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People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
the bananas

I'm really enjoying this bizarre lifestyle. The crew is a bunch of misfits and outcasts that are interesting in their own ways. I'm fitting in fine, as one would suspect. There's more downtime than I'd have figured and the entire pay structure is meant to keep you in debt to "the company store" if you're not extremely thrifty.
I wish I could provide live updates and photos but I'm sure someone would be salty enough to try and get my deplatformed from a traveling carnival lol.
I'll provide photos and maybe some vlog stuff once the info is a week or two out of date.
One thing I wish I'd have minded in the forums I read on living this lifestyle is the need to have a side hustle. I figured I'd have to be dealing meth or something wild but just have a speakeasy in my bunkhouse or selling breakfast tacos would have doubled my money, let alone selling prerolls of mids.
If I stick it out, I'll know how to actually profit next season.
Our run ends in November and those that don't fuck off will be invited to stay at the bosses compound until the next run.
Regardless, this has been a very interesting couple of weeks and not to be too much of a hippy dick the Universe with provide
Day 4 of being a carnie. I woke up needing to rock a piss but feeling too lazy to take the five minute walk to the port-a-potties (and not trusting my peepee dance would get me there on time) I reached for ye olde trusty piss jug.
Sadly, it was not Old Pissy I grabbed, but my bottle of bleach. In true Trailer Park Boys fashion, within 3 seconds of letting loose the bleach erupted into a geyser, not unlike the mentos+diet coke phenomenon, spraying my dick and balls with bleach and gassing my room with what I imagine was low grade mustard gas.
I am become Ricky, destroyer of pepperoni sticks
200w (1).gif
I am on lithium to prevent manic episodes, Antabuse to make me want to die if I fuck up and drink alcohol again and Klonopin to reduce my anxiety and subsequent tard rage. Meds taken and the gay duck has won.
Are you on Klonopin long term? That stuff is addictive. Buspar is a non-addictive alternative and Abilify could be added on for bipolar, rather than lithium you need blood tests while taking. What kind of bipolar do you have?
I am severely sunburned :(
Also, there's some variety of coof going around the camp. Still, the show must go on.

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Get vaxed and wear sunscreen you drug fiend.
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Are you on Klonopin long term?
No, I could follow up for more but ran out a couple days ago. No withdrawal
What kind of bipolar do you have?
Bipolar 2.
Get vaxed and wear sunscreen you drug fiend.
I am vaxed for covid and yeah, was a hell of a day to lose my hat and not have cash for sunscreen.
Check out the gnar gnar swelling this shit caused. It's not even that bad of a burn, couple blisters but the oedema spooked me.
How do you evade the spam ban?
1) Use a VPN
(HideMe or Proton VPN are free and no-log)
And don't forget to tell your device to require VPN connection so you don't have any connection drop leaks.
2) Sign up with a new naming convention+email. Signed up with Proton Mail last time? Do so with Tutanota this time.
3) Learn to change your browser fingerprint. The Chameleon extension makes this very easy
a lot of work to re enter that fag ass site tbh
if you want a much more easier method on socking then use my thread here.