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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Otherwise I'm surprised he's stayed away from here since his last ban.
He's not banned, as Kfails says. I think he has been part Ashley'd. His socks get merged with Time 4 account. He's been backed, but as soon as people point out it's him, he'll bounce before he gets merged.

He might be trolling lamey on another forum (or two).
He's not banned, as Kfails says. I think he has been part Ashley'd. His socks get merged with Time 4 account. He's been backed, but as soon as people point out it's him, he'll bounce before he gets merged
It's a constant game of whack-a-mole
However he usually tell on himself
Like here for instance


He might be trolling lamey on another forum (or two).
He has been trolling her kiwi farms.
Reason: Hi Danny boy
View attachment 80734

In the midst of constant shit slinging from an apparent TERF and some other retard. Then you have this individual.
I remember this one making an absolutely bonkers post about sex and how it's such a bad and violence thing and yaddayaddayadda moids bad amirite
It's still there! (and where do one night stands/friends with benefits fall? Is it still degradating and self-inflicted violence?)

And this other one from A&H, notice the difference in stickers compared to the above one (Yes, it's from the terfoid hugbox)
I remember this one making an absolutely bonkers post about sex and how it's such a bad and violence thing and yaddayaddayadda moids bad amirite
It's still there! (and where do one night stands/friends with benefits fall? Is it still degradating and self-inflicted violence?)
View attachment 80738

And this other one from A&H, notice the difference in stickers compared to the above one (Yes, it's from the terfoid hugbox)
View attachment 80739
"I remember this person got into some trouble for fed posting hard in The British summer of discontent thread. The mods were cleaning that up in real time.
"Dave Chapelle is such a terf uwu"

no No NO NO! Stop labeling all anti-gendershits as TERFS! Do they REALLY think a "moid" (besides Josh) is going to be on the side that wants all "moids" gone? Before the terfoid horde of refugees, there was a trend of kiwifags (even the women) calling themselves "TE without the RF", but I guess Null already banned all the ones with their heads screwed on right. The ancient "laugh at terfs" thread has also been pretty quiet nowadays.