• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
It doesn't matter how much I want a gf, my ability to get a gf was decided at conception with my genes. I am too ugly to get a gf thats it. But it bothers me when retards on the internet claim that its personality or some other bullshit.

Not more pathetic, more ugly.
If a guy who had his face eaten off by a chimp is more attractive than you then you should kill yourself and shut the fuck up, this is why women won't date you. You're an annoying nigger faggot. Go troon out and be some other incels girlfriend or something.
Cosplay girls have been getting groped and assaulted since the beginning of time but since the internet started up there's been a big wave of creeps. They bring their boyfriends with them now to protect them from creeps getting handsy but "cosplay does not equal consent" responded to a genuine problem.
I genuinely can't understand how people think they can just sexually assault women just because they are wearing revealing clothes dressed as some anime character. Even strip clubs don't let you touch the ladies.
Screenshot 2024-12-26 162352.png

Nigga what?
I think you can fuck dudes, but still think gay marriage is gross.

Does gay marriage actually exist? Gay men are still men and men don't like getting married

Gay men being allowed to purchase children is state sponsored homosexuality/ child predation.

"Adoption" and "surrogacy" have been grounds for child predation since the beginning of time. "Purchasing children" is what the Catholic and Protestant churches have been doing for centuries under the guise of "Christian love." Ireland has been exploding for decades because the public realized the Magdelene Laundries and other religious establishments were kidnapping white babies from white single moms and those babies were sold to overseas families usually in the US. There is even a case where the Catholic church got caught with a mass grave of nearly 800 dead babies that the nuns hid inside an old septic tank: https://metro.co.uk/2023/08/28/the-...dalene-laundries-ireland-800-babies-19406304/

If you go into any study about the foster care system and CSA you will find that men overwhelmingly rape and abuse children placed with them and their wives and this has been known for decades. The US has done nothing to stop it and CPS just twiddles their thumbs. I imagine it is just as bad in other countries. International adoption is rife with human trafficking where heterosexual families have been outright paying for children to be kidnapped from the 3rd world:

And to bring this back to lolcows don't forget the Youtube family that got rid of their adopted kid like a puppy from a pound: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52839792

They were a heterosexual couple that purchased an autistic kid on the open market, decided he was too much trouble, and then returned him.

I'm not saying this as a "fuck the straights" kind of way, I actually agree with you. But I also know that adoption has been fucked up for a long time with heterosexual foster couples raping and killing children and buying children internationally (Russia actually stopped international adoptions because so many Russian children were being purchased and abused/murdered overseas by American couples and yes the majority of them were straight). No one said anything about it because everyone involved in the human trafficking of adopted children was heterosexual. Even the horrific rates of CSA in the foster system are looked over because the people perpetuating it are heterosexual married Christian couples.

The only reason the adoption system is getting scrutiny right now is because gay couples are making headlines. If/when that's outlawed again then married straight white guys will go back to making CSAM of abused children and everyone will either ignore it or keep yelling PRAISE JESUS. My most woke opinion is that the human trafficking/adoption pipeline will never be fixed because narcissist heterosexual abusers benefit from it so much. Children will go on being abused and so long as the adults involved come off as straight and responsible then those kids are stuck in the cold.

I always find it funny when they imply Null sending graphic rape and death threats to multiple girls and admitting to being addicted to child catboy porn all before he was legally considered an adult no big deal.

It's the groyper mindset of "pedophilia is not a big deal so long as you go jk afterward."

I genuinely can't understand how people think they can just sexually assault women just because they are wearing revealing clothes dressed as some anime character. Even strip clubs don't let you touch the ladies.

It's the nigger MUH DICK mentality. Can blame it on autism and social ineptitude and shit but it's just the entitlement of the average nerd. Jocks were right to beat them to hell and shove them in lockers.
I genuinely can't understand how people think they can just sexually assault women just because they are wearing revealing clothes dressed as some anime character. Even strip clubs don't let you touch the ladies.
Classic male behavior, I don't want to sound like a feminist but that kind of behavior is some people believe gropers deserve an Arab thief's punishment to put it lightly. There are simply just some men that care more about thinking with their dicks and can't phantom respecting women's boundaries or understand that ladies don't want to be touched unless they want to.

Misread signals with good reason can be forgiven, deliberate molestation is not.
I always find it funny when they imply Null sending graphic rape and death threats to multiple girls and admitting to being addicted to child catboy porn all before he was legally considered an adult no big deal.
But it's perfectly fine and ok to them cause in their eyes, Jewshy is their god so he gets a automatic pass on everything.
Oh Christ I'm a 40 year woman from Tennessee.
And somehow has the face of Middle/High schooler.
Does gay marriage actually exist? Gay men are still men and men don't like getting married

"Adoption" and "surrogacy" have been grounds for child predation since the beginning of time. "Purchasing children" is what the Catholic and Protestant churches have been doing for centuries under the guise of "Christian love." Ireland has been exploding for decades because the public realized the Magdelene Laundries and other religious establishments were kidnapping white babies from white single moms and those babies were sold to overseas families usually in the US. There is even a case where the Catholic church got caught with a mass grave of nearly 800 dead babies that the nuns hid inside an old septic tank: https://metro.co.uk/2023/08/28/the-...dalene-laundries-ireland-800-babies-19406304/

If you go into any study about the foster care system and CSA you will find that men overwhelmingly rape and abuse children placed with them and their wives and this has been known for decades. The US has done nothing to stop it and CPS just twiddles their thumbs. I imagine it is just as bad in other countries. International adoption is rife with human trafficking where heterosexual families have been outright paying for children to be kidnapped from the 3rd world:

And to bring this back to lolcows don't forget the Youtube family that got rid of their adopted kid like a puppy from a pound: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52839792

They were a heterosexual couple that purchased an autistic kid on the open market, decided he was too much trouble, and then returned him.

I'm not saying this as a "fuck the straights" kind of way, I actually agree with you. But I also know that adoption has been fucked up for a long time with heterosexual foster couples raping and killing children and buying children internationally (Russia actually stopped international adoptions because so many Russian children were being purchased and abused/murdered overseas by American couples and yes the majority of them were straight). No one said anything about it because everyone involved in the human trafficking of adopted children was heterosexual. Even the horrific rates of CSA in the foster system are looked over because the people perpetuating it are heterosexual married Christian couples.

The only reason the adoption system is getting scrutiny right now is because gay couples are making headlines. If/when that's outlawed again then married straight white guys will go back to making CSAM of abused children and everyone will either ignore it or keep yelling PRAISE JESUS. My most woke opinion is that the human trafficking/adoption pipeline will never be fixed because narcissist heterosexual abusers benefit from it so much. Children will go on being abused and so long as the adults involved come off as straight and responsible then those kids are stuck in the cold.

It's the groyper mindset of "pedophilia is not a big deal so long as you go jk afterward."

It's the nigger MUH DICK mentality. Can blame it on autism and social ineptitude and shit but it's just the entitlement of the average nerd. Jocks were right to beat them to hell and shove them in lockers.
Of course situations like this occur with Heterosexual /straight couples however with homosexual couples it occurs at an alarmingly higher rate.

If Trump outlawed astroturfing (???) then he would make his own campaign illegal and would cripple twitter which Elon is trying to make profitable. Internet users don't think this through.

Of course situations like this occur with Heterosexual /straight couples however with homosexual couples it occurs at an alarmingly higher rate.

I do not believe this is true. Based off my own experiences and the experiences of friends over the decades I believe heterosexual parents are shockingly abusive especially sexually, it's just seen as "normal" and is laughed off.
Citation needed

Who reports how many times they get beaten with a belt by dad? It's just business as usual for millions of people even though it's stupid and disgusting.

The same people who defend hitting children (not limited to spanking but including that) because "my mom hit me when I was a kid and I turned out fine!" That kind of thing. Lots of kids grow up with moms/aunts who tell their children "never sit in a man's lap even if he's blood" because he's a child molester. But the child molester is always protected by accomplices in the family.

My point is that abusing children in all sorts of ways has been gentrified and normalized for centuries by "normal" families to the point that no one can conceive of reporting it, because why report something that happens every day to you and your peers?