A while back I filed some paperwork online and consulted with an attorney who gave me the go-ahead on this. The onionfarms logo with the three leaves and the teardrop was put through an extensive search to make sure there was no infringement and we passed. We now have an application on file with US Trademark and Patent Office so I can get our logo officially certified as our trademark. We have priority so no one can file a second application and try to swipe our logo from us.
I also registered and have an account set up so we will be able to set up an online store and sell a wide variety of promotional merchandise such as mouse pads, phone cases, decals, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, refillable beverage containers for cold drinks and so forth.
As far as legal fees, application fees and other fees, that has been taken care (all of it). We can have branded, non-branded, and social justice (diversity) merchandise. It will all be dropped shipped.