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Clown World - USA Why I drink my Wife's Breast Milk Everyday

based of kengle to admit this
The first one I just chowed down on right then and there in the emergency room once the doctors left, the other two I took home in a container and sauteed it with onions and peppers. It tastes kind of like kobe beef.
I would have paid to see a man eat a raw placenta in a hospital live in person.
I would have paid to see a man eat a raw placenta in a hospital live in person.
I wasn't able to eat a lot of the first one because it was so chewy.

I will say this though I don't know if it's psychosomatic or not, but the sex is way better with her after you eat the placenta. I guess because maybe you broke the ultimate taboo and now you can do anything with each other. But yeah, the sex was always SPECTACULAR after the placenta eating.

I don't even know why I did it other than the fact that I'm probably a sociopath lol. I mean I just wanted to feel closer to my babies and since I couldn't give birth or breastfeed, eating the placenta was the next best thing.