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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
very epic
Screenshot_2021-03-05 IP2 Community IP2 ip2always win.png
When Canada sends us their people, they're not sending their best! They're sending Yaniv, they're sending @{o}p3 / Arm Pit Cream, they're sending Jean-François Gariepy. They send us trannies, they send us edgelord psychos, they send us potato-fucking sociopaths with thick accents, and some, I assume, are good people.
I'm going to build a big wall and Canada is going to pay for it.
None of the people in this thread have read OP's post, which is kinda based and kinda cringe at the same time.
Or the subforum he's posting in for that matter, it's not the bidness subforum, bruhs.
Imagine taking Ls from an anime avatar and a zoophile. Wew wow lad really sad when the hecking cute and valid queer members of the LGBTQPIBBQZFWEEBKKK+ community cannibalize each other.

Also, when is Juanbutnotforgotten getting a thread here? My God, he's so pathetic, but not in a funny way, in an obnoxious one.
I'm struggling to find the post, but there was some guy talking about how his kf merch shirt or hoodie was is "best article of clothing" he had. His best pair of clothes is some mass-produced merch anyone can make... I've been seeing a lot of talk about how "high quality" this mass-produced merch from China is on the farms each time there is a merch run and I don't know whether to laugh at their lack of style or cry at how poor they may be for saying something like this. They wouldn't know quality if it fucked them in the face.
I'm struggling to find the post, but there was some guy talking about how his kf merch shirt or hoodie was is "best article of clothing" he had. His best pair of clothes is some mass-produced merch anyone can make... I see a lot of talk about how "high quality" these mass-produced shirts from China cost and I don't know whether to laugh at their lack of style or cry at how poor they may be.
It was probably a joke you subhuman autist.
I'm struggling to find the post, but there was some guy talking about how his kf merch shirt or hoodie was is "best article of clothing" he had. His best pair of clothes is some mass-produced merch anyone can make... I've been seeing a lot of talk about how "high quality" this mass-produced merchandise from China is on the farms and I don't know whether to laugh at their lack of style or cry at how poor they may be for saying something like this. They wouldn't know quality if it fucked them in the face.
My KF hoodie is made from the best fabric and it could put the top clothing manufacturers out of business, and my new KF coin is gonna be worth 999999 bajillion dollars in a month.
Seethe, dilate and cry, faggot.