• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Cuckoman: Ladies, please stop oversharing gross shit desperate fags do when self-pleasuring themselves!
Mad_Dog: *Overshares gross shit desperate fags do when self-pleasuring themselves*
Who reports how many times they get beaten with a belt by dad?
I take it this is from personal experience?
It's just business as usual for millions of people even though it's stupid and disgusting

The same people who defend hitting children (not limited to spanking but including that) because "my mom hit me when I was a kid and I turned out fine!" That kind of thing. Lots of kids grow up with moms/aunts who tell their children "never sit in a man's lap even if he's blood" because he's a child molester. But the child molester is always protected by accomplices in the family.

My point is that abusing children in all sorts of ways has been gentrified and normalized for centuries by "normal" families to the point that no one can conceive of reporting it, because why report something that happens every day to you and your peers?
You complete missed my point but I hope you feel better after taking a huge trauma dump.
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:takeyourmeds: Take your meds bro also funny they mentioned Weeb Wars was started by a pedophile voice actor who they still suck cock over his failed career.
This only just confirms to me that Kiwi Farms suffers from what I like to call 'South Park is Our Own' Syndrome.

So what does South Park and Japanese pop culture media have in common? The Progressives and the Tradcons have the biggest midwit takes when it comes to South Park due to the failure of both to grasp the fact that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are self-proclaimed libertarians that are not willing to pull any punches with either the Left or the Right.

When you hear Progressives talk about South Park, they complained how Trey Parker and Matt Stone suddenly "Turned to the Right" because in the most recent seasons they were poking fun at the Left for the woke shit that was promoted by left-wingers at the time after many years of Trey Parker and Matt Stone dunking on Republicans and making fun of the Religious Right during the Bush years. The Progressives thought that South Park was their show just because South Park made fun on religious fundies and the hypocritical Republicans at the time. The Progressives have forgotten (or choose to forget) what Matt Stone said about their political beliefs and I quote "I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals." Just because Trey and Matt are willing to make fun of the Right doesn't mean they won't give the Left their turn in being made fun of. So the Progressives turned against Trey and Matt when Trey and Matt were never on their side to begin with.

It's the same with the Tradcons. When Trey Parker and Matt Stone started to make fun of the Left (Safe Spaces, Go Strong Woman Go, etc), the Tradcons thought that the creators of South Park fully support the Right and South Park was going to support Trad values. That was not the case and this was demonstrated when Trey and Matt used Mr. Garrison to make fun of the dumb stuff Trump did and they pulled no punches in making fun of Trump during his first term in public office. The Tradcons at the time went apeshit and whined about how South Park got "Woke" now, Again, the Tradcons seemed to forgotten what Matt Stone said a long time ago, "I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals." Trey and Matt are willing to make fun of the Left but that doesn't mean they suddenly won't hold the Right accountable whenever they do something stupid. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have held on to their principles that there are no sacred cows to them and everyone gets their turn.

So what does that have to do with anime and manga? Simple, both Progressives and Tradcons hold on to the delusional belief that anime and manga specifically caters to their subjective values. Progressives think that anime and manga are progressive forms of media just because Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena exists (those two things have heavy LGBT themes) and then they go full on Anita Sarkessian in trying to do some historical revisionism by claiming that fan service has to be abolished because of 'muh-Male Gaze' and that fan service has no place for "progressive" media like anime and manga. The Tradcons that are into anime do the same thing by claiming that anime is "Trad" because of stuff like Dragon Ball and Code Geass and then they go full on Jack Thompson by claiming that fan service has no place in "Trad" content like anime and manga. Do you see why both the Progressives and the Tradcons are completely fucking retarded when it comes to how they discuss Japanese entertainment in general?

If I were to put Japanese pop culture entertainment on any side of the political compass, I'd put it in the side of Libertarianism because anime and manga are the closest we'll ever get to Libertarian media being mainstream. Why do the Japanese tend to write better LGBT characters and PoC characters (which can be seen as progressive) while often mixing those themes with themes like good triumphing over evil or the power of friendship (which can be seen as Tradcon)? Because Japanese media in general tends to follow Ayn Rand's view on Objectivism better than Western media these days. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are beloved LGBT characters for a reason and Goku is a beloved character for a reason because they were written in the most objective manner possible, Sailor Moon isn't preaching to you that you're a bad person for not supporting gay rights and Dragon Ball isn't preaching to you by calling you weak for not being some Andrew Tate asshole. You can even make the argument about why anime and manga is so successful these days is because the Japanese entertainment industry in general follows Milton Friedman's view on the free market where you're better off letting the free market decide rather than having the state or some other autocratic force decide for people (and so far the free market prefers fan service in anime and manga which includes the trope of loli and shota characters being sexualized in said Japanese pop culture media).

I think the main reason why Progressives and Tradcons don't like certain aspects of anime and manga has less to do with any personal moralfagging reasons and has more to do with wanting to subvert something they have little to no control over. Why do Progressives hate gamers so much? Because they can't stand not controlling something they have no control over and why they have been pushing for DEI/ESG for the past few years (which is now backfiring on the Progressives because no one is buying the Woke games). Why do Tradcons hate anime fan service? Because they also cannot stand something they have no control over either (and any attempt by the Tradcons to try to subvert anime and manga will backfire on them for the same reasons the attempts by Progressives to subvert gaming has backfired on them).

In conclusion, Progressives, Tradcons, and the self-proclaimed anime "fans" on Kiwi Farms don't like the anime fandom or some aspects of Japanese media in of itself because the Japanese tend to follow more Libertarian values when it comes to creating their works and the Progressives, Tradcons, and Kiwi Farms hates that they have no control over this,

Progressives, Tradcons, and Kiwi Farms hates the fact that anime and manga creators and publishers follow what these two individuals preach:
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This only just confirms to me that Kiwi Farms suffers from what I like to call 'South Park is Our Own' Syndrome.

So what does South Park and Japanese pop culture media have in common? The Progressives and the Tradcons have the biggest midwit takes when it comes to South Park due to the failure of both to grasp the fact that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are self-proclaimed libertarians that are not willing to pull any punches with either the Left or the Right.

When you hear Progressives talk about South Park, they complained how Trey Parker and Matt Stone suddenly "Turned to the Right" because in the most recent seasons they were poking fun at the Left for the woke shit that was promoted by left-wingers at the time after many years of Trey Parker and Matt Stone dunking on Republicans and making fun of the Religious Right during the Bush years. The Progressives thought that South Park was their show just because South Park made fun on religious fundies and the hypocritical Republicans at the time. The Progressives have forgotten (or choose to forget) what Matt Stone said about their political beliefs and I quote "I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals." Just because Trey and Matt are willing to make fun of the Right doesn't mean they won't give the Left their turn in being made fun of. So the Progressives turned against Trey and Matt when Trey and Matt were never on their side to begin with.

It's the same with the Tradcons. When Trey Parker and Matt Stone started to make fun of the Left (Safe Spaces, Go Strong Woman Go, etc), the Tradcons thought that the creators of South Park fully support the Right and South Park was going to support Trad values. That was not the case and this was demonstrated when Trey and Matt used Mr. Garrison to make fun of the dumb stuff Trump did and they pulled no punches in making fun of Trump during his first term in public office. The Tradcons at the time went apeshit and whined about how South Park got "Woke" now, Again, the Tradcons seemed to forgotten what Matt Stone said a long time ago, "I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals." Trey and Matt are willing to make fun of the Left but that doesn't mean they suddenly won't hold the Right accountable whenever they do something stupid. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have held on to their principles that there are no sacred cows to them and everyone gets their turn.

So what does that have to do with anime and manga? Simple, both Progressives and Tradcons hold on to the delusional belief that anime and manga specifically caters to their subjective values. Progressives think that anime and manga are progressive forms of media just because Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena exists (those two things have heavy LGBT themes) and then they go full on Anita Sarkessian in trying to do some historical revisionism by claiming that fan service has to be abolished because of 'muh-Male Gaze' and that fan service has no place for "progressive" media like anime and manga. The Tradcons that are into anime do the same thing by claiming that anime is "Trad" because of stuff like Dragon Ball and Code Geass and then they go full on Jack Thompson by claiming that fan service has no place in "Trad" content like anime and manga. Do you see why both the Progressives and the Tradcons are completely fucking retarded when it comes to how they discuss Japanese entertainment in general?

If I were to put Japanese pop culture entertainment on any side of the political compass, I'd put it in the side of Libertarianism because anime and manga are the closest we'll ever get to Libertarian media being mainstream. Why do the Japanese tend to write better LGBT characters and PoC characters (which can be seen as progressive) while often mixing those themes with themes like good triumphing over evil or the power of friendship (which can be seen as Tradcon)? Because Japanese media in general tends to follow Ayn Rand's view on Objectivism better than Western media these days. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are beloved LGBT characters for a reason and Goku is a beloved character for a reason because they were written in the most objective manner possible, Sailor Moon isn't preaching to you that you're a bad person for not supporting gay rights and Dragon Ball isn't preaching to you by calling you weak for not being some Andrew Tate asshole. You can even make the argument about why anime and manga is so successful these days is because the Japanese entertainment industry in general follows Milton Friedman's view on the free market where you're better off letting the free market decide rather than having the state or some other autocratic force decide for people (and so far the free market prefers fan service in anime and manga which includes the trope of loli and shota characters being sexualized in said Japanese pop culture media).

I think the main reason why Progressives and Tradcons don't like certain aspects of anime and manga has less to do with any personal moralfagging reasons and has more to do with wanting to subvert something they have little to no control over. Why do Progressives hate gamers so much? Because they can't stand not controlling something they have no control over and why they have been pushing for DEI/ESG for the past few years (which is now backfiring on the Progressives because no one is buying the Woke games). Why do Tradcons hate anime fan service? Because they also cannot stand something they have no control over either (and any attempt by the Tradcons to try to subvert anime and manga will backfire on them for the same reasons the attempts by Progressives to subvert gaming has backfired on them).

In conclusion, Progressives, Tradcons, and the self-proclaimed anime "fans" on Kiwi Farms don't like the anime fandom or some aspects of Japanese media in of itself because the Japanese tend to follow more Libertarian values when it comes to creating their works and the Progressives, Tradcons, and Kiwi Farms hates that they have no control over this,

Progressives, Tradcons, and Kiwi Farms hates the fact that anime and manga creators and publishers follow what these two individuals preach:


what sir.PNG
lady what.PNG

This comes from the "What the most pretentious games ever made". How is a fighting game wanting to be competitive and a racing game in any shape or form pretentious? ...pretentious?
very autistic shit.PNG

And this one is the best thing out of that thread because these faggots literally boiled the term "hipster" to essentially just shit they hate even though what it actually was supposed to be was for a subculture of people with the 420 shit and stuff. Literally taking the definition and running with it at this point.
Just make it all a blurry AIslop mess!
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Look, I agree AI has it's uses (machine learning translations for foreign language games/movies, for example), but that shit is fucking EVERYWHERE now, especially in gaming.

Before, you could make an argument that "well maybe creators should do better if the AI is surpassing them", but it's actually having the complete opposite effect, where said creators are just using the AI and calling it a day. So in a way creativity and talent is being killed because of AI... kinda like what some people were saying and being made fun of for when AI started blowing up on the internet.
lady what.PNG

This comes from the "What the most pretentious games ever made". How is a fighting game wanting to be competitive and a racing game in any shape or form pretentious? ...pretentious?
The argument doesn't even make sense
>"our combos go all the way to one hundred"
And how is this any different than the entirety of the Marvel games in the 90's where pro players abused the fuck out of infinites? Hell, you have TAS videos that do this very thing in fighting games. What, now all of THOSE are pretentious as well?
I take it this is from personal experience?

I would probably be a more interesting person if it shit like that happened to me. If I told you about moms who put out their cigarettes on their children and husbands then those anecdotes would be true, but my mom didn't smoke and didn't fight with my dad. (Though it did happen to classmates I knew in school and they've gone on to be fucked up adults.) If you pause, listen, and ask questions to the people around you then they're eager to tell you everything.

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........ View attachment 78260

You complete missed my point but I hope you feel better after taking a huge trauma dump.

Your point was that proper families aren't hotbeds of abuse and complicity with the abuse. I know too much to agree with such a sentiment. The veneer of "normalcy" has gentrified it so much that few can accept it much less do something about it.

View attachment 78298View attachment 78299
This comes from the "What the most pretentious games ever made". How is a fighting game wanting to be competitive and a racing game in any shape or form pretentious? ...pretentious?
View attachment 78300
And this one is the best thing out of that thread because these faggots literally boiled the term "hipster" to essentially just shit they hate even though what it actually was supposed to be was for a subculture of people with the 420 shit and stuff. Literally taking the definition and running with it at this point.

Fighting/racing games are "pretentious" because they need skill to have fun. Kwiffar are not smart or dedicated enough to be good at competitive videogames. They need excuses since they have nothing else.

So this one not only was growing being treated as an object and had old men jerking off to her tween titties (her words), she was also very anorexic and a former pooner, and somehow taking male hormones did not give her many irreversible changes and the few ones she had disappeared almost completely after a while, and no one can tell she had a tranny phase despite her having a fucked torso thanks to the tit chop, but is also a hardcore retro geiming grull, and has been catholic her whole life, but was allowed to poon despite that? "My prospective future kids' nutritional beginnings" Who talks like that?


Pressing hard X on this one. I'd believe it (just a teeny bit) if it was a milennial/gen x or older but she's 24.

Please give her many hug emojis in her profile wall, she really needs them nonnytas!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
I would probably be a more interesting person if it shit like that happened to me. If I told you about moms who put out their cigarettes on their children and husbands then those anecdotes would be true, but my mom didn't smoke and didn't fight with my dad. (Though it did happen to classmates I knew in school and they've gone on to be fucked up adults.) If you pause, listen, and ask questions to the people around you then they're eager to tell you everything.
I like talking to the random people on the streets too and I'm not saying that heterosexual families can't commit horrific acts of abuse .
Your point was that proper families aren't hotbeds of abuse and complicity with the abuse. I know too much to agree with such a sentiment. The veneer of "normalcy" has gentrified it so much that few can accept it much less do something about it.
What I was saying was allowing gay men to purchase children is state sanctioned. Homosexuality and child predation. Homosexual men shouldn't be allowed to purchase children like they're purchasing a puppy from the pound. And they shouldn't be allowed to expose that lifestyle for children.
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View attachment 78315
Ironically they more focused on Transgenders so many times I wonder if KiwiFarms users have a fetish to fuck Transgenders?

KF has always had trannies on it since it is based on the internet and lots of lolcows are trannies. Mix in RW fetishism towards homos and other assorted degeneracy (the Hunter Biden fascination is because RWers don't take drugs but really want to for example) and you get chasers. Sargon of Akkad is a tranny chaser for example and KF and other communities grew out of the anti-SJW scene from his heyday.

I like talking to the random people on the streets too and I'm not saying that heterosexual families can't commit horrific acts of abuse .

"Random people on the street?" Do you not speak to co workers or socialize with people irl? Clubs, venues, places you make friends?

What I was saying was allowing gay men to purchase children is state sanctioned. Homosexuality and child predation. Homosexual men shouldn't be allowed to purchase children like they're purchasing a puppy from the pound. And they shouldn't be allowed to expose that lifestyle for children.

Yes, and I agree with you. I am saying though that the adoption industry has had this problem for centuries and that heterosexuality is not a magic spell that protects children from being preyed on. It is already sanctioned by the state and society at large. Nothing will be fixed until this is confronted, just swept under the rug and patched over.