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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Maybe he's had stable disability income for a while and doesn't even need the eshekels.
joshy, being a retard, doesn't understand, people, who aren't retarded, know he is lying. It's really "Don't let the IRS hear you say that shit". He's been lying about where he's been living, and he lied about having a (financial) connection to Russia (a really pointless lie). Why believe him, when he says he's paid his taxes? When him mentioning it is just sus.
This is cope. Null said he'd stop running the site if it stopped being fun. The site stopped being fun for him long ago. It's a chore and burden he has to live with eternally because it's his only means of sustenance.
my only understanding is kiwifarms is his only source of revenue. looking at you mati stream
He'd have to get and keep an actual job for the first time in years.

Who would hire him with that history attached to his name? What kind of gainful employment could he realistically obtain, when he sucks at programming and has no other marketable skills? Whataburger doesn't exactly pay the bills after all.
broom clears up something: It's a phone call, so stop it with the jokes about turning up and shouting "Oi, fat arse!" (in an encouraging way ofc) at him. He won't be on the call, so you can't record him sounding autistic. MAYBE he'll shell out $200 dollars, but likely what he says will be based on a "Trust Me, Bros" vibe.
He'd have to get and keep an actual job for the first time in years.

Who would hire him with that history attached to his name? What kind of gainful employment could he realistically obtain, when he sucks at programming and has no other marketable skills? Whataburger doesn't exactly pay the bills after all.
He can't get anything in the field. He's permanently ruined. He said this years ago.
It won't affect his disability tugboat and he can change his name.

Speaking specifically about American citizens and America here:

Disability tugboat is a lot less than what you'd make at Whataburger and is not livable. The legal process to get that tugboat, for people with legitimate disabilities, is something like a year plus battle with the SSA and that is with a lawyer representing you.

Outside of WITSEC, there is no way to legally change your name that doesn't involve posting public notice of the change. This typically takes the form of a newspaper ad. He'd be doxed in short order.

If he changed his name to a super common name like John Smith, he might get away with it for a while depending on how deep the employment background checks go. Someone would eventually connect the dots though, especially given how much of a narcissist he is.
I wonder how Null will deal with troons showing up at his house. You can't hide your dox forever in the US.
The entire point of me pointing out WV's cultural anti-trans sentiment.
Literally, any man that can do ten pushups can smack the shit out of a tranny (a twink man in a dress), and Josh is soy incarnate, so he can't handle being anywhere that the majority doesn't agree with his politics.
It's so fucking gay to be overly obsessed about troons. Sorry, I'm not a bitch, a small woman or a child. I don't give a shit if Sally wants to saddle up next to me at the urinal unless they start tapping their feet
They will find it through property records.
It's not a violation of anything I've said privately before going a-log, so, Josh has always had the intention of buying property. He owns a business that owns a business.
Geez, long terms a-logs would understand the third party real estate agent, but wtf do I know.
Underestimate Josh. You don't like him, thusly he's brain crippled, eh?