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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
From the Sociopath Community community watch thread.
Oldie but goldie.

The top hat and anime avatar are fitting, but not in the way he thinks they are.
Notice the True & Honest Fat flair, he either kissed enough asses to get awarded one or paypigged Null twenty bucks for it.

From the "the IE6 guy", a TL;DR Personal Army thread about a guy who isn't funny at all.

This nigger TLS seems to think that it's illegal to be a pedo.
"If he's a pedophile, call the police"
Frivolously calling public services is illegal
I see a lot of these people think that being a pedophile is illegal and that if you call someone who isn't a sex offender a pedophile it is libel. @Sailfish did an entire update post about this.
I can understand being caucious but it is not libel.
"Pedophile" isn't necesarely an insult or an outrageous accusation per se, it just means that someone is sexually aroused by children or toddlers, that's it, there's nothing more to it. If there's a fair amount of evidence that someone is sexually aroused by kids, such as being a lolicon or British, it's not libel as it's a perfectly reasonable definition, no matter how offensive or triggering that individual finds it.

Then you have people that get mad when you call actual rapists pedophiles, like Senior Lexmechanic, who's an actual pedophile, but will glowpost at you if you ever remind him of his sexual attraction to kids or say anything bad about sex offenders since some of his family and friends are.
Christian XXX, along with fellow ultrafaggots such as American performer Tom Moore and Brazilian performer Alex Victor, took away the "everyman" aspect of shemale porn. No longer could the average viewer insert himself, so to speak, into the role of the "shocked but somewhat aroused man discovering that the woman of his dreams wasn't quite who he thought she was". No longer can a man watch professional, American shemale porn and discover the "mystique" that was once magnificently alluring in films from the past.

All the average viewer has to look forward to these days, is a bald, goofy-looking douchebag with a pathetic body from not doing proper lifting exercises, fucking shemales with the same, measured, uncharismatic strokes (and don't even get me started on his abhorrent "acting") while he resembles that albino freak from the show Banshee.

Have I mentioned how dismal he is when playing the submissive role? God forbid he let an aroused, endowed transsexual go to town and rip up his ass like they might a smaller, more normal-looking man being coerced or "forced" to take that role. Nooooo. It's the same, robotic, measured strokes once again as he lies there with that same, terminally-stupid look on his terminally-stupid face.

The only possible way Christian could even come close to redeeming himself for ruining American shemale porn for ever, is to douse himself in paraffin, set himself alight and dance the Watusi for five minutes screaming while the camera focuses solely on him. Yeah. That might go some way towards redemption.
Christian XXX, along with fellow ultrafaggots such as American performer Tom Moore and Brazilian performer Alex Victor, took away the "everyman" aspect of shemale porn. No longer could the average viewer insert himself, so to speak, into the role of the "shocked but somewhat aroused man discovering that the woman of his dreams wasn't quite who he thought she was". No longer can a man watch professional, American shemale porn and discover the "mystique" that was once magnificently alluring in films from the past.

All the average viewer has to look forward to these days, is a bald, goofy-looking douchebag with a pathetic body from not doing proper lifting exercises, fucking shemales with the same, measured, uncharismatic strokes (and don't even get me started on his abhorrent "acting") while he resembles that albino freak from the show Banshee.

Have I mentioned how dismal he is when playing the submissive role? God forbid he let an aroused, endowed transsexual go to town and rip up his ass like they might a smaller, more normal-looking man being coerced or "forced" to take that role. Nooooo. It's the same, robotic, measured strokes once again as he lies there with that same, terminally-stupid look on his terminally-stupid face.

The only possible way Christian could even come close to redeeming himself for ruining American shemale porn for ever, is to douse himself in paraffin, set himself alight and dance the Watusi for five minutes screaming while the camera focuses solely on him. Yeah. That might go some way towards redemption.
Tranny porn is serious business fellas.
As it's tradition, the NeoGAF/ResetERA thread is a thread of easily offended morons documenting easily offended morons.
Oh Shit I'm Sorry seems to take ResetERA users supporting new restrictions to the bidenbuxx checks really seriously.
Tim Pool moment!

And from ResetERA:


Altruistic middle class member with a commision/contract-based job deciding to not support gibs for himself and others like him or managerial rich slob who got his habitual quarterly bonus for cutting some corners, we might never know.

My understanding is that rent is so high in some areas that 80k isn't really that much depending where you live, keep in mind the people that told me this were childless Californian codemonkeys with a China-fueled standard of living comparable to a Victorian nobleman.
Nah, he just threw a shitfit over people saying they didn't feel bad for a pedo getting murdered.
He threw a shitfit because he lives with a sex offender (who's totally not him guise I swear) and doesn't like the idea of roving bands of vigilantes rounding up his "roommate" and cutting their balls off.
We gotta stop @SIGSEGV, first gunning down every leftist in DC and now this, he can't keep getting away with it

They always tattle on themselves. This does make his constant moral fagging even funnier though.
Eh, he's unbalanced. He's capable of having a decent conversation about lots of things but he just couldn't help but stick his oar in to whiteknight for his bad touching friend. He was trying to make the point that not every registered offender is a pedo and that extrajudicial executions are bad which I think most people can agree with but then he peed all over his own balls by calling us all Frank Castle LARPing faggots and challenging us all to a fight.
From the Sociopath Community community watch thread.
Oldie but goldie.
View attachment 6876
The top hat and anime avatar are fitting, but not in the way he thinks they are.
The top hats were given to Wildchild's avatar after one too many spergouts by him, he didn't add them himself. He also was a janny at one point and deleted posts in a thread which showed that he got doxed by a cow after he tried to mess with them on facebook.

He used to be one of autisticdragonkin's butt buddies and they, together with John Nyan, would shizpost in DT a lot. It was pretty fun. Wildchild also claimed to be a tranny, but I was never sure if it was just a joke or not.
Wildchild also claimed to be a tranny, but I was never sure if it was just a joke or not.
Just assume everyone is being serious 100% of the time, it's funnier that way.
In all seriousness, isn't autisticdragonkin a tranny? Show me who your friend are...
He used to be one of autisticdragonkin's butt buddies and they, together with John Nyan, would shizpost in DT a lot. It was pretty fun.
Funny in the sense that "this guy could be a decent comedian" or funny in the sense "God what a pathetic laughing stock"?