• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You need to take your meds,
The novelization of an emoji, from Kan, known mincer.
like Joshua.
Assume you mean the broom, is that your reference point, for comparing people, infavourably?
Go to Palestine if you love Muslims so much.
This is something I'd like to see. Niche forum cows actually going to the shit holes they defend. Imagine Lopez, Ash and Prince Numpty here, Ex Rended to Gaza (I mean, bag on head in the middle of the night, then dumped out of a helicopter shit), with that TTS speaker on full blast, like in Bummed Alaska.

And they are all dressed up like this...
And TTS is screaming "Mohammed gives me the horn, I'd love pack his fudge... We can only dream.
The novelization of an emoji, from Kan, known mincer.

Assume you mean the broom, is that your reference point, for comparing people, infavourably?

This is something I'd like to see. Niche forum cows actually going to the shit holes they defend. Imagine Lopez, Ash and Prince Numpty here, Ex Rended to Gaza (I mean, bag on head in the middle of the night, then dumped out of a helicopter shit), with that TTS speaker on full blast, like in Bummed Alaska.

And they are all dressed up like this...
View attachment 73325
And TTS is screaming "Mohammed gives me the horn, I'd love pack his fudge... We can only dream.
He would be taking rock hard back shots but not the kind he's used to in his gay furry orgies.
He's allowed to be here as long as he doesn't cause problems; sperging about Moslems isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things.
To be fair Kan is telling me and others to leave, (clearly a sign he is assmad) so if anything he should be the one leave for his own sake since he clearly doesn't enjoy it here and it only stresses him out. Idk maybe petitioning ken to thread ban him from this thread and kf general would be a good idea since he can't help himself. That way I can still shit on him in all the other threads he derails.
Reason: I don't mind if he is masochistic enough to torture himself for my entertainment though because it's funny but it does bother others.
I feel like someone who storms in to shit up a thread and annoy users with personal beef has no business telling anyone to go away. I was just saying it like it is.
Describes Crimson Fucker.
@Kan you can't be gay and Islamic

How Islam makes it abundantly clear that it's anti-homo
Disagreed. Not all sects lol
Why doesn't he allow me to have anime girls with big (covered) titties but bare furry nipples are allowed? Unless I'm wrong and those black things aren't supposed to be nipples?

View attachment 73380
They’re called teats, which are nipples for non-human female animals.
Islam actually loves faggotry, radical Islam OBVIOUSLY doesn't.
And the Pope wears a frock and the CHurches are including fags as pastors nowadays. Still going to burn in Hell, because that's what the Bible says.

"Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people." t. Surah Al-A'raf Ayat 81

"And leave what your Lord has created for you as mates? But you are a people transgressing." Surah Ash-Shu'ara Ayat 165-166

In Iran, the choice is "Troon out or get thrown off a very high thing.

"God's like that... He hates poofs"
They’re called teats, which are nipples for non-human female animals.
You're a teat.
And the Pope wears a frock and the CHurches are including fags as pastors nowadays. Still going to burn in Hell, because that's what the Bible says.
I watched some videos by a biblical scholar that said ancients did not have a concept of sexual orientation (gay, bi or straight), it was just considered morally wrong to put a man in a receptive role (as a woman) but not the gayness itself.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is about humans attempting to rape angels and that's what pissed God off and made him destroy the city. Most modern people's interpretation that God was mad at their faggotry is wrong.
I think the Catholic priests will burn in hell for CP and molestation of little boys but not for being gay itself.

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I watched some videos by a biblical scholar that said ancients did not have a concept of sexual orientation (gay, bi or straight), it was just considered morally wrong to put a man in a receptive role (as a woman) but not the gayness itself
"If a man lies [intimately] with a male as if he were a woman, both men have committed a detestable (perverse, unnatural) act; they shall most certainly be put to death; their blood is on them." Leviticus 20:13

God disagrees with you, mincer.
Islam actually loves faggotry, radical Islam OBVIOUSLY doesn't. Sex change operations started in Morocco, Pakistanis have a weird tranny subclass and the Turks and Afghans love putting men in sparkly dresses and parading them around.
Bacha bazi is still basically the equivalent to Catholic priests molesting choir boys. It just means their religion is full of hypocritical heretics by their own standards not that their religion has any standards to begin with since fucking kids is part of it. We need a second Holocaust just for them.