I am not here to defend YandereDev, to defend someone that retarded is a sure way to sign your own eventual death, but to provide a recounting from YandereDev's scandal and catalogue Kiwifarm's reaction to it. This post will not provide the backstory to YandereDev himself, or any other scandals up to this point.
Notes: Just to avoid any possible bias, or prejudice, leaking in.
The story thus far:
On Monday, 9/25/2023, Null makes a happening post about YandereDev grooming a 16-year old minor, alias named Jelly. As an e-celeb known as AllyMcC makes an expose video [1] Immediately the narrative is set that Yandev is either manipulating and/or using the victim's name to take down the videos. [2] The kiwifarms thread from page 2376 till 2387 proceed to pat themselves on the back saying they called it, and of course argue the age of consent. [3] During this time his volunteer team has begun leaving and somewhere along the time line Yandev makes a post himself [4] During this time the alleged victim goes on a stream with someone called CameronF305. The stream itself was a complete diaster and honestly morbidly funny because while the alleged victim is being asked inappropriate questions with TTS super-chats going off while she's talking. [5] In the stream though she goes onto to say she was pushed into making the video and she didn't want to make it, that in fact AllyMcC is just a clout-seeker and doesn't care about victims. This is further added onto by her reddit post where she pleads with the e-celeb to not release the video. [6] (I would like to point out throughout this entire ordeal I haven't seen anyone directly involved contact the police, or even attempt to contact the victim's parents.) During this time the minor is still in the fucking server, and still talking with YanDev. Which of course is odd. [5][7]
Then on 9/28/2023 a recently made user named GoharMaria makes two posts that contain information about the victim themselves. [8] (Again where the fuck are the police, or parents?) The information provided was in a Google Drive has since been purged. I would not link it otherwise, as it might contain illegal imagery theorized by posters from the thread. However from this information now it would imply the victim wasn't actually 16, and was in fact 18. [9]
(We're now caught up.)
One of the images archived and posted from the kiwifarmers, alleged to be from the Google Drive was this.
Truly I just wanted everyone to see this psycho shit.

Notes: Just to avoid any possible bias, or prejudice, leaking in.
- Bias:
As I dug into this story more, and more, there were little faults and errors that make this whole situation a lot more sketchy than usual and I wanted to catalogue it. When I had first heard this story I assumed YandereDev had messaged someone 16 first, and had begun flirting with her. I assumed when some videos were being taken down it was completely done in malicious intent. I say all this to clarify my original position, and to acknowledge the power of any documentary. Documentaries are inherently a manipulative tools, we understand that people can create narratives if you leave out information and/or focus on certain elements more: By this very acknowledgement I am admitting I could have very easily just walked away and just say: "Yandev's a pedo, who cares." but I truly do believe there's a lot more to this scandal than a jab.- Sources:
All sources I could have archived I have archived, however there are some sources I dare not touch.[1]- All, or any, relation:
Back then when I first saw this game I thought it was a neat idea, but I've seen so many vaporware games I thought he just abandon it and be another nameless dev. On 8ch I twice called him a faggot. I told him his new fans will eventually eat him alive and celebrate it, that despite how harsh we all could be he will regret flipping us all off. I still wished him good luck.- Acknowledgement:
I am a random internet user who uses a gay orc as his pfp. Everything I say is merely my opinion based on the facts I see thus far.
The timeline of events might be scrambled, but I did the best I could do to convey this entire story coherently and accurately as possible.
All sources are at the bottom.
The story thus far:
On Monday, 9/25/2023, Null makes a happening post about YandereDev grooming a 16-year old minor, alias named Jelly. As an e-celeb known as AllyMcC makes an expose video [1] Immediately the narrative is set that Yandev is either manipulating and/or using the victim's name to take down the videos. [2] The kiwifarms thread from page 2376 till 2387 proceed to pat themselves on the back saying they called it, and of course argue the age of consent. [3] During this time his volunteer team has begun leaving and somewhere along the time line Yandev makes a post himself [4] During this time the alleged victim goes on a stream with someone called CameronF305. The stream itself was a complete diaster and honestly morbidly funny because while the alleged victim is being asked inappropriate questions with TTS super-chats going off while she's talking. [5] In the stream though she goes onto to say she was pushed into making the video and she didn't want to make it, that in fact AllyMcC is just a clout-seeker and doesn't care about victims. This is further added onto by her reddit post where she pleads with the e-celeb to not release the video. [6] (I would like to point out throughout this entire ordeal I haven't seen anyone directly involved contact the police, or even attempt to contact the victim's parents.) During this time the minor is still in the fucking server, and still talking with YanDev. Which of course is odd. [5][7]
Then on 9/28/2023 a recently made user named GoharMaria makes two posts that contain information about the victim themselves. [8] (Again where the fuck are the police, or parents?) The information provided was in a Google Drive has since been purged. I would not link it otherwise, as it might contain illegal imagery theorized by posters from the thread. However from this information now it would imply the victim wasn't actually 16, and was in fact 18. [9]
(We're now caught up.)
One of the images archived and posted from the kiwifarmers, alleged to be from the Google Drive was this.
Truly I just wanted everyone to see this psycho shit.

Original: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/evaxep...uart-mahan-cannotgoogleme.19311/post-16855888
Archive: https://archive.ph/Nprya
Original: Archive: https://archive.ph/a6sox
Original: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/evaxep...-cannotgoogleme.19311/page-2385#post-16858225
Archive: https://archive.ph/kuTrC
Original: https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2023/09/25/im-sorry/#more-16293
Archive: https://archive.ph/cuNFd
Original:Archive: https://odysee.com/Giving_YandereDevs_victim_a_platform:d
Original: Archive: https://archive.ph/OUFAj
Original: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/evaxep...-cannotgoogleme.19311/page-2392#post-16865646
Archive: https://archive.vn/z9SZp
Original: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/evaxep...-cannotgoogleme.19311/page-2394#post-16872102
Archive: https://archive.ph/NkOcD
Original: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/evaxep...r-stuart-mahan-cannotgoogleme.19311/page-2395
Archive: https://archive.ph/7cyN9
Reason: Hyperlinks, and typos.
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