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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Like if you look at Josh's history with women too he clearly isn't attracted to women and he talks about being attracted to lesbians and tomboys. However he does have this weird possessiveness around women like he's a insecure boyfriend. It seems like it happens with any woman he gets close with TBH. I get the feeling he really likes female attention a lot but I don't know if I can really say that Josh likes or is attracted to women.

At one point on blockland he says he's not attracted to any of the girls in his class. Like none of them Josh? When I was that age I probably would have made a pass at a hat rack with a wig on it.
Josh is once again crying in the Greer case thread and calling Greer a sexual predator to boot. he's literally hoping the kiwis rally around and go "Yes lord and master Jorshua Moont we will give you the five million dollars you request." Which knowing the Kiwis they just might.



He really hangs on to these comments lol.
I just don't see him as a sexual person. He like Pizza, Nigga is a Pizzaphile.
I think he has "closed" off that side of him, because he's actually a self-hating gay. Not the kind every degenerate likes to shout, when you dare to point out they're being a retard. He would honestly be better off embracing it, cause it doesn't get any better worrying about it. It's not like you have to be a degenerate, even if you're gay and the majority thinks so.
I get the feeling he really likes female attention a lot but I don't know if I can really say that Josh likes or is attracted to women.
Women and effeminate gays love and crave attention from their fellow "sisters". At this point, it would be more of a shock if he actually turned out to be straight.
Like if you look at Josh's history with women too he clearly isn't attracted to women and he talks about being attracted to lesbians and tomboys. However he does have this weird possessiveness around women like he's a insecure boyfriend. It seems like it happens with any woman he gets close with TBH. I get the feeling he really likes female attention a lot but I don't know if I can really say that Josh likes or is attracted to women.

At one point on blockland he says he's not attracted to any of the girls in his class. Like none of them Josh? When I was that age I probably would have made a pass at a hat rack with a wig on it.

Maybe he's a genuine case of being asexual. Or maybe it's just a symptom of being fat, obesity really kills your self image and then self loathing projects itself onto others inducing you to hate other people for no reason.

Josh definitely isn't attracted to women but he also wants attention. He reminds me of Hollywood celebrities, they all have mommy and daddy issues and they look for other mentally deranged people to fill that hole (winky face). Josh has "fallen in love" with other girls before but they were heavily mannish. I don't recall any other details but there was also that woman who was significantly older than him and then she was in the army or something? To me that looks like he's looking for a mother that will supersede the actual mom he has who he doesn't like. What's interesting is that he's always on the look out for a new e-daddy but he's a bit like a sugarbaby who's out cruising. He doesn't actually care about who his e-daddy is, he's always ready to throw them out and look for a new one. This is very reflective of the gay community and how they act, that's why monogamy among gay men is so rare even though men are by and large rational enough to know that monogamy is the correct choice when making a life.

His recruitment of the cat ladies is a bit similar in that he wants a lot of women around him that he can switch in and out but he's also more interested in their attention and wants them to stay whereas he's a lot more dismissive of e-daddies. In addition to all the other shit that's driving him there, I wonder if he's trying to replace his mother with a kind of internet mommy conglomerate. One where there is always a woman awake to talk to him and soothe him. These outbursts of emotion seem genuine even if they're just trying to get him asspats. Josh acts very childish for a reason, because he's trying to get the cat ladies to stop taking pictures of their "furbabies" so that they can baby him for a bit.

It's actually a very sad state of affairs. He wants a replacement mommy because he hates the one he has now. Even his anti tranny stance is a reaction to his mom's cringy behavior in taking him to pride parades and such. (For the record, this was abusive behavior from Josh's mom. Children should not be at pride parades and this was commonly understood at the time Josh was a kid, it's only been within the the last decade that Pride parades have tried inviting children and families.) If he cultivates the right crowd of feminists then he gets to 1) stick it to the alt right internet movement that has destroyed his life 2) he gets a "based" mother that is constantly paying attention to him, never criticizes him, and hates trannies and black people as much as he does.

Our relationship to the opposite gender is often a reflection of our relationships with our parents. Josh's dad abandoned the family, his mother was narcissistic and insecure. Josh is not attracted to women because how could he be under those circumstances? Sad. Many such cases.

If Josh does have homosexual or tranny tendencies then its because it expresses his inner insecurity and the bottomless pit that is his need for attention, not because he's a genuine homo. He'll take affection wherever he can get it, it just means more coming from women because of said need for a mother who is better than what he got.
His recruitment of the cat ladies is a bit similar in that he wants a lot of women around him that he can switch in and out but he's also more interested in their attention and wants them to stay whereas he's a lot more dismissive of e-daddies.
The eDaddies treat him like a man, call him out and make jokes about him, Null cannot handle this. The BPHags suck up to Josh, but they don't pay him any attention and ignore it when he does something they don't approve of, like bragging about hosting revenge porn of a mentally ill woman on drugs.

So how much money is Josh going to lose to Greer? I guess you should have respected copyright laws, since it's the only thing the US takes seriously.
Hello again, Ashley.

Welcome back to the white supremacist forum that you can't stop joining.
His recruitment of the cat ladies is a bit similar in that he wants a lot of women around him that he can switch in and out but he's also more interested in their attention and wants them to stay whereas he's a lot more dismissive of e-daddies. In addition to all the other shit that's driving him there, I wonder if he's trying to replace his mother with a kind of internet mommy conglomerate. One where there is always a woman awake to talk to him and soothe him. These outbursts of emotion seem genuine even if they're just trying to get him asspats. Josh acts very childish for a reason, because he's trying to get the cat ladies to stop taking pictures of their "furbabies" so that they can baby him for a bit.
I think you are right on with this. After the crazy guy burned his Mom's house down Josh was glad. His mom's crazy boyfriend and her cat were gone and he was just happy that those two things which took her attention away from him weren't there anymore. He mentioned hating her cats also on Blockland cause she would talk to them and clearly cared for them.

I Think he ran away and stayed at his friend's trailer during that time cause he wasn't getting enough attention from Mommy. It really wasn't clear how the trailer saga ended other than Josh saying his friend's brother had a skitzo meltdown and tried to kill him or something. The only thing that is clear is that after the trailer he went back to living with Mommy where he was until the troons paid him a visit.
Maybe he's a genuine case of being asexual. Or maybe it's just a symptom of being fat, obesity really kills your self image and then self loathing projects itself onto others inducing you to hate other people for no reason.

Josh definitely isn't attracted to women but he also wants attention. He reminds me of Hollywood celebrities, they all have mommy and daddy issues and they look for other mentally deranged people to fill that hole (winky face). Josh has "fallen in love" with other girls before but they were heavily mannish. I don't recall any other details but there was also that woman who was significantly older than him and then she was in the army or something? To me that looks like he's looking for a mother that will supersede the actual mom he has who he doesn't like. What's interesting is that he's always on the look out for a new e-daddy but he's a bit like a sugarbaby who's out cruising. He doesn't actually care about who his e-daddy is, he's always ready to throw them out and look for a new one. This is very reflective of the gay community and how they act, that's why monogamy among gay men is so rare even though men are by and large rational enough to know that monogamy is the correct choice when making a life.

His recruitment of the cat ladies is a bit similar in that he wants a lot of women around him that he can switch in and out but he's also more interested in their attention and wants them to stay whereas he's a lot more dismissive of e-daddies. In addition to all the other shit that's driving him there, I wonder if he's trying to replace his mother with a kind of internet mommy conglomerate. One where there is always a woman awake to talk to him and soothe him. These outbursts of emotion seem genuine even if they're just trying to get him asspats. Josh acts very childish for a reason, because he's trying to get the cat ladies to stop taking pictures of their "furbabies" so that they can baby him for a bit.

It's actually a very sad state of affairs. He wants a replacement mommy because he hates the one he has now. Even his anti tranny stance is a reaction to his mom's cringy behavior in taking him to pride parades and such. (For the record, this was abusive behavior from Josh's mom. Children should not be at pride parades and this was commonly understood at the time Josh was a kid, it's only been within the the last decade that Pride parades have tried inviting children and families.) If he cultivates the right crowd of feminists then he gets to 1) stick it to the alt right internet movement that has destroyed his life 2) he gets a "based" mother that is constantly paying attention to him, never criticizes him, and hates trannies and black people as much as he does.

Our relationship to the opposite gender is often a reflection of our relationships with our parents. Josh's dad abandoned the family, his mother was narcissistic and insecure. Josh is not attracted to women because how could he be under those circumstances? Sad. Many such cases.

If Josh does have homosexual or tranny tendencies then its because it expresses his inner insecurity and the bottomless pit that is his need for attention, not because he's a genuine homo. He'll take affection wherever he can get it, it just means more coming from women because of said need for a mother who is better than what he got.
Just a reminder: everything Josh does is a result of his fatherless upbringing and his broken dick.
I think you are right on with this. After the crazy guy burned his Mom's house down Josh was glad. His mom's crazy boyfriend and her cat were gone and he was just happy that those two things which took her attention away from him weren't there anymore. He mentioned hating her cats also on Blockland cause she would talk to them and clearly cared for them.
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I Think he ran away and stayed at his friend's trailer during that time cause he wasn't getting enough attention from Mommy. It really wasn't clear how the trailer saga ended other than Josh saying his friend's brother had a skitzo meltdown and tried to kill him or something. The only thing that is clear is that after the trailer he went back to living with Mommy where he was until the troons paid him a visit.

Damn, did not know about that.
Damn, did not know about that.

I've got it all capped and archived in the Josh OP I wrote up if anyone wants to take a look. Very interesting if lesser known part of Josh's life
Like if you look at Josh's history with women too he clearly isn't attracted to women and he talks about being attracted to lesbians and tomboys. However he does have this weird possessiveness around women like he's a insecure boyfriend. It seems like it happens with any woman he gets close with TBH. I get the feeling he really likes female attention a lot but I don't know if I can really say that Josh likes or is attracted to women.

At one point on blockland he says he's not attracted to any of the girls in his class. Like none of them Josh? When I was that age I probably would have made a pass at a hat rack with a wig on it.
Josh sees the word 'boy' and immediately gets a boner