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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
From the Litigation Grift THread
No crypto, no Credit/Debit cards. He ain't go no cigarettes. A broom of means by no means. King of the Hugbox.
Ohai Null, how was your day today?

Aborting every single one of you whinging losers into the center of the sun is the correct answer and I am drawing closer to it all the time.

Okaaayyy... didn't realize uncontrollable rage was a symptom of untreated Covid, but whatever.

Null is hating on Kengle again:

why is the user @Just A Butt angry at user @RACISM??????????
I don't find a formless, thoughtless clay golem of failure funny. The mere concept of Kengle is a source of depression. That we permit these kinds of creatures to wander in darkness on the Internet instead of putting them out of misery is an indictment against the spirit of this world.
Null · Post #653 · Today at 4:21 PM · Forum: Q&A

In context: https://archive.is/8gdlG#selection-4621.0-4621.286

How is Kenneth "skinwalking" you, when he doesn't even know what you look like, silly? How is he "stalking" you when none of us here even know where the fuck you are? Null, you're paranoid. Please get a Covid test ASAP, the infection has probably made its way into your frontal lobe now.

He's been skinwalking and stalking me for literally 11 years and I hope he drops fucking dead. He's like a hulking autistic monster operating on the rules of It Follows. He's desperately trying to fuck me and if he ever shows up to my house when I get one I am dropping the fat tub of shit on the spot. Not a single thing he's ever done is funny and the only remarkable thing about him is what an irredeemable failure he is.

Imagine being so filled with impotent rage and paranoia that you literally wish death upon someone just for running another lolcow forum. It seems like the Covid is really eating its way into Null's brain matter.

In old times, this would be easier understood, but new users don't get it. The New Internet is all about enforcing hard rules and not about people self-regulating and functioning correctly.

Shut your fucking mouth about "the old internet" like you even know what you're talking about, Null.

Null said he's going to implement mutual ignore in Sneedforo, after I asked Kenneth to do the same thing here, so who's "skinwalking" whom actually:

why is the user @Just A Butt angry at user @RACISM??????????
If these two dipshits put each other on ignore there'd literally be no fucking problem but they're both too fucking stupid and hopelessly addicted to being angry on the internet to accomplish that. with the new software i will add a feature for mods to force mutual blocks that can't be undone.
Null · Post #667 · Today at 4:27 PM · Forum: Q&A

Not that Null will ever actually finish programming Sneedforo, but it's still cool that he keeps making promises that he can't keep.
Ohai Null, how was your day today? ...today?

Okaaayyy... didn't realize uncontrollable rage was a symptom of untreated Covid, but whatever.

Null is hating on Kengle again:

How is Kenneth "skinwalking" you, when he doesn't even know what you look like, silly? How is he "stalking" you when none of us here even know where the fuck you are? Null, you're paranoid. Please get a Covid test ASAP, the infection has probably made its way into your frontal lobe now.

Imagine being so filled with impotent rage and paranoia that you literally wish death upon someone just for running another lolcow forum. It seems like the Covid is really eating its way into Null's brain matter. ...matter.

Shut your fucking mouth about "the old internet" like you even know what you're talking about, Null.

Null said he's going to implement mutual ignore in Sneedforo, after I asked Kenneth to do the same thing here, so who's "skinwalking" whom actually:

Not that Null will ever actually finish programming Sneedforo, but it's still cool that he keeps making promises that he can't keep. ...keep.
I feel like when him and the kiwis talk about "old internet", they're talking about how people are more fragile and how you can't get fucking cancelled by slinging slurs around. Everybody back then didn't seem like a soft chimp and there was freedom behind it. Sure there were some funny vids put out back then but who am I to say...All I ever did when it came to the "old internet" was watch pikmin 2 videos and played online flash games like the true blue nerd I am (this shit was like 2009-2011). This is me making a suggestion after all.
Josh is jealous of that mature, masculine charm and charisma that naturally exudes off of Mr. Engelhardt. He has no army of ass-kissers yet can single-handedly stand up to Josh. Mr. Engelhardt also has the gumption to take a step back from his forum and not let it control his life, micro-managing every aspect of it like other admins. Josh wishes he was as cool and Kengel. Kenneth has a cool, calm temperament as well as a commanding presence that beckons respect across people of all ages. You'll never see him autistically lashing out his users like other admins would. He also has no problems with the ladies and can naturally woo women without relying on his e-fame unlike certain admins and this is evident by his previous marriage. Kengel is the man Josh longs to be one. Try as he might, there is only one Kenneth.
inbred freak.png
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Ohai Null, how was your day today?

Okaaayyy... didn't realize uncontrollable rage was a symptom of untreated Covid, but whatever.

Null is hating on Kengle again:

How is Kenneth "skinwalking" you, when he doesn't even know what you look like, silly? How is he "stalking" you when none of us here even know where the fuck you are? Null, you're paranoid. Please get a Covid test ASAP, the infection has probably made its way into your frontal lobe now.

Imagine being so filled with impotent rage and paranoia that you literally wish death upon someone just for running another lolcow forum. It seems like the Covid is really eating its way into Null's brain matter.

Shut your fucking mouth about "the old internet" like you even know what you're talking about, Null.

Null said he's going to implement mutual ignore in Sneedforo, after I asked Kenneth to do the same thing here, so who's "skinwalking" whom actually:

Not that Null will ever actually finish programming Sneedforo, but it's still cool that he keeps making promises that he can't keep.
Good lord, Josh really is sperging out these days. I think Kengle gets under his skin because Null, insecure ban-happy little bitch that he is, cannot handle the idea of someone competing with him. His whole life is him larping Revenge of the Nerds, with him as the king of the outcasts getting back at the people who shoved his deformed head into lockers when he was a kid. If you try to suggest that there's nothing unique about his gay website - that other people are doing the "free speech" thing better, e.g. Torba - he'll usually fly into a rage and (ironically) find an excuse to ban you.

I think probably the bottom line is that it's really getting to him that people are noticing what a lolcow he is. Of course people are going to migrate to this forum when he's banning anybody who says anything negative about him. For example I'm literally only here because he sperged out at me and then banned me while falsely accusing me of sockpuppeting. It's a pure "oh look, the consequences of my own actions" sort of situation, but Josh seems immune to any kind of self-reflection. He just spergs out over and over and is too afflicted with oppositional defiant disorder to consider maybe apologizing or backtracking on any of it. I almost feel sorry for him - it has to be a miserable existence.

I will say this about Null, though. He has apparently managed to grift house-buying money from his retarded sycophants. That was pretty clever of him. I wonder if any of them will have enough spine to be annoyed when he ends up buying a house with it instead of pursuing lawsuits.
I feel like when him and the kiwis talk about "old internet", they're talking about how people are more fragile and how you can't get fucking cancelled by slinging slurs around. Everybody back then didn't seem like a soft chimp and there was freedom behind it. Sure there were some funny vids put out back then but who am I to say...All I ever did when it came to the "old internet" was watch pikmin 2 videos and played online flash games like the true blue nerd I am (this shit was like 2009-2011). This is me making a suggestion after all.
You know what's funny about these people talking about old internet? They don't actually want it, they're so full of themselves.
The main difference between then and now was a lot people generally let people do whatever they want, and everyone was left to their own circles.
I prefer that, I liked it when communities stayed in their old circles.

But the past? KF doesn't want the past, it wants the perks without actually acknowledging the past.
Sure you can argue that back then everyone bullied furries but you know the difference back then was that it generally stayed online, people generally knew they were doing some fucked shit when they dox'd someone and they knew if they were trolling someone they were on some fucked shit but they were honest about that.
Remember Shadman was popular back then, he was famous before infamous. He was featured in so many podcasts and friend groups, he was truly an e-celeb. Like there were, and still are, so many fucked animations on NewGrounds and no one cared. You would be laughed at if you tried making that a problem, because back then everyone was edgy. Porn was everywhere, and no one cared then.
Everything the past was, KF is not.

Their desired past is being able to say Nigger, Faggot, and Tranny without getting into trouble while also wanting be some kind of moral-guide on everything.
Reason: typo
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You know what's funny about these people talking about old internet? They don't actually want it, they're so full of themselves.
The main difference between then and now was a lot people generally let people do whatever they want, and everyone was left to their own circles.
I prefer that, I liked it when communities stayed in their old circles.

But the past? KF doesn't want the past, it wants the perks without actually acknowledging the past.
Sure you can argue that back then everyone bullied furries but you know the difference back then was that it generally stayed online, people generally knew they were doing some fucked shit they dox'd someone and they knew if they were trolling someone they were on some fucked shit but they were honest about that.
Remember Shadman was popular back then, he was famous before infamous. He was featured in so many podcasts and friend groups, he was truly an e-celeb. Like there were, and still are, so many fucked animations on NewGrounds and no one cared. You would be laughed at if you tried making that a problem, because back then everyone was edgy. Porn was everywhere, and no one cared then. ...then.
Everything the past was, KF is not.

Their desired past is being able to say Nigger, Faggot, and Tranny without getting into trouble while also wanting be some kind of moral-guide on everything.
If we had some damn time machines, alot of the old shit would've been present today
Over 40 pages and 34 pages in is the screenshots I took.

Null accusing people of socking like it's not his fault they have to for being a sensitive snowflake bitch boy who can't take what he dishes out.

Deer feeder feeding the trolls and once again proving why people have to sock on his site.

Someone isn't taking his own advice and ignoring people trying to get more of his butthurt reactions like the one he just gave.

Null bitching and buffalo cube mention.:buffalocube: He loves taking away pfps that trigger him

They will just sock up and this will only validate their need to. Just stop inserting yourself into drama if you're going to just get butthurt over it. You're supposed to be laughing. This is a site for laughing at retarded people but all it does is rage about null. Hopefully he goes into cardiac arrest.

Onion farms went down for a little bit right before I could post this. I even checked the is it down for everyone or just me sites.
joshy, thinking about his life, Dyn... and he has a sudden revelation...
What's that broom... you understand that you can't just go around saying shit? And to think how butt hurt you got when Epik said you had CP on your hugbox.

eta: Dyn raped a dead horse. factz.