Ignore only disrupts the natural order when it's not mutual. There's no point in having an ignore function if the person being ignored is allowed to harass the person ignoring them, by following them around and neg rating/derailing everything they post out of pure spite over being ignored. This is why most mainstream social media platforms now have mutual ignore. Null said he wants mutual ignore in Sneedforo too. Even Null recognizes that ignore only works if it's mutual.
Mutual ignore on a forum wouldn't really solve the problems though. You'd still have people who can only see 1/2 of the thread because they'd ignored a few people, blindly posting things that have already been brought up in the thread, and getting confused because the other users in the thread keep replying without quote to the ignored users. This leads to said user disrupting the thread trying to get clarification, context, or whatever from the users he hasn't ignored. You'd still see "gee, how nice it is in here without <user>" posts and "LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU" posts because it's pretty obvious in any forum software when an ignored user posts in a thread. It's always fucking retarded for the rest of us to see this shit and a good way to derail a thread that Mr Muh Ignore Button probably shouldn't be posting in anyway.
The only benefit to mutual ignore would be the case of two retards going at it, and that's only effective if a broom could force it. At that point, why not just do your fucking job, janny? It seems like the most support for mutual ignore comes from lazy jannies like Slobberwhale.
By the way, I don't buy this bullshit that he's got no time to do anything. He's got no job, producing MATI isn't exactly hard or time-consuming when he's largely commenting on content already posted to and curated by KF, and that "got kicked off another provider" bit isn't an everyday occourance. Grifting his userbase is pretty low-effort, the legal issues are largely handled by other people like Hardin, and he's got seemingly plenty of time to make unpopular changes to his forum and ban people left and right. The average person sleeps what, 7 or 8 hours a day. What's he filling the other 16-17 hours with? Why isn't he working on Sneedforo?
When will Sneedforo be production ready? Oh yeah and what ever happened to Infinity Next? If he likes and believes in imageboards so much, why is he (failing to) developing forum software when he's already got a mostly complete imageboard software already? Why isn't Kiwi Farms an imageboard? According to the Nullcel himself, you don't even need an ignore function on an imageboard because all users are anonymous and therefore can't develop bias towards the posts of a particular user, or some such shit.
He pretends to spend a lot of time being a genius in order to hold things together since they lost their Xenforo license and no longer receive updates but in reality he just bought a second lifetime license for an unused forum and imports the updates from it.
Either that, or he has a buddy who has a license, and is giving him access to the updates.
I mean, there's no fucking way he's doing the "Windows 7 forever" thing, right? right?