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Clown World - USA Woke Person Explains Kink to a 10 Year Old

I like to think it was on purpose but stuff like that happens a lot so it could've been an accident too.

I remember how insanely horny the tame no penetration porn on the spice channel would get me.

Nowadays kids are jacking it to Asian tranny femboy bestiality hentai porn and every girl who gives a blowjob in a porn since 2005 makes a disgusting sound like you're trying to shove a rubber glove down the garbage disposal.

I miss late '90s porn man. Back when you can actually see a white girl fuck a white guy, pussy was called pussy because IT HAD FUR ON IT AND IT'S BREATH SMELLED LIKE TUNA, the dicks were circumcised and anal wasn't in every scene, it was the main event.

Speaking to anyone under 18 about sex that isn't your kid is PEDOPHILIA. Same goes for taking your own children to sexualized events like pride parades where they have half naked faggots with vaseline and feces still on their dicks.

It should not be normalized and that's gross.
High school sex ed class isn't PEDOPHILIA, unless they're displaying outright pornography during the lessons. Agree parents who take children to see sexualized events is messed up.
High school sex ed class isn't PEDOPHILIA, unless they're displaying outright pornography during the lessons. Agree parents who take children to see sexualized events is messed up.

To the best of my knowledge high school sex ed classes have to be approved by your parents. That's educational, preventative, hygienic, and supervised by (what used to be) normal educated people.

If you can't see the difference between some agenda driven homo talking about being a furry with a kindergartener and the lady who came in when you were in 10th grade and showed you how to put a condom on with a banana, then I don't know what to tell you.

Now look maybe I should have worded it a little bit better, but you knew what I was talking about.
If you can't see the difference between some agenda driven homo talking about being a furry with a kindergartener and the lady who came in when you were in 10th grade and showed you how to put a condom on with a banana, then I don't know what to tell you.
I do see the difference.
Now look maybe I should have worded it a little bit better, but you knew what I was talking about.
I didn't because I am autism. :optimistic:
On another note though I know enough about tik tok at this point that I know that they should fire bomb the homes of anyone who's ever used tik tok
My favorite esham song is mental stress because of the hardcore KKK rant breakdown in the middle of the song in the background 😂
Damn, that's some deep cut shizz. A1 Yola is my favorite album overall because I was out being ignorant in a city doing some shit when it came out lol
But for real, Venus Flytrap
Sorry, you can't appreciate it. Imagine it was about yellow girls?
Esham deep cut huh?

Lmao mad respect fool. This was when his like 16 year old ass was recording off two tape decks played at each other.
If you ever read Violent J from ICP's auto biography, Esham basically came and put a shot gun down his mouth. And so a couple crackers from Detroit got out on the Acid Rap tip. Did you like any of Natas? I always liked Esham more than the clowns and still fuck with him.
I'll let you have a taste of sincerity.
His song about being homeless to the boneless has made me cry a time or two.
It's some real shit, especially for niggas too dumb or green to hustle. But fuck bro, muh feelers
But nigga, they had feelings too 😔
I guess nigga, you was never a nigga whores could skim off of. But it really do be like that for those of us that don't have to date on Vietnam or whatever 💅🏻

Vietnam lol. Totally dating the chick who said me love you long time in full metal jacket.

I don't know they're just fake gross people. I never really liked their music because it's not very good or entertaining, and I don't like the way that they hustle their fans the way they do. I don't remember which album it was I think it was malenko or something, they released like six different colors of the same album. They do that all the time, they released the same CD with 18 different covers so they're idiot fans will buy all of them.

ICP is music for extremely skinny dudes with very morbidly obese girlfriends, or very morbidly obese dudes who don't have girlfriends.

Fucking couple of drug addicts and one of them has a furry for a daughter 😂