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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Why were you banned from kiwi farms?

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
if you were underage you deserved to get banned
I'm not, that's what is funny. They were calling me a child while acting like children and banned me for upsetting them. I consider it a projection and a win. Plus let's be real, if they banned everyone who is actually underage it would be like thanos snapped their site. They think I'm @interstellar walker and ban evading but the reason they put was underage ban. They could have put whatever they want but it always translates to they got butthurt.
I did literally nothing wrong.
I PM'd someone I thought I was on good terms with, shared my personal email which they then used to dox me and a month long circle jerk of cruelty and lies started.
A PM chain started with several of the jannies and apparently I'm not allowed to speak my mind about them to their faces so here we are.
Nearly 10 damn years and several hundred dollars gone just because I was too trusting.
I just want to speak my mind about current events and be left alone. I hope that this is a place that I can do that
just came back from your wall everyone is currently spitting on it , as is tradition





I did literally nothing wrong.
I PM'd someone I thought I was on good terms with, shared my personal email which they then used to dox me and a month long circle jerk of cruelty and lies started.
A PM chain started with several of the jannies and apparently I'm not allowed to speak my mind about them to their faces so here we are.
Nearly 10 damn years and several hundred dollars gone just because I was too trusting.
I just want to speak my mind about current events and be left alone. I hope that this is a place that I can do that
Yeah, that's kiwifarms for you now. They only want mindless goons as a personal army so free speech isn't allowed. To be agreeable on that site means not speaking your mind and only saying basic shit like "yes this lolcow is bad and dumb, fuck pedophiles, i hate trannies" and sometimes reacting occasionally. Basically you aren't allowed to have a real personality and be part of the KiwiFarmsHivemind.exe.
just came back from your wall everyone is currently spitting on it , as is tradition
Those people got very rude and nasty very quickly but some of the bants are funny.
Are you actually retarded?
So it would seem. I let my guard down with someone who had been quite friendly and they immediately ran with it for upvotes and dopamine. RACISM is one of these people who wants to build a name for himself and I should have known better.
If I may ask, did you just donate to the site or were you a MATI listener as well? Did you superchat Null?
Both. I probably sent $400 USD+ over the years. My superchats were always sent anonymously but you could usually tell which ones were mine because they usually had cringey videos attached.
Yeah, that's kiwifarms for you now. They only want mindless goons as a personal army so free speech isn't allowed. To be agreeable on that site means not speaking your mind and only saying basic shit like "yes this lolcow is bad and dumb, fuck pedophiles, i hate trannies" and sometimes reacting occasionally. Basically you aren't allowed to have a real personality and be part of the KiwiFarmsHivemind.exe.
The group think is the worst part of KF. I get it with the main guys a-logging me. Throw shit at the wall, see what sticks and then double down forever. But I could tell there were people who unironically believed the shitposts. They warped me saying I once changed a relative's diaper when they were a baby into me being some sort of sick fuck that's into shit play and diapers.
I've been cringey, autistic and generally too open about myself but I'm not some sort of nonce.
I'm simply too based to be allowed to post in the Kiwifarms.
I ran two accounts, but he never caught on. The worst I got was a threadban.

The accounts were not socks. I had to make the second one to get away from being stalked all over the site by Wonder Wino for more than six months straight. The threadban was actually over her* in the first place. She flipped out at some offhand comment I made about Lucas Werner, and from there dedicated half a year on end to following my older account absolutely everywhere. She would attempt to bait me several times each day. When that didn't work, she started pinging my username and spamming my profile. When I blocked her, she continued following me everywhere and using the stickers as revenge, negging every single comment I ever made.

I finally had enough, unblocked her just once and read her the riot act in front of the whole site. That was what got me the threadban. Josh and some janny considered it alogging.

KF was half-useless to me if I couldn't participate in that thread-- it was my main reason for even joining in the first place. So I made a second account and successfully ran it for a couple of years.

The last time I posted on KF was a year ago. What made me quit once and for all was that incident that happened after that fucking tranny managed to hack into the user database and abuse random inactive accounts by phoning in actual swattings in the usernames of the account holders. That and Josh's stupid bullheaded response to it. He refused to delete accounts for users' safety, or even to close the chat that the hacker had breached in the first place. My second account was easy enough to deal with-- I gave it a long random password and then abandoned it. My first account was linked to an old e-mail address that was long closed down-- and when I went to try to open it up with only my account name and password, it bricked itself out, and that autistic idiot refused to delete it, or even send me a reset to an active e-mail. I even explained that I did not want to post again, but just to change the password in order to keep Fong from attempting a brute-force. Josh basically told me to pound sand. So I did. Never used the site again, except to lurk at the funnier threads and to monitor the safety of both accounts.

*I guessed Wonder Wino as a woman because she was basically behaving like Alicia Silverstone's character in "The Crush"-- only she is a grown adult, which I know because of all the IRS/Social Security/psych degree powerleveling she likes to do, when ranting away for pages and pages at a time on Werner's thread. I would stake the highest odds in the world on that creature not being male. Not even the gayest of gay men are that bad.
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I did literally nothing wrong.
I PM'd someone I thought I was on good terms with, shared my personal email which they then used to dox me and a month long circle jerk of cruelty and lies started.
A PM chain started with several of the jannies and apparently I'm not allowed to speak my mind about them to their faces so here we are.
Nearly 10 damn years and several hundred dollars gone just because I was too trusting.
I just want to speak my mind about current events and be left alone. I hope that this is a place that I can do that
welcome to the club, pal. enjoy your stay!
I screengrabbed this from a MATI episode because it shows you what a banned account looks like from Null's point of view:


1) Null can see the strike-through bar on banned accounts. He won't let anyone else see this because he doesn't want outsiders or Kiwis to be able to see just how many accounts he has banned.

2) "byuu" posted a direct link to the same malware that the hacker had sent to Claire Chudsbuds, but the KF moderator who found the malware post before Null banned byuu apparently didn't see fit to delete it. That other mod just added "don't run this you retards" at the bottom of the malware and left it as is.

Let it sink in, Kiwis: if you post a link to actual malware on KF, the moderators and Null will not remove it. They'll just add a "don't run this" notice at the bottom, almost as an invitation to some of the crazier people on KF to go ahead and download it and run it.

On the other hand, if you report actual persistent technical issues, you will get gaslit, guilt-tripped, insulted, and eventually banned.
1) Null can see the strike-through bar on banned accounts. He won't let anyone else see this because he doesn't want outsiders or Kiwis to be able to see just how many accounts he has banned.
I've never figured out why that was omitted from public viewing. I'd like to see which users were suspended.

Also, I feel there's an inconsistency of "reaction images" being a no-no when I'd see reaction images used in the US Politics thread or even moderators themselves.
I screengrabbed this from a MATI episode because it shows you what a banned account looks like from Null's point of view:

View attachment 38721

1) Null can see the strike-through bar on banned accounts. He won't let anyone else see this because he doesn't want outsiders or Kiwis to be able to see just how many accounts he has banned.

2) "byuu" posted a direct link to the same malware that the hacker had sent to Claire Chudsbuds, but the KF moderator who found the malware post before Null banned byuu apparently didn't see fit to delete it. That other mod just added "don't run this you retards" at the bottom of the malware and left it as is.

Let it sink in, Kiwis: if you post a link to actual malware on KF, the moderators and Null will not remove it. They'll just add a "don't run this" notice at the bottom, almost as an invitation to some of the crazier people on KF to go ahead and download it and run it.

On the other hand, if you report actual persistent technical issues, you will get gaslit, guilt-tripped, insulted, and eventually banned.
Oh damn, That minecraft shit was funny. Honestly, if you run shit someone posted on kf you deserve whatever comes to you. lmao
Also, I feel there's an inconsistency of "reaction images" being a no-no when I'd see reaction images used in the US Politics thread or even moderators themselves.
Definitely, I once posted a picture intending to show the thread's subject could clean themselves up and look decent if they wanted but some autistic mod thought it was a reaction image for some reason and deleted my post.
I've never figured out why that was omitted from public viewing. I'd like to see which users were suspended.
he said it was a security/privacy reason something about peoples profiles being private , he made that public so no one could hide them anymore but the caveat of doing that, was that the strike-through on banned accounts was gone. really shoulda fixed that , happened back in 2021 , no mention of it ever being fixed , he just moves on to another project til he loses interest in that [ a forum built on rust, a streaming platform, writing a sequel to the sidewalk ends manifesto. etc. ]
I've never figured out why that was omitted from public viewing. I'd like to see which users were suspended.

he said it was a security/privacy reason something about peoples profiles being private , he made that public so no one could hide them anymore but the caveat of doing that, was that the strike-through on banned accounts was gone. really shoulda fixed that , happened back in 2021 , no mention of it ever being fixed
Was the the reason? I thought it was just that he didn't want outsiders to be able to see just how many people he has banned so can inflate the perception of level of activity on the site?