• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You mean like these guys? https://member.tnm.me/
going back to this reply Ken has made. apparently their website was made using WordPress. to make matter worse, their WordPress admin login page is exposed wide open to the public. meaning that anyone can visit their admin login page and gain access to their WordPress cpanel.

for anyone wondering, if a wordpress site doesn't lock/secure its admin login page then anyone can easily take over the site by typing wp-admin at the end of the site's domain. for example:
null 1.png
null 2.png
Null is humiliating a fan and repeat MATI superchat paypig in the MATI thread again.

"Mad at the Internet"
I am going through all my shit and throwing out / giving away 95% of what I own to get ready for the move back. I realized I never properly went through my WV mail I had received from the gopher months ago and found this excruciatingly autistic letter written by quill on burned parchment sent in a letter sealed with wax. Something about the wax seal must've deterred me from reading it until now.

The letter basically says that I should watch the blu-ray anime sent (that I already noted I threw out on stream months ago) because doing so would prevent me from being raped by turks in the post-apocalypse. It is definitely the longest and most autistic thing I've ever committed to reading in full. He also asks that I do not destroy his anime blu-rays, which I did, sorry.

Null · Post #32,083 · Today at 4:31 PM · Forum: Grift Wars

https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...reads/mad-at-the-internet.49299/post-18099562 Archived: https://archive.is/Tds7d#selection-1513.0-1517.377

Someone responds claiming that Null shouldn't "engage with the parasocials", when that's literally what he's doing with the above post as well as everyone he responds to in the MATI thread. Null could've just thrown away the letter and never mentioned it, but no, he had to crush a paypig to punish him for sending him what was apparently just an innocent gift:

Good call not engaging with the parasocials. I know immediately who it is because they always start their superchats the same way. He calls himself the President of Nintendo or the President of the Gay Store.

While fostering parasocial relationships may seem financially lucrative, I’d argue that it is exactly what led to the downfall of Rekieta. During weeb wars, everyone thought it was funny to bribe him to take shots of Fireball whiskey and wince. Somewhere along the way, the joke turned into dependency.

I love how this guy pretends that Null constantly humiliating his stans in public for sending him letters (remember he did the same thing to DVNC) isn't itself some type of parasocial relationship, namely on Null's own part. Null isn't really bothered by or scared these autistic letters and gifts, he loves exploiting them because it gives him an opportunity to crush a paypig for the amusement of all his other paypiggies.
Null is humiliating a fan and repeat MATI superchat paypig in the MATI thread again.

Someone responds claiming that Null shouldn't "engage with the parasocials", when that's literally what he's doing with the above post as well as everyone he responds to in the MATI thread. Null could've just thrown away the letter and never mentioned it, but no, he had to crush a paypig to punish him for sending him what was apparently just an innocent gift:

I love how this guy pretends that Null constantly humiliating his stans in public for sending him letters (remember he did the same thing to DVNC) isn't itself some type of parasocial relationship, namely on Null's own part. Null isn't really bothered by or scared these autistic letters and gifts, he loves exploiting them because it gives him an opportunity to crush a paypig for the amusement of all his other paypiggies.
Stop sending null letters and DVDs
He complains about "poltards" like libshits do, but sure, he's still nominally right-wing. He'd probably be considered a libertarian a decade ago.

By take after him do you mean his fanboys? He certainly has a contingent of them.

Guy who sit in their mothers basement proclaiming the 4th reich is coming sooon but doing literally nothing but cooming to lolis I 'm not really concerned of.

Think of it as the mirror image of this.
Dyn has terminal butt cancer
Technically that would be colorectal cancer.
Why isn't he working on Sneedforo?
I think it's completely possible for Josh to harness his autism
I'm skeptical there is much autism to harness, I think it's mostly ODD and maybe FASD if his mom drank during pregnancy; neither of which help you code.
I argued just as much with HHH, but Null and other mods specifically complained about me about doing so, even resulting in a temporary ban.
I don't agree with you on much but neither you nor AR should be banned or threatened with bans.
with a couple caveats solely based around covering up his bisexuality
Which isn't real, of course!
Null is humiliating a fan and repeat MATI superchat paypig in the MATI thread again.
Nick Fuentes moment.
I love how this guy pretends that Null constantly humiliating his stans in public for sending him letters (remember he did the same thing to DVNC) isn't itself some type of parasocial relationship, namely on Null's own part.
That's true, it's at least equally parasocial to mention this shit when you could have put the DVD in a donation bin and never spoke of it.
"I'm like 15% committed to this. I really despise faggots who try to torture some harmless weirdo. They should be put in CIA prisons"

Um... are you including your user base?


"If his father simply can't afford a place for him on his own, but is willing to help with finances and maybe some handiwork, then I can easily set this up remotely."

Make of that...
Well I do know for a fact that if you ask him if he's on his period and he wants you to go get some midol, he will ban/delete/whatever the fuck he did to me.

And then he called me a sock account or something? The only sock that faggot knows about is the one he blows a load in because girls think he's icky. Maybe he should try fucking ones that are over the age of six.
Null could've just thrown away the letter and never mentioned it, but no, he had to crush a paypig to punish him for sending him what was apparently just an innocent gift:
That did sound pretty autistic to be fair, but going out of his way to be mean to someone giving him a gift really is unnecessary.

Guy who sit in their mothers basement proclaiming the 4th reich is coming sooon but doing literally nothing but cooming to lolis I 'm not really concerned of.

Think of it as the mirror image of this.
View attachment 51682
I'm not sure what you mean, how's that relate to Null?
That did sound pretty autistic to be fair, but going out of his way to be mean to someone giving him a gift really is unnecessary.
What a fucking retard. The one thing you should never ever do when you're 100% dependent on your fans, is shit on your fans.

Then again, this is coming from the guy who can't even handle basic Winchester administration.