and deadbeat bogan
and deadbeat bogan
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Why do you keep using words you apparently dont understand the meaning ofdeadbeat
Im shitposting on an obscure internet forum why do i need to be grammatically correct retard"muh ESL"
and here you are writing posts with tons of grammar errors
because you're the one who keeps screaming about it, you absolute inbred troglodyte.wHy dO I NeEd tO Be gRaMmAtIcAlLy cOrReCt rEtArD
Wherebecause you're the one who keeps screaming about it, you absolute inbred troglodyte
Wherebecause you're the one who keeps screaming about it, you absolute inbred troglodyte
i jerked off to this picture before
You missed a spot
Lmao why did you archive this ya sperg? Also, you should come home, your friends miss you
This doesn't seem censored.
that's the mistake I did. ignore itThis doesn't seem censored.
Encyclopedia Dramatica user hit with £10k damages after calling ex-councillor a 'paedo'
Internet toilet wall graffiti spat ends up in High