• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

Wannabe Lolcow-tuber edgelord zoomer grifter, "Her Prostate," Poster boy of using threads and not crediting sources, Chronic shitstirrer, Destiny worshipper, Pronouns respecter, Mr.Beast bootlicker, Supports cheating, rejected by Kiwi Farms
they're still butthurt about turkey Tom not giving credit and among many other things.
"Bloo hoo hoo how come nobody ever thanks us for the info?" The few times someone did you hounded their asses for not doing enough or not doing it exactly how you like. They did it to Turkey Tom and Some Pajeet Gaymer - why would you ever give props when it results in more hate from all sides and most people get on fine not naming KF as their source.
as to why no one likes to credit commiefarms
View attachment 80933

they're still butthurt about turkey Tom not giving credit and among many other things. ...things.

as to why no one likes to credit commiefarms
Cause they flat-out don't deserve any credit, anybody who gets their info from their should just credit themselves cause fuck these faggots.
Translation: Women lied they are rapists just like men and my favorite YouTubers became breastubers just like pedophile Vaush.

You can’t make this shit up if you try hard enough.
View attachment 80948View attachment 80949
Translation: Women lied they are rapists just like men and my favorite YouTubers became breastubers just like pedophile Vaush.
Vaush is spiritual pedophile it seems like a lot of YouTubers are
But that's like pointing out the sky exists.
Thread Tax:
Hi Daniel :)
It appears that Daniel's army of sock accounts has been signal-boosting the mostly dead thread about onion farms on Kiwi Farms.
Reason: You'll never be a real onion farmer Daniel
Kiwifarms logic: "Wishing death on people isn't evil because God said to kill pedophiles."
Screenshot_20250117_121511_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20250117_121534_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20250117_121555_Samsung Internet.jpg

These users simply take after Josh who believes many more people need to be killed for his idealized utopia.
Screenshot_20250117_121711_Samsung Internet.jpg

This is the worst thing to come for this Luigi situation. Few people, a small minority, think it was right to kill the CEO and they're too pussy to actually say it. They need to dance around the issue. People like this are fat losers who won't accomplish anything but be online cheerleaders, living vicariously for eternity.

KiwiFarms is coping and seething about a ten hour video Marzgurl made on her KiwiFarms thread and already many of them trying to call her fake news on say one
To be fair, MarzGurl is a lolcow in her own way because she's just mad that she's now an irrelevant nobody; also I think she did the stream to raise money because I heard her Los Angeles home got burned down from the fires (I cannot confirm this though).

I'm not sure if Vic Mignogna really did what he did because often wokescold progressives are often unreliable narrators. Maybe he did it, maybe he did not do it. Who really fucking knows at this point beause I don't really consider many Leftoids to be reliable sources.

As for MarzGurl, I notice a pattern that those that were in some way involved with the Nostalgia Critic and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses/Channel Awesome suffered some kind of terrible fate in some way. In the case of MarzGurl, she destroyed what was left of her reputation during the 'I Stand With Vic' drama and after Vic's defamation lawsuit didn't go anywhere, she faded away from relevancy and she's been trying to regain her lost relevance in the anime community since (because after the ISWV drama, MarzGurl could no longer be able to milk Vic for what he is worth anymore from that point on). Vic is probably a terrible person but that doesn't mean his former co-workers and associates are innocent either because MarzGurl, Monica Rail, Ron Toye, Jamie Marchi, Sean Schemmel, and others that were involved from the Funimation side of things have also proven themselves be really objectively terrible people.
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View attachment 80933

they're still butthurt about turkey Tom not giving credit and among many other things.

as to why no one likes to credit commiefarms
Tom is a retarded shill for kiwifarms because he says he never seen anyone get banned from there. But I call bullshit because he was banning people in his stream for complaining about rewinding a video too much. Which I'm positive he picked up that behavior from Josh.
Cause they flat-out don't deserve any credit, anybody who gets their info from their should just credit themselves cause fuck these faggots.
They don't deserve credit because by the time the any info is posted on kf it was already on several other sites. They're not even worthy of being a secondary source at this point.
Vaush is spiritual pedophile it seems like a lot of YouTubers are
But that's like pointing out the sky exists.
Thread Tax:
Hi Daniel :)
View attachment 80955
It appears that Daniel's army of sock accounts has been signal-boosting the mostly dead thread about onion farms on Kiwi Farms.
Accidentally revealing he has a Loli horse cock folder and saying they were just goblins was wild. Him and Danny would probably get along.
Kiwifarms logic: "Wishing death on people isn't evil because God said to kill pedophiles."
View attachment 80961View attachment 80962View attachment 80963

These users simply take after Josh who believes many more people need to be killed for his idealized utopia.
View attachment 80964

This is the worst thing to come for this Luigi situation. Few people, a small minority, think it was right to kill the CEO and they're too pussy to actually say it. They need to dance around the issue. People like this are fat losers who won't accomplish anything but be online cheerleaders, living vicariously for eternity.
Killing the CEO was based and more billionaires like that should live in fear. Particularly Lynda and Stewart Resnick who were talking about selling water they hoard back to Californians when the fire hydrants were running out of water to put out the fires.
Off topic
Kiwifarms logic: "Wishing death on people isn't evil because God said to kill pedophiles."
View attachment 80961View attachment 80962View attachment 80963

These users simply take after Josh who believes many more people need to be killed for his idealized utopia.
View attachment 80964

This is the worst thing to come for this Luigi situation. Few people, a small minority, think it was right to kill the CEO and they're too pussy to actually say it. They need to dance around the issue. People like this are fat losers who won't accomplish anything but be online cheerleaders, living vicariously for eternity.
I said it before and I'll say it again.

The Bible does not condemn pedophilia (both in the Old and New Testaments).

The Old Testament (aka the Tanakh for Jews) has plenty of verses where the Israelites violently pillage their neighbors and then they take their women and young girls for themselves (God approved of this several times in the Old Testament explicitly). The Talmud (a Jewish text that is meant to guide Jews on how to interpret the Old Testament and it DLC for the Old Testament) confirms that some of the Israelites were sexual predators and God gave them the seal of approval (the Old Testament and the Talmud says they did nothing wrong).

If you think the New Testament is any better? Not really. Most Christian scholars have come to the conclusion that Mary was likely around the ages of 12 to 14 years of age (it was also common in Roman times to marry someone that young); so if you believe in the story of the birth of Christ then God choose a prepubescent girl and had sex with her so she can give birth to the savior of the world (to be fair, life expectancy was like age 50 where that was considered old age at the time but it doesn't change the fact that girls were often married young in ancient times; the concept of childhood wouldn't really exist until the start of the Industrial Revolution in the late-19th century).

Before someone says "But Jesus said that children should not be lead into sin!!!" Read the Old Testament, Jesus followed Mosaic law and even said it himself that he came to fulfill it (so that's the Old Testament including the really fucked up parts of it). When Jesus said not to lead children into sin, you have to understand the context of what was considered sinful in those days. Pedophilia was not a relevant issue in ancient times compared to something like war or famine or economic collapse. The only punishments for sexual battery found in the Bible are in the Old Testament; if a man were to rape a woman or a girl then the rape victim must marry their rapist (so according to the Bible, a female rape victim doesn't get any justice) and if a man is caught having sweaty butt sex with another man then both must be stoned (even if the other male engaging in gay sex is a rape victim; so if the rape victim is a boy being forced against their will by a male homosexual then both the male homosexual and the boy must also be stoned so there is no justice for an underage male rape victim either in the Bible because Mosaic law commands that both must be stoned regardless of age). The New Testament expands its commendation of homosexuality with lesbianism where Paul the Apostle expanded the definition of homosexuality and still recommended his new early-Church followers to take some examples from Mosaic law. But there is no direct punishment for the act of pedophilia in of itself in any part of the Old and New Testaments.

Then you move on to Islam where I don't think I need to explain how Islam tolerates pedophilia because Muhammad did it.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe in the same deity (with some slight tweaks in how they interpret God) but no matter what religion you look at, the god of these three religions doesn't have an issue with pedophilia. The people that follow these religions say that God's will doesn't change; if that is so then God for the past 300,000 years (the Stone Age started around that long ago if we're going to follow the Biblical timeline when Adam and Eve were created) has no issue with someone marrying and having sex with a minor at this point. I said it once in a different thread the god of the three Abrahamic faiths does not care about the sensibilities of modern man.

Why does a sizable chunk of Kiwi Farms even follows Christianity again when it makes more sense to convert to a white European pagan religion that doesn't tolerate those things described in the Abrahamic faiths?
Reason: Off topic
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Please keep on topic
Yes it does. Read the Bible, don't watch videos trying to support your gotcha mentality. Noncery is lustful thought. Verboten. Plus...
"1At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, 6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, a it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."

It's fornication. Just like getting your husband drunk and incapacitated, so your daughters can rape their Dad. It helps if, again, you bother to read the Bible (free online, with lots of different versions), instead of reading reddit shit.

And Paganism is for faggots.
Nor sure this would pass as constitutional law or civil rights law. You can argue that the man would still be punished but it's still not justice for a woman or a young girl that's been violated by a sexual predator in those days:

"If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels. he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."

Or this spicy take from God's good word. Mass murder, pillaging, and forcibly taking virgin women and girls for yourself is fair game for God himself:

“Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. "They were the ones who followed Balaam's advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

And God has no trouble with sex trafficking of women and young girls either:

"So they instructed the Benjamites, saying, “Go and hide in the vineyards and watch. When the young women of Shiloh come out to join in the dancing, rush from the vineyards and each of you seize one of them to be your wife. Then return to the land of Benjamin. When their fathers or brothers complain to us, we will say to them, ‘Do us the favor of helping them, because we did not get wives for them during the war. You will not be guilty of breaking your oath because you did not give your daughters to them.' So that is what the Benjamites did. While the young women were dancing, each man caught one and carried her off to be his wife. Then they returned to their inheritance and rebuilt the towns and settled in them."

The keyword here is "Both" so according to the Bible, if a man were to have sex with a young boy; they both have to be stoned (no exceptions). It doesn't matter if the other male (whatever it be a male adult or a male child) is a victim of rape; the Bible commands that any participants in gay sex (consensual or not) must be put to death. Sure a gay pedophile would get stoned but so would the male child rape victim as both are commanded by Mosaic law to be put to death; so no justice for an underage male victim as he will get punished too (ancient Israel did the whole 'There are no gays here' long before Iran did):

“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

Finally this concerning verse from Jesus. This is Jesus confirming that even though he is bringing something new to the table, Mosaic law and the laws and rules set by the prophets described in the Old Testament are still relevant so long as God is still in power (including the massively fucked up parts):

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

It's also worth noting that the Bible often contradicts itself when it comes to things like murder, war, and other things concerning ethics because each book in the Bible were written by different people that had their own spins and takes on what is Biblical law.

While religion (or most religions for the most part) may teach objectivity good values (like not killing people or not stealing), it's important to know that religions are localized where they reflect the culture and values of that specific part of the world. The Abrahamic faiths do not have a monopoly on morality and ethics because these concepts came first long before the concept of monotheism was created. Especially considering that the Abrahamic faiths were created in a much different world compared to ours and with how people saw ethics back then compared to now.
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If you're talking about the MarzGirl thing.

Again, while I'm sure Vic Mignogna is not a good person but everyone else that was involved in KicVic are objectively assholes.

MarzGirl is trying too hard to regain her lost relevance. The Internet won't speak of her ever again aside from people talking about the final days of Funimation and the past sins done by ThatGuyWithTheGlasses/Channel Awesome whenever those topics come up.