• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
No way my dude, I mean look at this woman, she's uglyAF by Null's standards. Null is very picky when it comes to his women. The women that Null likes have to be cute and feminine and this woman is neither. Also, Null would never hook up with a woman who already has an online or public presence because of the increased risk of their relationship being exposed by sheer accident. In my estimation, Null would only date a woman who is the very opposite of himself, a very off-line woman.

Lastly, where is the evidence that Null has been interacting with Anna Slatz on Xitter? I haven't seen any tweets being posted here of those alleged interactions.

The guy in the other thread literally proved that she follows Null. Why are you doing damage control about this? They're contacts. Some kind of relationship was already uncovered because there's no way in hell some random YouTube manhating radical feminist would be follow fucking Josh Moon due to happenestance.

And second point, STFU about Josh's supposed standards, you histrionic homosexual. Josh is a mutant with eyes like two feet apart. If you don't think any guy like that wouldn't take any crumb of pussy sent his way, you are crazy. It's also obvious Josh has been changing his views more towards radifem bullshit due to some kind of outside influence. I'm not saying this makes this one true, but the fact you immediately attack it as a lead is ridiculous.

I've been reading your posts for a while now. While you position yourself as a Josh critic, you often come off as very protective of him and his reputation, which is ridiculous. No one cares about your gay crush on him, dude. He is a fucking goblin that purposely hides his appearance. If anything, the person in the video should be out of his league. But you are obviously wrapped up in his cult of personality for whatever gay reason and are blinded by his fake online persona hiding behind a dog cartoon. Shake yourself out of it. I want to take you seriously, but I just can't when you say stuff like Josh would only date 10s. Ridiculous.

Also the LIDL=Null thing would be the perfect well poisoning bullshit that Josh and whoever LIDL is would be happy about being out there, thus them repeatedly making little cute memes about it. That shit is stupid, and beyond a red herring.
WTF is wrong with these lolcow.farm that they think Null would ever date a woman like this Anna Slatz? She's masked (Null doesn't believe in Covid, he thinks it's just the flu), she's a leftist in New York City (Null hates both NYC and LA for being multicultural/diverse cities), how the fuck is this a woman anthing that Null claims he's into? And how the fuck did anyone come to the conclusion that this leftist NYC woman is Didl? Didl is a far right racist who claims to be European FFS.

Nope, no fucking way is Null ever dating this woman Anna Slatz. Null would only date a woman who fits his type (y'all know Null has a type, I'll try to find the post where Null himself posted pictures of his type), a woman who is very off-line and low profile, not a Post Millennial feminist journalist openly getting themselves arrested for the sake of clicks and views. That's way too much exposure for Null to risk having their relationship become public.

So I went and did some research, and lo behold, the claim that Null is dating Anna Slatz is based on such flimsy "evidence" as him simply rexeeting Reduxx articles. I myself have in fact cross-posted Reduxx articles here on OnionFarms, does that mean I am dating Anna Slatz too? According to y'all delusional zoomers, that's supposedly sufficient "evidence" of a relationship, LMAO. Do y'all how ridiculous you sound to deduct a whole-ass relationship off of such flimsy evidence?

If you're gonna cross-post baseless crap from lolcow.farm, an image board notorious for their uninformed and baseless hot takes (like this post pretending there aren't any men online LARPing as gender critical feminists), you might as well post a link to the full thread instead of just crop.

Here's a video by a young feminist that brings up Anna Slatz:

Anna Slatz has written for Reduxx, The Post Millennial and Rebel News. In other words, she is way too public and high profile a feminist journalist for Null to bother having a relationship with, for fear of their relationship coming out.

Here is Anna Slatz's full thread on Lolcow.farm, you know, that website where sisterhood amongst young feminists thrives and shines. I would encourage you guys to read this thread in full, it's full of examples of Anna Slatz's blatant online exhibitionism despite claiming to be a feminist:

/snow/ - Anna Slatz, Slatzism
Archived: https://archive.is/cb8Ph

Anna Slatz is a "journalist" and a "TERF" who is trying to become famous on the internet, mostly by using her tits while pretending to be a feminist.

I decided to make her her own thread because she came to the site to advertise herself as an anti-Shoe0nHead in Shoe's thread in a pretty obvious selfpost. >>1244288

She also posts her titties to 4chan to get the /pol/tards drooling about her "big mommy milkers".

She claims to be a feminist despite posting constant pictures of her tits and ass.

She "hates liberals" and posts "based pepe memes" and has a literal clown avatar.

She is a "feminist" and a "TERF" despite using her body go get validation from the lowest of men.

"She claims to be a feminist despite posting constant pictures of her tits and ass.", tell me again why trad-LARPing, e-thot blasting Null would ever date a woman like this?

Yeah, I don't know what that person on lolcow.farm was smoking when they made that post about Null dating this woman, but they really need to lay off the drugs, like, right now. No fucking way would Null ever risk dating an e-thot posting pictures of her tits and ass. Again, Null is so terrified of any aspect of his private life being exposed that he would only date someone who is the very opposite of himself, a woman who is very off-line. Do some basic research into people before blurting out whatever bullshit rumour you wanna spread. God knows this thread is way way too full of those.
WTF is wrong with these lolcow.farm that they think Null would ever date a woman like this Anna Slatz? She's masked (Null doesn't believe in Covid, he thinks it's just the flu), she's a leftist in New York City (Null hates both NYC and LA for being multicultural/diverse cities), how the fuck is this a woman anthing that Null claims he's into? And how the fuck did anyone come to the conclusion that this leftist NYC woman is Didl? Didl is a far right racist who claims to be European FFS.

Nope, no fucking way is Null ever dating this woman Anna Slatz. Null would only date a woman who fits his type (y'all know Null has a type, I'll try to find the post where Null himself posted pictures of his type), a woman who is very off-line and low profile, not a Post Millennial feminist journalist openly getting themselves arrested for the sake of clicks and views. That's way too much exposure for Null to risk having their relationship become public.

So I went and did some research, and lo behold, the claim that Null is dating Anna Slatz is based on such flimsy "evidence" as him simply rexeeting Reduxx articles. I myself have in fact cross-posted Reduxx articles here on OnionFarms, does that mean I am dating Anna Slatz too? According to y'all delusional zoomers, that's supposedly sufficient "evidence" of a relationship, LMAO. Do y'all how ridiculous you sound to deduct a whole-ass relationship off of such flimsy evidence?

If you're gonna cross-post baseless crap from lolcow.farm, an image board notorious for their uninformed and baseless hot takes (like this post pretending there aren't any men online LARPing as gender critical feminists), you might as well post a link to the full thread instead of just crop.

Here's a video by a young feminist that brings up Anna Slatz:

Anna Slatz has written for Reduxx, The Post Millennial and Rebel News. In other words, she is way too public and high profile a feminist journalist for Null to bother having a relationship with, for fear of their relationship coming out.

Here is Anna Slatz's full thread on Lolcow.farm, you know, that website where sisterhood amongst young feminists thrives and shines. I would encourage you guys to read this thread in full, it's full of examples of Anna Slatz's blatant online exhibitionism despite claiming to be a feminist:

"She claims to be a feminist despite posting constant pictures of her tits and ass.", tell me again why trad-LARPing, e-thot blasting Null would ever date a woman like this?

Yeah, I don't know what that person on lolcow.farm was smoking when they made that post about Null dating this woman, but they really need to lay off the drugs, like, right now. No fucking way would Null ever risk dating an e-thot posting pictures of her tits and ass. Again, Null is so terrified of any aspect of his private life being exposed that he would only date someone who is the very opposite of himself, a woman who is very off-line. Do some basic research into people before blurting out whatever bullshit rumour you wanna spread. God knows this thread is way way too full of those.

I'm not saying this is LIDL, but are you jealous because you want Null to date you, you fucking faggot? Like I said in the earlier post, stop white knighting Null, you crazy fag. He's a pudgy fat fuck with fetal alcohol syndrome facial deformities with the social life of a fucking train hobo drifter. The fact you think this woman is below his standards says more about your delusional point of view than anything else. Come up with another argument other than the idea Null is beyond sticking it in only passable crazy. The fact this enrages you so much because, "Null only dates trad-fem 10/10 hotty next door types, and he would never be interested in tits and ass, not my poor innocent knight in shining armor Joshy Woshy! I've studied his type for years, he's a virtuous saint chad like he says," is suspicious and autistic as fuck.

Oh and wow, you just discovered feminists are hypocrites. Shocking stuff from a permanently online homosexual that has no concept of what women and straight male losers are actually like.

And again if you weren't emotionally involved in this so much, why are you having a literal panic attack over it instead of just deboonking it casually, you histrionic nut? I don't know what your agenda is, but going full, "SHUT IT DOWN NOW!" has the opposite effect that you think it would.
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Josh isn't dating anyone. He is too narcissistic to not brag about it. Not to mention he's far too anti social scizo and aggressive to have a meaningful long term relationship with a woman built on trust. Especially if it had anything to do with his safe space. She could expose him on a bad day then that gets archived and shared elsewhere beyond his control (like here) no matter how much sweeping he does on site. Any woman with a sense of self preservation would get stranger danger vibes from someone like josh irl anyway. Unless she's using him in one way or another.
Josh isn't dating anyone. He is too narcissistic to not brag about it. Not to mention he's far too anti social scizo and aggressive to have a meaningful long term relationship with a woman built on trust. Especially if it had anything to do with his safe space. She could expose him on a bad day then that gets archived and shared elsewhere beyond his control (like here) no matter how much sweeping he does on site. Any woman with a sense of self preservation would get stranger danger vibes from someone like josh irl anyway. Unless she's using him in one way or another.

Whoever LIDL is, if LIDL is female, is obviously a fucking batshit loon more insane than he is. Crazy pussy hooks up with people that should perceptibly be even below their own league. It's why 8-9/10 (on looks) BPD women end up with 2-4/10 fat fucks. His stupid podcast I'm sure some of you listen to was enough reason for more than one crazy tart to get infatuated with him. That's the kind of pussy Josh would attract and lower himself to slobbering over because he said he wants a family, because he knows that's the best he can get. If you don't think things like the "Manhate Thread" and him purposely cultivating that kind of female audience to the point it caused sperg culture wars inside his board isn't related to his own personal Love Quest, you are naive. I know some of you fags built Josh up into some weird avatar of autism in your heads, but the idea that he doesn't want the thing every guy reaching middle age wants even after he specifically said so multiple times is dumb.

Also disagree with the idea Josh hasn't accepted he's eventually going to get more doxed than he currently is. He already petitioned the SCOTUS for crying out loud. He doesn't care anymore. The fucking lolsuit fundraiser after he chastised Nick Rekeita for doing the exact same thing should tell you what he cares about optics or hypocrisy.

I think Josh just doesn’t care. He’s asexual and doesn’t enjoy any of that shit, and he’s too stuck in his own head lying to himself that he’s the savior of free speech to devote his time anywhere else.

Kiwi is all josh has. He doesn’t see any other purpose in his life

Josh has said repeatedly he doesn't care about free speech, and the idea of him being asexual after what we all know about his past is a real reach. KF is all he has and probably can do, but he also just raised $150 grand unaccountable for things that will never happen. He hates what KF has become and constantly bitches at his current /pol/ type user base who have gotten so uppity they call him a faggot in direct replies to him like what happened in the Stones Toss thread. I agree he has nothing else, but he also said recently he doesn't think the site will be around in 2 years time.
Ethan Ralph has consistently pulled women because he has an arrest record, is energetic, and presumably has some charisma irl. Josh has none of those things, he's fatter than Ralph, he's lazy and whiny, he isn't the exotic criminal that attracts stupid women, and he's an ugly charisma blackhole.

Josh can't keep it up and hates masturbating because it is painful. He can't commit to a fucking houseplant. He can't diet. He can't program. There is 0 evidence that he is dating anyone besides one post on a schizophrenic image board. There is however lots of evidence that he is a lonely failson that hasn't accomplished anything.

Come on people, let's use our brains yeah?
and him purposely cultivating that kind of female audience
Not really. That was a bit of luck, all the "Terfs" getting banned from loads of places. They ended up on Commie Farms, also with other people who also got banned for other "wrong think".
I know some of you fags built Josh up into some weird avatar of autism in your heads,
TBF, it's backed up with caps of his posts.
but the idea that he doesn't want the thing every guy reaching middle age wants even after he specifically said so multiple times is dumb.
Wanting and getting. Two different things.
Josh has said repeatedly he doesn't care about free speech,
But that was after years of repeatedly saying "It's only drawings... it's only freeze peeeech" ANd he gave up on that BS when he knew everyone knew he'd ban people for any old shit.
asexual after what we all know about his past is a real reach.
He did say he gets no pleasure from sex (with other people(?), but yes... if we are going on his past... he's sexual. Just homosexual.

and presumably has some charisma irl
A lot of it, I think, is the voice. Gunt, for all his many failings, does have a good sounding voice. Certainly better than the "Sound of a balloon rubbed" squeaky drone from the broom.
Ethan Ralph has consistently pulled women because he has an arrest record, is energetic, and presumably has some charisma irl. Josh has none of those things, he's fatter than Ralph, he's lazy and whiny, he isn't the exotic criminal that attracts stupid women, and he's an ugly charisma blackhole.

Josh can't keep it up and hates masturbating because it is painful. He can't commit to a fucking houseplant. He can't diet. He can't program. There is 0 evidence that he is dating anyone besides one post on a schizophrenic image board. There is however lots of evidence that he is a lonely failson that hasn't accomplished anything.

Come on people, let's use our brains yeah?
What you said about Ethan Ralph just proved the point that even someone like Josh can get a female. Holy shit, what are you even saying here, describing Ralph as desirable. LOL.
What you said about Ethan Ralph just proved the point that even someone like Josh can get a female. Holy shit, what are you even saying here, describing Ralph as desirable. LOL.

No m8, I'm saying that Ethan Ralph is more desirable than Josh is to women. Exhibit A, he has reproduced, multiple times. Josh meanwhile has no children, ergo he is not successful with women. but for some reason the thread is now writing fanfic about Josh having a secret girlfriend.

You guys are tumblr fangirls, you start creating conspiracy theories out of thin air based off a few pieces of info because you want the drama of a forbidden romance plotline.
Nope, no fucking way is Null ever dating this woman Anna Slatz. Null would only date a woman who fits his type (y'all know Null has a type, I'll try to find the post where Null himself posted pictures of his type), a woman who is very off-line and low profile, not a Post Millennial feminist journalist openly getting themselves arrested for the sake of clicks and views. That's way too much exposure for Null to risk having their relationship become public.

Isn't there a Woman from NY magazine already confirmed as a poster on KF? He lurks threads like Venti, Shoe, Aela, Peanut Vendor girl.... I'm sure this girl is below his high standards. KEK

I'm going to leave it up in the air since we know how transparent he is about things. Even when it comes to how is own site works.


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Whoever LIDL is, if LIDL is female, is obviously a fucking batshit loon more insane than he is. Crazy pussy hooks up with people that should perceptibly be even below their own league. It's why 8-9/10 (on looks) BPD women end up with 2-4/10 fat fucks. His stupid podcast I'm sure some of you listen to was enough reason for more than one crazy tart to get infatuated with him. That's the kind of pussy Josh would attract and lower himself to slobbering over because he said he wants a family, because he knows that's the best he can get. If you don't think things like the "Manhate Thread" and him purposely cultivating that kind of female audience to the point it caused sperg culture wars inside his board isn't related to his own personal Love Quest, you are naive. I know some of you fags built Josh up into some weird avatar of autism in your heads, but the idea that he doesn't want the thing every guy reaching middle age wants even after he specifically said so multiple times is dumb.

Also disagree with the idea Josh hasn't accepted he's eventually going to get more doxed than he currently is. He already petitioned the SCOTUS for crying out loud. He doesn't care anymore. The fucking lolsuit fundraiser after he chastised Nick Rekeita for doing the exact same thing should tell you what he cares about optics or hypocrisy.

Josh has said repeatedly he doesn't care about free speech, and the idea of him being asexual after what we all know about his past is a real reach. KF is all he has and probably can do, but he also just raised $150 grand unaccountable for things that will never happen. He hates what KF has become and constantly bitches at his current /pol/ type user base who have gotten so uppity they call him a faggot in direct replies to him like what happened in the Stones Toss thread. I agree he has nothing else, but he also said recently he doesn't think the site will be around in 2 years time.
Not reading all that. The the closest thing to a woman null will ever get is a sex doll. Which is probably what he's really saving up for. Until then he's going to have to settle for Rosy Palm. Or a Fleshlight.
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