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What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

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Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
I have gotten some feedback about problems with Godaddy hosting. Basically lag time and problems with chat (the chat cannot handle more than 10 peopke at a time). Godaddy is kind of expensive. I've been told by some of the people here that their services are crap. Has anyone here been experiencing these problems?

I have no experience but from everything I've heard its not the greatest.
I'm not too knowledgeable on hosting services, but GoDaddy always came across as one that was good at advertising more than providing a good service?

I suggest looking into other options or getting council from someone who's more knowledgeable in hosting services.

From what I've read, GoDaddy has stored passwords in plaintext previously, meaning anyone could break into their servers and subsequently have access to the forum on a root level.
Also it will dump Onionfarms the second someone complains about anything at all.

From what I've read, GoDaddy has stored passwords in plaintext previously, meaning anyone could break into their servers and subsequently have access to the forum on a root level.
Also it will dump Onionfarms the second someone complains about anything at all.
Yet another example of our fearless leader's planning. Plus, he should move the servers overseas to avoid the fallout of Section 230.
I also want to look at anonymous offshore webhosting that will be immune from DCMA problems but will still give us quality hosting.
It doesn't matter where it's hosted if you reside in the US you still have to follow US law. DMCA isn't likely to be an issue for us.
GoDaddy is inadequate for this forum's needs and I would not have sex with the poor service it provides.