Terri Strange: "I knew ContraPoints back when the channel was Nykytyne2... that individual was highly disrespectful towards me, in chat. It was particularly around the subject of pornography, because I was very outspoken about that issue, because... that's what I got sucked into at that time. Regardless, yeah, he thought it would be funny to send me, like, pornography, and ask me if this is pornography. Just, like, probing me and thinking it was, like, a funny thing to do. (...) Particularly, the way that ContraPoints presents as an individual, is overtly sexual, in a way that if an actual female was presenting on Youtube, would get flagged immediately. If were to come on, or any other woman were to come on wearing lingerie, that would get flagged. And it's very irritating to me, on a number of levels. The fact that I was personally disrespected, in the way I was.
Caleb Maupin: Sending someone porn is sexual assault.
Terri Strange: Yes, it's... and he was, like, a teenager at the time (actually no, Nyk was of drinking age when he started the Nykytyne2 channel), so I can forgive someone for being, like, an idiot. But the fact is, this individual is just, no... (sigh)... these people are not who they say they are. I'll just say that. These people are not genuine people."