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A blast from the past: Null has a meltdown because Twitter rejected him for verification

Null rejected for verification.jpg
Typical lolcow.farm hysteria to claim that I am "white-knighting for Null" because I went and actually fact-checked your made-up bullshit rumours about Anna Slatz dating him. It's not the first time lolcow.farm has tried to use other fora to spread unsubstantiated rumours for trolling purposes. Like, with Null it's always one extreme unsourced rumour followed by another extreme unsourced rumour but in the opposite direction. Either he's a virgin who's never touched a woman, or he's fucking the Kiwis or he's rexeeting some Reduxx articles which inevitably means he must be fucking the female author who wrote them. Either he's running a terrorist website or he's working with the FBI to snitch on terrorists. Either he's living in poverty in the Balkans, or he's sitting on $300k in bitcoins like that Mother Jones author claimed with no receipts whatsoever... There are a lot of people spreading rumours about Null, but Null is a troll so he welcomes that kind of rumour-mongering. He wants people to be gaslit about what's real and what's rumours.

Anyways, y'all crazy and smoking some weird shit over at lolcow.farm for thinking Null would actually bang this woman, I mean look at her, she is beneath Null even:

But Null said adult "androgirls" don't exist! I can see why y'all wanna ship her with Null though, since she also hates Indians like he does:

In 2023, Slatz shared a video produced by ThePrint in which Indian men stated that women who dress provocatively are "inviting" rape. "I can’t think of a single valid reason for any woman to visit India," she said.[12]

Disregarding her racism, literally everything else about this woman is repugnant to Null: Canadian, Dzooish but gets plastic surgery to "Westernize" her face so she can pass as a goy, e-thot with a history of extremely online attention seeking behaviour that almost rivals Elaine's, even gets herself arrested for her alt right media employer Rebel News to milk the simps (I don't think Elaine has ever gotten herself deliberately arrested for clout). Perhaps if she was an extremely white blonde blue-eyed Ashkenazi Dzoo Null would rationalize it with "lub is lub" and then dive right in, but nope, she's too dark and shady in every day to be of any interest to him. Sorry not sorry for ruining your lame trolling attempt here on OF, "nonnas", LMAO!
Disregarding her racism, literally everything else about this woman is repugnant to Null: Canadian, Dzooish but gets plastic surgery to "Westernize" her face so she can pass as a goy, e-thot with a history of extremely online attention seeking behaviour that almost rivals Elaine's, even gets herself arrested for her alt right media employer Rebel News to milk the simps (I don't think Elaine has ever gotten herself deliberately arrested for clout). Perhaps if she was an extremely white blonde blue-eyed Ashkenazi Dzoo Null would rationalize it with "lub is lub" and then dive right in, but nope, she's too dark and shady in every day to be of any interest to him. Sorry not sorry for ruining your lame trolling attempt here on OF, "nonnas", LMAO!
Hating Indian people isn't racism.
Typical lolcow.farm hysteria to claim that I am "white-knighting for Null" because I went and actually fact-checked your made-up bullshit rumours about Anna Slatz dating him. It's not the first time lolcow.farm has tried to use other fora to spread unsubstantiated rumours for trolling purposes. Like, with Null it's always one extreme unsourced rumour followed by another extreme unsourced rumour but in the opposite direction. Either he's a virgin who's never touched a woman, or he's fucking the Kiwis or he's rexeeting some Reduxx articles which inevitably means he must be fucking the female author who wrote them. Either he's running a terrorist website or he's working with the FBI to snitch on terrorists. Either he's living in poverty in the Balkans, or he's sitting on $300k in bitcoins like that Mother Jones author claimed with no receipts whatsoever... There are a lot of people spreading rumours about Null, but Null is a troll so he welcomes that kind of rumour-mongering. He wants people to be gaslit about what's real and what's rumours.

Anyways, y'all crazy and smoking some weird shit over at lolcow.farm for thinking Null would actually bang this woman, I mean look at her, she is beneath Null even:

But Null said adult "androgirls" don't exist! I can see why y'all wanna ship her with Null though, since she also hates Indians like he does:

Disregarding her racism, literally everything else about this woman is repugnant to Null: Canadian, Dzooish but gets plastic surgery to "Westernize" her face so she can pass as a goy, e-thot with a history of extremely online attention seeking behaviour that almost rivals Elaine's, even gets herself arrested for her alt right media employer Rebel News to milk the simps (I don't think Elaine has ever gotten herself deliberately arrested for clout). Perhaps if she was an extremely white blonde blue-eyed Ashkenazi Dzoo Null would rationalize it with "lub is lub" and then dive right in, but nope, she's too dark and shady in every day to be of any interest to him. Sorry not sorry for ruining your lame trolling attempt here on OF, "nonnas", LMAO!
Girlies, lemme ask you this.
If she was dating him, do you think she could resist not making it known? She's already an attention whore. She'd be writing articles about it, she would post pictures. Even if it isn't explicitly stating Josh, a woman like that would want to get as close as she can to spilling the beans as she could without getting Null worked up. But that's also the kind of woman he can't stand, he doesn't want women who will run to social media or to flex online. He really detests someone that puts so much stock into sharing personal experiences and information online. With her desire to use it to propel her career forward and chase clout, Josh would run into conflict quickly.

I do agree while Josh does have his preferred type, he would be open to other people who aren't quite his type physically if they match him personality wise. Most importantly, if they're the kind of girl who doesn't feel the need to share every little thing online and agrees with his beliefs. That will ultimately win over looks for him, I believe.
Whoever LIDL Drip is, they're already both flaunting it by how LIDL Drip is given special privileges on KF and how Null relates to her. You'd have to be autistic to not read more into this. If they at least don't have some pathetic online "romance" of some kind, Null is more insane than I thought because she has pissed off a good chunk of his user base. The other chunk of le oldfags may think it's embarrassing but don't say anything. The idea this is just a long ruse cruise troll and LIDL Drip is male is kind of ridiculous and would make whoever is behind it look extra pathetic, but I won't completely remove it from the realm of possibility either.

If Null was dating someone then he would have chilled out a bit. Committing to someone gives you security. Null has not demonstrated this imo.
The likely candidate would be another nutbag, and you can't tell me that the fundraising thing didn't suddenly manifest without it being part of a larger scheme.

Typical lolcow.farm hysteria to claim that I am "white-knighting for Null" because I went and actually fact-checked your made-up bullshit rumours about Anna Slatz dating him. It's not the first time lolcow.farm has tried to use other fora to spread unsubstantiated rumours for trolling purposes. Like, with Null it's always one extreme unsourced rumour followed by another extreme unsourced rumour but in the opposite direction. Either he's a virgin who's never touched a woman, or he's fucking the Kiwis or he's rexeeting some Reduxx articles which inevitably means he must be fucking the female author who wrote them. Either he's running a terrorist website or he's working with the FBI to snitch on terrorists. Either he's living in poverty in the Balkans, or he's sitting on $300k in bitcoins like that Mother Jones author claimed with no receipts whatsoever... There are a lot of people spreading rumours about Null, but Null is a troll so he welcomes that kind of rumour-mongering. He wants people to be gaslit about what's real and what's rumours.
Message to lolcow.farm trolls cross-posting unsubstantiated rumours onto OnionFarms: this is not a place for you to aggregate unfounded bullshit. If you cross-post here whatever bullshit you're allowed to post unchecked on lolcow.farm, unlike lolcow.farm we will actually fact-check it and call you out if it appears to be some bullshit you made up because you were smoking something. Lay off the drugs and actually do some basic research into people if you want your rumours to appear semi-passable.

There is literally no evidence of Null being social with Anna Slatz other than him supposedly rexeeting her Reduxx articles. There is, on the other hand, overwhelming evidence indicating that Anna Slatz is the very opposite of the kind of woman Null would be ever attracted to or ever agree to date.

- There are no "years long rumours of Null having a TERFy girlfriend". There are years long rumours of Null having an Eastern European or a Ukrainian girlfriend, and speculation that he had moved to the city of Odesa in Ukraine and/or to the city of Belgrade in Serbia to be with this alleged woman. However, those of us who believe this speculation, will readily admit that there is no hard evidence of any of this, other than Null himself dropping little hints on MATI that he had moved in with someone and was doing things with them. (Watching Breaking Bad together, visiting the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, going on trips, etc). There's also speculation that this relationship might have already ended, because Null said on MATI last year: "Never date Slavic women, they will kick your ass." This is the closest Null has ever gotten in recent years to any semblance of a public admission of having been with any woman IRL.

- Null is not a feminist, he is a far-right extremist who expects women to conform to the traditional gender role of wife and mother. Null will openly scorn any woman on his podcast who doesn't fit the very circumscribed gender role he expects her to fulfill. Just because Null agrees with TERFs on transgender issues does not make him a feminist or a TERF. Null agrees with feminists on transgender issues because he hates the idea of feminine men, which is actually the very opposite of feminist ideology which says it's OK for men to be gender non-conforming and feminine.

- Null only likes white WHITE women. He literally said on MATI that his favourite hair type in women, is women with extremely light blonde hair that naturally bleaches in the sun to point of it looking like white hair. I don't know if y'all are a bunch of Amerimutts on lolcow.farms who have never seen indigenous white Caucasians in their natural habitat, but only the whitest of blondes have the kind of blonde hair that naturally bleaches into looking like white hair. This should tell you how white WHITE Null expects his women to be. Anna Slatz with her dark hair and dark eyes looks way too racially mixed for Null's liking.

- Null has mocked women who have gotten facial plastic surgery to hide their non-Western European features. For example, Null mocked Belle Delphie on MATI for getting a nosejob, saying that she only got the nosejob to hide her Dzooishness from her simps (Null said something to the effect of: "She has the nose, and that [Dzooish] nose is still underneath that [nosejob]"). Anna Slatz has had a lot of facial plastic surgery to conform more to traditional Western European beauty standards, so Null would logically mock her the same way he did Belle Delphine. Null clearly thinks that racially mixed women should not be allowed "cheat" their way into whiteness through plastic surgery.

- Null hates e-thots using their bodies for male attention. Anna Slatz is an e-thot using her body for male attention. Everyone who has listened to MATI knows that Null hates Brittany Venti for being an alt right woman who posts pictures of herself for the sake of male attention, so what is the difference between Brittany and Anna? From Null's perspective, they are one and the same, alt right women using their bodies and femininity for male attention. (Perhaps Null hates Brittany slight more than Anna, because Brittany is more overtly racially mixed than Anna.)

- Null said that he expects women, as wives and mothers, to be passive and subservient to the man in their life and to live a homely life. Anna Slatz as an active, opinionated journalist is way too public and active for Null's liking. If Null makes one wrong move against Anna Slatz, she as a journalist can put Null on blast on all her media platforms. There is no way Null would ever risk dating a public figure woman who is tech-literate, with her own media career, with her own access to public platforms, who wouldn't for a moment fear speaking out against him if she feels the need/urgency to do so. Null would only date a woman who is either very tech-ignorant (so he can completely control and oversee/surveil her online usage) or very off-line, who lacks any access to a public platform to denounce him when he's being abusive towards her (which he will eventually be, knowing Null)

- Null said that upon returning to the US, he wants to move either to Texas or Washington DC. Anna Slatz is in NYC, a city Null hates (like LA) for being racially diverse/multicultural. Null also said he wanted to move to a place with "castle doctrine" gun laws so he could own guns and is legally allowed shoot any troons that try to get on his property to mess with him. That place is not NYC, obviously.

This is why Null would never date Anna Slatz, and why Anna Slatz would never date Null.

Oh no, not rumors on an online gossip forum! You're the only one acting hysterical here. Did you type this and your other rant while crying and carving JM into your body? Whatever you have to say on this subject in my opinion is trash because you are so consumed with your bizarre infatuation with him that you think Josh couldn't possibly be a hypocrite, no sir, and his word is good as gold and his rantings on his podcast and forum regarding sex relations are as reliable as when George Washington admitted he chopped down the cherry tree. Of course you are white knighting him. Add that to your complete ignroance of heterosexual relations bretween men and women as demonstrated by these paragraphs.
LIDL Drip is, they're already both flaunting it by how LIDL Drip is given special privileges on KF and how Null relates to her. You'd have to be autistic to not read more into this. If they at least don't have some pathetic online "romance" of some kind, Null is more insane than I thought because she has pissed off a good chunk of his user base. The other chunk of le oldfags may think it's embarrassing but don't say anything. The idea this is just a long ruse cruise troll and LIDL Drip is male is kind of ridiculous and would make whoever is behind it look extra pathetic, but I won't completely remove it from the realm of possibility either.
I'm talkin bout the journo, Lidl is probably a Mandy 2.0 if he/she isn't someone already known.
Whoever LIDL Drip is, they're already both flaunting it by how LIDL Drip is given special privileges on KF and how Null relates to her
Saying lidl is null clearly chaps someone's flaps given how often lidl brings it up completely unprompted in a totally-not-seething way. That alone is reason to keep saying it.

Null is terminally online so if he was e-dating someone he would absolutely equate that to a real physical relationship and I think he would be a simp about it and trash the forum to further advance towards virtual second base, and honestly i think that might be the least embarassing outcome for null if it turns out to be true because otherwise he's having these ragers and screaming shitfit tantrums, trashing his forum and chasing away all the regulars and it's not even for a crumb of virtual pussy.
or he's fucking the Kiwis
I don't think it's that crazy, didn't the fat scene chick admit it?
I mean look at her, she is beneath Null even
She looks more normal than him.
for her alt right media employer Rebel News to milk the simps
I wouldn't call Rebel News alt right, it's owned by embarrassing retard Ezra Levant who sucked oil company cock a decade ago with his "ethical oil" pro-Alberta tar sands campaign and was rightly mocked for his shill (Jew) behavior and is wildly pro-Israel. He is pure neocon and Rebel News is a neocon outlet. He once tried to make a Canadian Fox News on cable but no one would buy it.
Their lovechild's eyes would be a foot apart.
And people claim dysgenics isn't alive and well.
Whoever LIDL Drip is, they're already both flaunting it by how LIDL Drip is given special privileges on KF and how Null relates to her. You'd have to be autistic to not read more into this. If they at least don't have some pathetic online "romance" of some kind, Null is more insane than I thought because she has pissed off a good chunk of his user base. The other chunk of le oldfags may think it's embarrassing but don't say anything. The idea this is just a long ruse cruise troll and LIDL Drip is male is kind of ridiculous and would make whoever is behind it look extra pathetic, but I won't completely remove it from the realm of possibility either.

There's a distinct possibility that Lidl is an autistic woman but even autistic girls can relate to other girls on some things. Lidl doesn't do a good job of that and her anti-male viewpoint is not rooted in a woman's worldview. Lidl very much comes off as someone who has been taking notes from radfem websites and tries to write like a girl. It's good but it's not quite right.

The likely candidate would be another nutbag, and you can't tell me that the fundraising thing didn't suddenly manifest without it being part of a larger scheme.

Most certainly. IMO the exit scam idea is a lot more likely than Null e-dating someone.

Saying lidl is null clearly chaps someone's flaps given how often lidl brings it up completely unprompted in a totally-not-seething way. That alone is reason to keep saying it.

Null is terminally online so if he was e-dating someone he would absolutely equate that to a real physical relationship and I think he would be a simp about it and trash the forum to further advance towards virtual second base, and honestly i think that might be the least embarassing outcome for null if it turns out to be true because otherwise he's having these ragers and screaming shitfit tantrums, trashing his forum and chasing away all the regulars and it's not even for a crumb of virtual pussy.

That's why I like the "gay tranny larping as a woman" theory. It's just so much funnier if Josh is being catfished.
Typical lolcow.farm hysteria to claim that I am "white-knighting for Null" because I went and actually fact-checked your made-up bullshit rumours about Anna Slatz dating him. It's not the first time lolcow.farm has tried to use other fora to spread unsubstantiated rumours for trolling purposes. Like, with Null it's always one extreme unsourced rumour followed by another extreme unsourced rumour but in the opposite direction. Either he's a virgin who's never touched a woman, or he's fucking the Kiwis or he's rexeeting some Reduxx articles which inevitably means he must be fucking the female author who wrote them. Either he's running a terrorist website or he's working with the FBI to snitch on terrorists. Either he's living in poverty in the Balkans, or he's sitting on $300k in bitcoins like that Mother Jones author claimed with no receipts whatsoever... There are a lot of people spreading rumours about Null, but Null is a troll so he welcomes that kind of rumour-mongering. He wants people to be gaslit about what's real and what's rumours.

Anyways, y'all crazy and smoking some weird shit over at lolcow.farm for thinking Null would actually bang this woman, I mean look at her, she is beneath Null even:

But Null said adult "androgirls" don't exist! I can see why y'all wanna ship her with Null though, since she also hates Indians like he does:

Disregarding her racism, literally everything else about this woman is repugnant to Null: Canadian, Dzooish but gets plastic surgery to "Westernize" her face so she can pass as a goy, e-thot with a history of extremely online attention seeking behaviour that almost rivals Elaine's, even gets herself arrested for her alt right media employer Rebel News to milk the simps (I don't think Elaine has ever gotten herself deliberately arrested for clout). Perhaps if she was an extremely white blonde blue-eyed Ashkenazi Dzoo Null would rationalize it with "lub is lub" and then dive right in, but nope, she's too dark and shady in every day to be of any interest to him. Sorry not sorry for ruining your lame trolling attempt here on OF, "nonnas", LMAO!
But that's not how a heterosexual male works. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, he could have pretty much had any woman he wanted yet who did he have an affair with? His bulldyke of a housekeeper. If the Terminator with his myriad of babes risked it all for a 3/10 then how do you think Josh is gonna? Im not saying he is dating this bitch but if you think any woman is off the table then you either have to say he is gay or asexual. You can see how desperate he is for strange with just a crum of female attention and the entire site and personality changing in favour of some winemoms.
Saying lidl is null clearly chaps someone's flaps given how often lidl brings it up completely unprompted in a totally-not-seething way. That alone is reason to keep saying it.

Null is terminally online so if he was e-dating someone he would absolutely equate that to a real physical relationship and I think he would be a simp about it and trash the forum to further advance towards virtual second base, and honestly i think that might be the least embarassing outcome for null if it turns out to be true because otherwise he's having these ragers and screaming shitfit tantrums, trashing his forum and chasing away all the regulars and it's not even for a crumb of virtual pussy.
Lidl is observably a gay man larping as a femcel obsessed with null that has broom powers. Which doesn't eliminate the possibility of it being null himself. If it pisses them off then I'll keep saying it too.