a history of lying for attention and fun. Likewise the person who had a collar made as a joke was like 27. She also said that the one thing she actually regrets in this was posting a single meme image with an off-color joke to a twitter follower she didn't know and didn't know was under 18.

She goes into this all right here, one would think that if you're obsessing over a person as a literal demonic entity you'd at least put in the time to study them so you can, I dunno, combat them more effectively? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1591028776?filter=archives&sort=time

She hasn't spent any time "trying to scrub" any of this. She literally did an entire stream about it lmao.

She didn't sell HRT drugs, she directed people to a directory of doctors and how to buy them from other countries. Nobody undergoes gender affirming surgery under age 18. The drugs simply inhibit development of secondary sexual characteristics, and if it's illegal where you are or if your parents are psycho evangelicals then without resources like this you are fucked. You will develop physical characteristics you don't want and will later have to be surgically corrected, if they can be at all.

All twitch streamers deserve to be put in re-education camps but I've gone through her old videos and they really are just boring as fuck. She talks about politics and legislation as it pertains to trans people mostly (like horrific shit like how some states are making it mandatory for some random adult to inspect your kid's genitals if they want to play a sport) interspersed with some humor and small talk about culture. If some other more popular streamer mentions her, she expresses gratitude and that's about it. She did a bunch of recent ones with an Irish transwoman about KF and they are all normal and boring. Her niche seems to be that she's a strong, friendly figure there to keep her mostly trans audience company and help them feel like they aren't struggling alone.
Do you think people never lie about being a bad person or something?

Tranny grooming vics have no clue harm was done to them because they start out by convincing them anyone telling them that shit is a bad idea is the devil so of course you don't have any coming forward. Also don't be retarded please. Puberty is a lot more than balls dropping and titties growing. It's shit like how your bones work and your brain gets slathered in various growth hormones. The best example of long term puberty blocker impact on am adult is probably Michael Jackson for fuck sake.

Also be honest Keffals is so fucking high all the time his memory and thus word is worth about as much as I'd grant the end of the world guy at the subway.

I don't buy that the reasons given for Josh getting booted from all these services for a few reasons:

1. None of the service providers who kicked Null have cited the reasons that you guys have given. In the case of CloudFlare, Prince said that the reason was because of a fedpost on KiwiFarms. The Russian DDoS protection service said they didn't want to be harassed by troons. Even when news outlets talk shit about Josh, the worst they mention is the Christchurch thing and the suicides. You'd think that if they knew about the nekoshota stuff or the Blockland lore they'd go all Ralphamale and headline that he's a kid diddler. But they don't, likely because they don't know.

2. These services have hosted worse, from child porn rings all the way up to ISIS. Am I meant to believe that companies are fine with hosting those types but Josh sperg posting as a teenager is going too far?

3. Even as far as the establishment is concerned, Lucas Roberts isn't squeaky clean. Keffals did get banned from Twitter for his ratio'ing bullshit. Also, contrary to what Lucas says, he wasn't swatted. The RCMP were investigating suspicions that Keffals was a nonce and seized his hard drives. This was when Keffals grifted for his "legal fund" which he used to flee the country. While the media does frame it as the saintly Keffals vs the evil Null, as far as governments and corporations are concerned, they don't seem to sincerely think that. They know Keffals is a piece of shit, they don't care.

Even if Josh were unimpeachable in his behavior, hosting all that incriminating info on the troon mafia would've been enough to put crosshairs on him. Yes, the media and these companies are demonizing him, but the fact that they don't go into the specifics of what you guys talk about tells me that they aren't aware of the dirt they could use on him. They're just doing a lazy smear campaign as a PR move so thry don't look like the bad guys.
Do you think people never lie about being a bad person or something?

Tranny grooming vics have no clue harm was done to them because they start out by convincing them anyone telling them that shit is a bad idea is the devil so of course you don't have any coming forward. Also don't be retarded please. Puberty is a lot more than balls dropping and titties growing. It's shit like how your bones work and your brain gets slathered in various growth hormones. The best example of long term puberty blocker impact on am adult is probably Michael Jackson for fuck sake.

Also be honest Keffals is so fucking high all the time his memory and thus word is worth about as much as I'd grant the end of the world guy at the subway.
How mad does it make you that doctors and mental health experts all disagree with you and with the exception of ignorant and insane holdouts, so does society?
So what exactly is to be done with kids who are experiencing gender dysphoria? What is your solution? Because I see what happens when parents tell them it's all in their head or outright abuse them, the dysphoria stays and the kid's life just gets worse and worse.
So what exactly is to be done with kids who are experiencing gender dysphoria? What is your solution? Because I see what happens when parents tell them it's all in their head or outright abuse them, the dysphoria stays and the kid's life just gets worse and worse.
Same way we treat the kids who get eating disorders because it's the same type of mental problem and almost always a symptom not the actual source of their issues.

Gender affirming care is only saving about 50% lol its not batting great.
No dude, since you know more than fucking medical doctors and psychiatrists who spent YEARS getting educated about this and researching it, what specifically do we DO with trans kids? We keep telling them they're insane? If we're not using HRT then how is it medicated? Do you think out anything you purport to believe?
No dude, since you know more than fucking medical doctors and psychiatrists who spent YEARS getting educated about this and researching it, what specifically do we DO with trans kids? We keep telling them they're insane? If we're not using HRT then how is it medicated? Do you think out anything you purport to believe?
1. Issues aren't able to be medicated away. Intensive therapy to figure out the source of the issue is how we help the eating disorder kids, same thing here. Figuring out why they feel this way is a better solution than telling someone that they can pull off an alchemy level matter transfer.

2. Medicate their real issue if it is one, like treating bad cases of depression causing depersonalization as an example.

Its sweet you think the medical community is about helping people and not what gets the most money. A tranny is a patient that doesn't go away until it ropes itself.