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What is Onionpedia?

How would this work if they've been making and holding onto socks for months on end? I'm not sure that making the site less accessible for legitimate new users is a great plan
That's not sufficient. What we need to do is to restructure Onionfarms into a general public forum while still retaining the lolcow section in a more private setting. We have to show that we are moving more into the mainstream. In short, we have to put as much "cultural space" between us and Kiwifarms.
That's not sufficient. What we need to do is to restructure Onionfarms into a general public forum while still retaining the lolcow section in a more private setting. We have to show that we are moving more into the mainstream. In short, we have to put as much "cultural space" between us and Kiwifarms.
Basically what I was saying.
  • Dumb
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I don't know,
I don't care.
if a site isn't growing it's inherently dying but if everyone is happy with the current status quo then good point
The only people who have a problem with "status of site" are wankers. Can you shit post? Yes. Does the broom let you post what you want (within reason)? Yes. The only time he has a problem, is when faggots like Gargle, Dan, Ash and E-lame try to bully him, because of aforementioned Fatherlessness.
Well Kengle is the only person with skin in the game
He's the one paying the bills.
it makes sense why you don't care about killing his forum
Non sequitur. FOr some reason, you think that some how I'm killing the forum.
Are you always this unpleasant to everyone who joins a conversation?
50/50, really. Half the time it's the retarded socking of aforementioned nonces I'm being unpleasant to. You don't have a problem with people being rude to wrong uns, do you?
I'm trying to be helpful
How? You signed up couple of months ago, and posted SFA... until now. And only on this thread. YKWIM?
someone I think is being unfairly targeted
Again, you've waited until now, to point this out.
and your biggest contribution is "Fuck new users!
I wouldn't say biggest, but certainly the most pertinent.
Only pedophiles care about a communities health
Another non sequitur.
This is why everyone on KF says it's better to just stay away from here
Oh, what a give away. The reason the kwiffar want people to stay away from here? It's because looking at this site, for the kwiffar, is fatal for their blind faith. The kwiffar who end up here are ZVP, they don't ever start threads about lolcows (which would "help grow the site"), they just expect to get soapy tit wanks of ass pats for venting their spleen about the broom. WHo asked them? They didn't give a shit about the really shady shit joshy does. Infact they are too fucking stupid to realize he's lying, or the relevance of those lies.

I'm happy for kwiffar to stay away, they only come here to bitch about the broom, then cry when it's pointed out they are only bitching because they aren't in the "Cool Kids" group.

You might have noticed that there are two groups of people who get banned. 1. Those who point out the broom is LYING. 2. The dinlos who just were too annoying, shit up jannies dms, over first school playground shit. The second lot are just spiteful cunts who got a taste of their own medicine.

btw, this isn't me being rude. Ask around, this is me being suave as fuck.
Yes, it's something that started 24 hours ago.
Soooo... you signed up, knowing that in two months this thread would be here? Rhetorical question
I'm very quickly understanding why you lot weren't able to make it on Kiwi Farms.
This old chestnut. "Make it"? You mean, experience the "free speech" that joshy bangs on about, but doesn't give a fig for? Ok then.
Speaking of...
Wow, a gif.
Fuck new users. It's only discord nonces that kvetches about this shit.
I still stand by this, to my knowledge, the only people who are concerned with this shit: blaine (nonce), Daniel (nonce bff), Garglecum (gay, jewish, furry, triple nonce) and E-lame.

btw, Surfer once did a shout out to this place, telling people to come here. It didn't work. These things are organic. If someone wants to post here, they will. Like starting a thread on someone they think is a lolcow. Best to go for an actual celebrity of some sort (not someone you don't like on a forum, just because they don't care about your retarded takes).

You might not get much traction at the start (but you might be surprised how many people lurk), but stick at it. That's how you "grow the forum". DMin' your worth less than two cents worth, which is "Do this thing I want you to do, so I feel some kind of validation, because I fucked my life up", isn't.
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@Cat Administrator
In all seriousness, my advice for making sure Onion Farms isn't taken down is to first ensure everything is in backup. Use Cloudfare to protect the forum against DDos attacks. to restructure Onionfarms into a general public forum while still retaining the lolcow section in a more private setting is a good idea and would be positive PR.
@Cat Administrator
In all seriousness, my advice for making sure Onion Farms isn't taken down is to first ensure everything is in backup. Use Cloudfare to protect the forum against DDos attacks. to restructure Onionfarms into a general public forum while still retaining the lolcow section in a more private setting is a good idea and would be positive PR.
Looking back on this thread, after talking with other staff, I was an alarmist after realizing this drop onionfarms campaign isn't what it may appear to be.
This is a petition to get Ken to add all the kiwi farms stickers on top of the ones we already have to troll null by adding his pay wall true and honest stickers and his personal trophy one only null can use. Null wouldn't be able do anything about it even if he wanted to since he doesn't own the copyright to them. Plus we can steal members who will join just for the stickers.
slide picture.jpeg

slide picture sequel.jpg
This is a petition to get Ken to add all the kiwi farms stickers on top of the ones we already have to troll null by adding his pay wall true and honest stickers and his personal trophy one only null can use. Null wouldn't be able do anything about it even if he wanted to since he doesn't own the copyright to them. Plus we can steal members who will join just for the stickers.
Cringe, why mix our superior stickers with their inferior stickers

All these years, I never noticed the black kid in these pictures. @Cat Administrator, why is there a black kid in there? And how long have you been practicing the ahegao face?
Cringe, why mix our superior stickers with their inferior stickers

All these years, I never noticed the black kid in these pictures. @Cat Administrator, why is there a black kid in there? And how long have you been practicing the ahegao face?
That was taken when I went on a picnic at Castle Island Stste Park with friends from the Islamic Center in Boston a long time ago.