Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions

This will end well. Sure there aren't any crazy cat ladies on Commie Farms...

I'm not saying lidl is a crazy cat lady (two of those, probably), but I am saying joshy didn't give a fuck about his Mum's cat.

Hang on, what's this about Niptoons?

The kwiffar think they have found the sock of a recently banned user...

"Likely to be somebody's sock" Yeah, Commie Farms is overprescribed with socks. Btw Twunt is an "portmanteau" word...

Pengrun is too much of a tard to work it out.

Now, it's with the AoC, someone's smell blood.

Ohhhhh. If there is one time you don't answer a question, with a question, it's the old AoC one.

See? Pengrun is going to get the boot, for not being the right kind of nonce.

Pressing the point...

Still pressing the point... however... poltard... obsessed with drawn CSAM? Kinda sounds like the broom, doesn't it?

How butch.

Good work. Still have work ousting the head janny, tho. Don't get a big head, just yet.