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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
This will end well. Sure there aren't any crazy cat ladies on Commie Farms...
I'm not saying lidl is a crazy cat lady (two of those, probably), but I am saying joshy didn't give a fuck about his Mum's cat.
Hang on, what's this about Niptoons?
The kwiffar think they have found the sock of a recently banned user...
"Likely to be somebody's sock" Yeah, Commie Farms is overprescribed with socks. Btw Twunt is an "portmanteau" word...
Pengrun is too much of a tard to work it out.
Now, it's with the AoC, someone's smell blood.
Ohhhhh. If there is one time you don't answer a question, with a question, it's the old AoC one.
See? Pengrun is going to get the boot, for not being the right kind of nonce.
Pressing the point...
Still pressing the point... however... poltard... obsessed with drawn CSAM? Kinda sounds like the broom, doesn't it?
How butch.
Good work. Still have work ousting the head janny, tho. Don't get a big head, just yet.
View attachment 70525
This will end well. Sure there aren't any crazy cat ladies on Commie Farms...
View attachment 70519
I'm not saying lidl is a crazy cat lady (two of those, probably), but I am saying joshy didn't give a fuck about his Mum's cat.
View attachment 70520
Hang on, what's this about Niptoons?
View attachment 70521
The kwiffar think they have found the sock of a recently banned user...
View attachment 70522
"Likely to be somebody's sock" Yeah, Commie Farms is overprescribed with socks. Btw Twunt is an "portmanteau" word...
View attachment 70523
Pengrun is too much of a tard to work it out.
View attachment 70524
Now, it's with the AoC, someone's smell blood.
View attachment 70526
Ohhhhh. If there is one time you don't answer a question, with a question, it's the old AoC one.
View attachment 70527
See? Pengrun is going to get the boot, for not being the right kind of nonce.
View attachment 70528
Pressing the point...
View attachment 70529
Still pressing the point... however... poltard... obsessed with drawn CSAM? Kinda sounds like the broom, doesn't it?
View attachment 70530
How butch.
View attachment 70531
Good work. Still have work ousting the head janny, tho. Don't get a big head, just yet.
Pengrun is based.

Here he is writing a message on my profile saying my ban was bollocks.
Screenshot 2024-10-05 193047.png
And some dickriding faggot cannot comprehend someone saying something mean about his favourite hugbox and accuses me of sockpuppeting.
Screenshot 2024-10-05 194501.png
Screenshot 2024-10-05 194504.png
FYI, when I was banned the reason given was 'Gross tranny' after I had posted in chat "trans rights are human rights" and made a thread with the same title (and also calling lidl drip a terf and saying she simps after fat neets). If the reason for my ban was sockpuppeting that would have been the reason given but it wasn't, clearly either Null or Troonbonista had a meltdown and banned me because they hate troons with a passion and anybody that even has a single solitary positive thing to say about them, you're gone.
Free Speech website btw.
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Pengrun is based.

Here he is writing a message on my profile saying my ban was bollocks.
View attachment 70537
And some dickriding faggot cannot comprehend someone saying something mean about his favourite hugbox and accuses me of sockpuppeting. ...sockpuppeting.
View attachment 70539
View attachment 70540
FYI, when I was banned the reason given was 'Gross tranny' after I had posted in chat "trans rights are human rights" and made a thread with the same title (and also calling lidl drip a terf and saying she simps after fat neets). If the reason for my ban was sockpuppeting that would have been the reason given but it wasn't, clearly either Null or Troonbonista had a meltdown and banned me because they hate troons with a passion and anybody that even has a single solitary positive thing to say about them, you're gone.
Free Speech website btw.
Dumbledore is absolutely retarded, I think you made it obvious that when you said "trans rights are human rights" you were just fucking with them or joking, Idk that's how I see it
simps after fat neets
Well, at least ONE fat neet, certainly.
my ban was sockpuppeting that would have been the reason given but it wasn't
You have to post receipts. You can't use "I posted it on Dot Org, but that's gone". Point of Fact: As far I can remember, his reason was written with pudgy anngee thumbs "If you want to point out that I'm just as much of a nonce, by the standard of my own hugbox" Something like that, it was some time ago, so forgive me for paraphrasing, but you get the gist.
clearly either Null or Troonbonista had a meltdown and banned me because they hate troons with a passion and anybody that even has a single solitary positive thing to say about them, you're gone.
Explain Tommy Tooters presence.
You would be correct in your opinion, I have no love for troons of any variety, but to them saying five words without any context means you are a child molesting eunuch.
Checks out, it just figures that'd be a joke that only retarded faggots can't see is a joke, and you know fucking what, this is just another thing that is just....the most bizzare shit, a site that loathes the absolute HELL out of trans mfs, HAS trans mfs ON THERE, I will never get over that
You have to post receipts. You can't use "I posted it on Dot Org, but that's gone". Point of Fact: As far I can remember, his reason was written with pudgy anngee thumbs "If you want to point out that I'm just as much of a nonce, by the standard of my own hugbox" Something like that, it was some time ago, so forgive me for paraphrasing, but you get the gist.
Are you asking for a screenshot of my ban reason because that was my first post on this website
Explain Tommy Tooters presence.
Null, at least after DKF, has a had a disdain for troons bigger than life itself, if he could find any reason to ban someone who he even thinks is a tranny it would probably give him a erection.
Are you asking for a screenshot of my ban reason because that was my first post on this website

Null, at least after DKF, has a had a disdain for troons bigger than life itself, if he could find any reason to ban someone who he even thinks is a tranny it would probably give him a erection.
Oh yeah btw it's not Null anymore, it's Jocelyn over here
Are you asking for a screenshot of my ban reason because that was my first post on this website
It was a joke. 99% of the ban reasons are vague "sock" type. When most of them are down to jannies forgetting to take their meds.
Null, at least after DKF, has a had a disdain for troons bigger than life itself, if he could find any reason to ban someone who he even thinks is a tranny it would probably give him a erection.
It's not about being a tranny. It's just the act of banning someone. It's the only power he has. IRL, is a very ineffectual person. Hence, the Jim Jones hand when it comes to jannying.
Oh yeah btw it's not Null anymore, it's Jocelyn over here
It's Misssssssssssssssss Jocelyn.
Rudy is still posting on Commie Farms?
"those evil leftist pedo feminist trannies are sooooo attracted to me fellow kiwifarmers"
They may have mistaken him for a bird
Isn't Rudy Coleman a tranny ?
no he's just a gay man that enjoys dressing up as a girl and enjoys prostate massages, totally different from a tranny
Cock caged fem boi
She probably looked like this
Still more butch than Rudy, tbf.