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What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

  • Total voters
Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
Ok let's say a $90 gift certificate. Do you know how to set up MediaWiki?
How to install or how to configure?

For me installation would be, install PHP, tweak the web server config,
tar xf mediawiki.tar /var/www
and create a database and set permissions. Something like that. I'll try it in a VM maybe this weekend.

I think for your managed web hosting whateverthefuck it's just clicking "Install" and crossing your fingers.

I'm not sure exactly how you configure it, but it can't be that hard if EDiots have done it like 5 times now. Per the documentation, there is a wizard that guides you through the process.
How to install or how to configure?

For me installation would be, install PHP, tweak the web server config,
tar xf mediawiki.tar /var/www
and create a database and set permissions. Something like that. I'll try it in a VM maybe this weekend.

I think for your managed web hosting whateverthefuck it's just clicking "Install" and crossing your fingers.

I'm not sure exactly how you configure it, but it can't be that hard if EDiots have done it like 5 times now. Per the documentation, there is a wizard that guides you through the process.
Just tried to install Mediawiki and have run into a problem when I try to open it up. I have put my developer on it and hopefully it will be cleared up.
The problem is solved but I think I am going to go with the DokuWiki rather than Mediawiki. This is a lightweight wiki that is a lot easier to edit and update then mediawiki.
Do you also haul bricks with a Ford Focus? I mean, they're lightweight and a lot easier to drive, compared to a truck.
The problem is solved
Press F to doubt.
But you deleted it.
You can't easily migrate between the platforms, so if there is a changeover later everything that happened up till that point is lost.

DokuWiki is meant for technical documentation, so unless you're writing an operator's manual, or documenting an API, for Joshua Conner Moon, I'm afraid I must say I am missing the point.

I'm only making a serious effort once, so let me know when that changeover happens please.
Do you also haul bricks with a Ford Focus? I mean, they're lightweight and a lot easier to drive, compared to a truck.

Press F to doubt.

But you deleted it.
The majority of content on the Wiki will most likely be written pages, photos or links (all of which can be easily handled with the Doku Wiki). Videos? Yes, they can be uploaded on a DokuWiki. "A lot easier to drive" : That's exactly the point.
You can't easily migrate between the platforms, so if there is a changeover later everything that happened up till that point is lost.

DokuWiki is meant for technical documentation, so unless you're writing an operator's manual, or documenting an API, for Joshua Conner Moon, I'm afraid I must say I am missing the point.

I'm only making a serious effort once, so let me know when that changeover happens please.

Doku Wiki is a wiki platform just like Mediawiki. It's not the wiki platform that makes the wiki, it's the content. A Doku Wiki is whatever we want it to be.
The majority of content on the Wiki will most likely be written pages, photos or links (all of which can be easily handled with the Doku Wiki). Videos? Yes, they can be uploaded on a DokuWiki. "A lot easier to drive" : That's exactly the point.
I know you're the guy doing 40mph in the middle lane on I-95, bricks and all, but using the right tool for the right job is always easier than trying to halfass it with the wrong tool, no matter how much easier the wrong tool appears at first.

I think all wikis have the capability to show text with photos and videos. That's pretty basic wiki shit.
Doku Wiki is a wiki platform just like Mediawiki. It's not the wiki platform that makes the wiki, it's the content. A Doku Wiki is whatever we want it to be.
So go and undelete whatever wiki software you want to use, and give me admin so I can start making content, please.
hear unyuns out!
onion farm... needering niche! stand out other forum all forum forever. unyun say onion farm needering mascot, cringe comic to for mascot be in. bad draw for like to chris chan. for on purpose. onion mascot represent all onion farmer. make onion mascot for adventures. meetering lolcow, thread vote system for to how continue story. put story youtube other platformings. aboom a boom KABOOM idea.
When I merged the Trump threads, I messed up badly and now the posts are all out or order in terms of date. For now I locked the thread and this isn't the only one in the Political Cows Subforum. Is there some kind of a plugin that will allow you to sort the posts in an individual thread by chronological order?
Just leave it dude it's fine. If you insist on merging all of the Trump threads (which in my opinion is a terrible idea to be honest) we can just start from wherever the jump off point is.
Just leave it dude it's fine. If you insist on merging all of the Trump threads (which in my opinion is a terrible idea to be honest) we can just start from wherever the jump off point is.
We could make a new thread because it's not like anything that has been said about Trump can't be said again.
When I merged the Trump threads, I messed up badly and now the posts are all out or order in terms of date. For now I locked the thread and this isn't the only one in the Political Cows Subforum. Is there some kind of a plugin that will allow you to sort the posts in an individual thread by chronological order?
This reminds me of something a moron did at an old job of mine.

There was a truck. The truck was having issues. Everybody knew not to use the truck, including the moron. There were more than enough trucks to go around for any employee that needed one, and I don't even think the moron actually needed a truck that day.

The moron wanted to drive the truck with issues. We all told him not to. He took the broken truck anyway. While he was out with the broken truck, he decided to take a detour and stop by his home. It is verboten to stop at home, and the moron was known for stealing company property. We all presumed the reason he went out with the truck was to drop off stolen company property. Well the truck's mechanical problems got significantly worse as he was leaving his house. The truck now wouldn't go over 10mph. He couldn't call for a tow or a mechanic because he knew he wasn't supposed to be driving the truck, and definitely not to or from his house. So he had to very dangerously drive the truck back to work at 10mph and hope no one would notice he had been gone for hours. He made up some story about being stuck in traffic because the road was blocked by a car crash.

He wouldn't have found himself in that situation had he not chosen to do the stupid thing in the first place, just as you wouldn't have fucked up multiple threads by trying to merge them into one. By fucking up the threads you're literally stealing from OF just as the moron was stealing from the company, because those threads are worthless to us now.
We could make a new thread because it's not like anything that has been said about Trump can't be said again.

This reminds me of something a moron did at an old job of mine.

There was a truck. The truck was having issues. Everybody knew not to use the truck, including the moron. There were more than enough trucks to go around for any employee that needed one, and I don't even think the moron actually needed a truck that day.

The moron wanted to drive the truck with issues. We all told him not to. He took the broken truck anyway. While he was out with the broken truck, he decided to take a detour and stop by his home. It is verboten to stop at home, and the moron was known for stealing company property. We all presumed the reason he went out with the truck was to drop off stolen company property. Well the truck's mechanical problems got significantly worse as he was leaving his house. The truck now wouldn't go over 10mph. He couldn't call for a tow or a mechanic because he knew he wasn't supposed to be driving the truck, and definitely not to or from his house. So he had to very dangerously drive the truck back to work at 10mph and hope no one would notice he had been gone for hours. He made up some story about being stuck in traffic because the road was blocked by a car crash.

He wouldn't have found himself in that situation had he not chosen to do the stupid thing in the first place, just as you wouldn't have fucked up multiple threads by trying to merge them into one. By fucking up the threads you're literally stealing from OF just as the moron was stealing from the company, because those threads are worthless to us now.

Let me see first if there is a way to fix this.

You already fucked it up don't fuck it up further.



I mean if it's that bad just delete the whole thread and we'll start another one.
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We will be going in a new direction. I have created a new staff position (Senior Editor) with certain specific privileges that will enable these people to Update the (Onionfarms News -Breaking Content) widget. Two people have been appointed to this position (Adanna, Joshua Odeyemi). I want to be able to have breaking content in three areas:
  • Lolcow News,
  • Celebrity News,
  • Geopolitical News (This will include Heads of State & trying to predict the political moves that will be played out).
This was the “new feature” that I mentioned earlier.