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Clown World - USA Woke Person Explains Kink to a 10 Year Old

You sound like you're Hathaway fucked up rn. You been boozin?
Reason: Believe me I can tell when somebody's not sober
So your 10 year old child was exposed to some 18+ imagery at a "pride" parade. That's the real problem.
Pride parades have an extra adult zone for all that stuff.
But there are always some retarded parents that insist on bringing their children to the adult parts.
Pride parades have an extra adult zone for all that stuff.
But there are always some retarded parents that insist on bringing their children to the adult parts.

Is the responsibility solely on the parents or is it on the people who hold the event for letting fucking children into an over 18 pornographic area?

I mean shame on both of them but I remember I couldn't even sneak into NC-17 movies when I was 15.

The fucking local AMC in the 90s ran by teenage ushers shouldn't have a better screening process for adult content than a 2020s live event.
Is the responsibility solely on the parents or is it on the people who hold the event for letting fucking children into an over 18 pornographic area?

I mean shame on both of them but I remember I couldn't even sneak into NC-17 movies when I was 15.

The fucking local AMC in the 90s ran by teenage ushers shouldn't have a better screening process for adult content than a 2020s live event.
Movie theaters allow a child to watch r-rated movies when they're accompanied by their parents.
And theaters actually own the property. The parade organizers don't even have the authority to ban an adult with his child from entering in the first place.
Movie theaters allow a child to watch r-rated movies when they're accompanied by their parents.

R and NC-17 are two different ratings.

And theaters actually own the property. The parade organizers don't even have the authority to ban an adult with his child from entering in the first place.

I don't know where you're from but here in America live event organizers can absolutely keep people out of certain areas. Even at festivals that are set up downtown in my city they have VIP areas as well as restricted areas that are only for certain people.

That whole "well they don't own the property so they don't have the authority" is horse shit. There is a reason that they had to legally get permits and fill out paperwork to set up these festivals. You can't just throw a fucking parade whenever you want.

That's as ridiculous as saying someone who doesn't own the property but pays rent to a landlord can't keep a repeat shoplifter from coming into their store because they don't own the property.

I guess you could come over to my house tonight and drink beer and watch TV without my permission because I rent 😂
R and NC-17 are two different ratings.
Seems pointless.
In the end no matter what you do, the responsibility lies with the parents. Nothing stops them from bringing hardcore porn home and let their children watch it.

That's as ridiculous as saying someone who doesn't own the property but pays rent to a landlord can't keep a repeat shoplifter from coming into their store because they don't own the property.
Except that all happens on private property, not public. A shoplifter can't be banned from a public sidewalk.
Seems pointless.
In the end no matter what you do, the responsibility lies with the parents. Nothing stops them from bringing hardcore porn home and let their children watch it.

And that's exactly where people doing weird shit with their kids should stay: at home. It's a lot less easy to give your kids access to pedophilic content when there aren't a bunch of coked out gay men grinding on each other at a live event.

Except that all happens on private property, not public. A shoplifter can't be banned from a public sidewalk.

A live event/outdoor festival is organized by a group and they have the right to keep you out. I'm speaking from the experience of having worked in my early twenties for things like this.

I understand that they are holding the event in a public place, but those little guardrails that they set up all around their event aren't for show. The security guards they have there aren't for show either.

All the paperwork and permits that they get to hold events like that in public are basically permission from the city to temporarily become a private place. I mean fuck, they charge you money just to get into Oktoberfest and St Patrick's Day here, how can they do that when Grant park is public?

I mean we just have to face facts and call it like we see it: letting children into gay pride parades where there is going to be live sexually based content between adults is disgusting and should break the law. And in some places that are based like Florida they actually are putting their foot down and making it a crime.
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And that's exactly where people doing weird shit with their kids should stay: at home.
How is that better? Home is where kids get raped when they have pervert parents.
I rather have people be open perverts than secret ones so I know who I shouldn't let near other kids.
How is that better? Home is where kids get raped when they have pervert parents.

No I mean in the context of giving a kid porn at home is much better than taking them to a graphically sexual live event with real adults.

I mean Jesus was I the only kid in the neighborhood whose dad let have Playboys? But he certainly didn't take me to the strip club 😂

I rather have people be open perverts than secret ones so I know who I shouldn't let near other kids.

Yea exactly. But most of these assholes are "AlLiEs" of the community and don't realize the fucking recruiting that's happening before their eyes.

Most of them are too stupid and have good intentions of inclusivity and open-mindedness to realize that children that young are just starting to normalize sexuality.

They don't need deviants going LOOK AT THIS!!! LOOK AT IT!!!! When they're coming to terms with what turns them on. That's how you warp people in a Pavlovian manner.

You ever notice how most gay couples have gay or trans kids? How most bottoms were molested as kids? Thats not coincidental.
I remember how insanely horny the tame no penetration porn on the spice channel would get me.

Nowadays kids are jacking it to Asian tranny femboy bestiality hentai porn and every girl who gives a blowjob in a porn since 2005 makes a disgusting sound like you're trying to shove a rubber glove down the garbage disposal.

I miss late '90s porn man. Back when you can actually see a white girl fuck a white guy, pussy was called pussy because IT HAD FUR ON IT AND IT'S BREATH SMELLED LIKE TUNA, the dicks were circumcised and anal wasn't in every scene, it was the main event.

Cue Randy Marsh blowing a load all over himself to two girls one cup and Asian girls puking in eachothers mouths.
giphy (3).gif
A live event/outdoor festival is organized by a group and they have the right to keep you out. I'm speaking from the experience of having worked in my early twenties for things like this.
Can confirm. I have watched unruly drunks be escorted out of things like this by security and the actual cops they have. The cops are usually there setting up road blocks so no one drives through a crowd of people like bowling pins. Sometimes they even have horseback cops which is cool to see. Plenty of fairs, parades, and carnivals with rides all work this way even if they're in a public area.
I mean Jesus was I the only kid in the neighborhood whose dad let have Playboys? But he certainly didn't take me to the strip club 😂
I had plenty of porn mags my parents were aware of.