I shop at the local wet market because it has the best ingredients for bat soup.
Lame ass cover story about a bat causing Covid. That shit was Chink crafted and American funded.
I shop at the local wet market because it has the best ingredients for bat soup.
The Soviets accidentally leaked a bioweapon (not saying that's what China did), and their solution was to completely abandon the whole area surrounding the laboratory and let nature take it back.Lame ass cover story about a bat causing Covid. That shit was Chink crafted and American funded.
The Soviets accidentally leaked a bioweapon (not saying that's what China did), and their solution was to completely abandon the whole area surrounding the laboratory and let nature take it back.
The CCP could have sealed the area and let everyone inside die (sorta like the plot of The Simpsons Movie) and I think if it were an accident this is what would have happened.
One variant I heard was a janitor at the lab sold dead animals (including bats) at the wet market instead of disposing them properly, which puts a nice bow on the multiple theories.Lame ass cover story about a bat causing Covid. That shit was Chink crafted and American funded.
To be fair pictures of the lab showed that it had really subpar standards when it came to safety. And it's not like they haven't had SARS outbreaks prior in Beijing because of poor safety standards.One variant I heard was a janitor at the lab sold dead animals (including bats) at the wet market instead of disposing them properly, which puts a nice bow on the multiple theories.
To be fair pictures of the lab showed that it had really subpar standards when it came to safety. And it's not like they haven't had SARS outbreaks prior in Beijing because of poor safety standards.
In this case though it was the Obama administration selling it to the Canadians who sold it to the Chinese.
We have evidence that the Obama administration was outsourcing gain of research function.I still go with the theory of they made it to kill off their elderly and weren't expecting it to spread so quickly and become a global thing, or the more simpler solution which was it was one of the myriad of bioeapons. America buys but it's not allowed to make so they have other countries make it for them.
I mean remember when this whole thing started the people who were saying it was a lab leak were called conspiracy theorist and now the lab leak theory is the standard explanation.
Do you guys not remember the CDC official that went missing the year before covid?
They had a huge cash reward to find him and it was a huge deal and suddenly out of nowhere the guy just turns up dead ruled as a suicide? That dog don't hunt. Why would you offer a cash reward to find someone unless I don't know... Maybe they stole something from where they worked and were selling it to another country?
I don't know me and the missus like to go down what we call "believable rabbit holes" when it comes to conspiracy theories and we fill the dots in a little bit, and I don't think that this kind of stuff is very far off base. That's a really coincidental timeline to have a fucking CDC employee go missing and then turn up two months later dead in a river only to have the largest global pandemic in over a century hit the following year.
We have evidence that the Obama administration was outsourcing gain of research function.
Well no this is after the fact and with much investigation into it. We're only now finding out that the whole thing was gain function or better known as bio weaponsYou mean we have the company line that the party is telling us.
Well no this is after the fact and with much investigation into it. We're only now finding out that the whole thing was gain function or better known as bio weapons
research project. This of course is nearly a decade's worth of governmental misconduct just now being talked about. And mostly only speculation
I'd have to the look the info as there was multiple agencies across multiple country's.Who did the investigation?
I'd have to the look the info as there was multiple agencies across multiple country's.
My dad always told me that the government rarely does things for just one reason; they usually have multiple motivations. Many of the reasons you mentioned are exactly that: fear, complacency, and profit.They manufactured the virus to harvest the masses fear. When they can make billions of people scared that is a very powerful currency, in several ways.
Additionally, they can use it as a test run for future obedience. If they can make billions get a vaccine, wear masks, cut off family and stop going to church due to manufactured fear they can make you do anything. Need a vaccine to go to school, work, or participate in fun activities like concerts/festivals? Great. Now you need a chip.
FtfyExactly. The governments
There is a handful of concerts that I had to get refunds for because I wouldn't show a vaccination card.They manufactured the virus to harvest the masses fear. When they can make billions of people scared that is a very powerful currency, in several ways.
Additionally, they can use it as a test run for future obedience. If they can make billions get a vaccine, wear masks, cut off family and stop going to church due to manufactured fear they can make you do anything. Need a vaccine to go to school, work, or participate in fun activities like concerts/festivals? Great. Now you need a chip.
Lucky you have a wise family. My parents are from a medical background and I had to hear begging to get me to get the vaxx years later. Even last year I had to deal with it, they'll just bring it up out of thin air. It's gotten to where my mom will agree that big pharma doesn't have our best interests in mind/is out to profit but the vaxx is totally different because reasons.My dad always told me that the government rarely does things for just one reason; they usually have multiple motivations. Many of the reasons you mentioned are exactly that: fear, complacency, and profit.
It's no coincidence that they released it when they did. It wreaked havoc at a time that was most convenient politically for the United States, which helped disrupt the 2016 election. It also took people's minds off the riots and brought about significant social change.
Lucky you have a wise family. My parents are from a medical background and I had to hear begging to get me to get the vaxx years later. Even last year I had to deal with it, they'll just bring it up out of thin air. It's gotten to where my mom will agree that big pharma doesn't have our best interests in mind/is out to profit but the vaxx is totally different because reasons.
I don't think it takes a high IQ to be a nurse.
At first, I received considerable pushback from friends and family regarding the vaccine, and I lost a few job opportunities as a result. However, I didn't give in to any of it. Thus far, I'm glad I avoided it. The vaccine seems to be ineffective at best, and at worst, it seems to be causing heart inflammation. What still bothers me is the wearing of masks. I couldn't convince a single one of my family members that it was completely ineffective, and that it contributed to respiratory problems.Lucky you have a wise family. My parents are from a medical background and I had to hear begging to get me to get the vaxx years later. Even last year I had to deal with it, they'll just bring it up out of thin air. It's gotten to where my mom will agree that big pharma doesn't have our best interests in mind/is out to profit but the vaxx is totally different because reasons.
I don't think it takes a high IQ to be a nurse.
At first, I received considerable pushback from friends and family regarding the vaccine, and I lost a few job opportunities as a result. However, I didn't give in to any of it. Thus far, I'm glad I avoided it. The vaccine seems to be ineffective at best, and at worst, it seems to be causing heart inflammation. What still bothers me is the wearing of masks. I couldn't convince a single one of my family members that it was completely ineffective, and that it contributed to respiratory problems.